Incident Description

Apport could not create new bug reports in Launchpad.

Crisis Response Team


All times are in UTC.

The bug 538097 contains the majority of the story. Below are highlights, with extra information at the end not included in the bug report because it is security related.


Bug is first reported as apport problem.


Bug is categorized as possibly a Launchpad problem. Rick Spencer highlights issue to Launchpad and Canonical Desktop teams.


No action.



07:57: Steve McInerney announces that change has been rolled out to production




Launchpad has automated tests and QA processes for testing browser interactions with the system. We do not have these things for other other Launchpad clients, except as tests for launchpadlib itself.

The Launchpad team should identify key non-browser clients, such as apport, and integrate them into our automated tests and QA. Production changes should not proceed without QA on these key clients. It would be nice to be able to sometimes assert that this kind of QA is unnecessary, but because some clients forge browser requests, like apport does with +storeblob, it is not safe to assume that any change, even in view code alone, will not cause a regression.

IncidentReports/2010-03-15-Launchpad-broke-apport (last edited 2010-04-28 09:08:24 by eth0)