<> == Next Meeting == Next meeting is Tuesday, '''June 25, 6:30-8:00''' at the Open Lab Idaho, next door to the Reuseum, 108 West 33rd Street Garden City, ID 83714. [[https://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF-8&q=reuseum&fb=1&gl=us&hq=reuseum&hnear=0x54aef172e947b49d:0x9a5b989b36679d9b,Boise,+ID&cid=0,0,3700450128887822794&ei=fXqfUKLnEMWUjALPvIDIBw&ved=0CJcBEPwSMAA|map]] <> == Agenda == Please add your agenda items for the team meeting below: '''Major topic(s):''' Desktop Eyecandy We will discuss Unity, take a side trip into Gnome and KDE variants, discuss the evolution and current use of Compiz, including the Cube, a bit on toggles and navigation, Cariodock/Docky, and if time allows Conky. A slightly dated but useful link: [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy|Ubuntu Eye Candy]]. == Monthly Meetings == The June meeting will be the last 'regularly scheduled' meeting until further notice. We may continue to have special topics meetings and events. We will announce them via mailing list, our G+ page as well as this wiki. We are keeping the online items in place, but until we find someone that can accomodate the regular meeting functions (find and schedule speakers, send monthly announcements, update minutes, etc) the group will return to 'special meetings only' status. If you are interested in taking on the leadership role, please do not hesitate to contact us at contact@ubuntuidaho.org. == Minutes == Please go here for Team [[IdahoTeam/Meetings/Minutes|Minutes]].