Owner: Pete Graner

Incident Description

A security update to the Lucid kernel included a KVM security fix. This fix prevented all KVM images being started (they would start to a black screen and then stop) on the majority of Intel based systems. This fix originated from vendor-sec via the Security Team.

Crisis Response Team


03-jun-2010 14:24 -- Barry Warsaw (barry) reports he is unable to start KVM instances following and update. He reports that booting the previous -21 kernel on his system allows him to start the kernels.

03-jun-2010 15:00 -- Pete Graner (pgraner) brings the Incident to the attention of the Kernel Team and assigns Andy Whitcroft (apw) to aid in diagnosis.

03-jun-2010 15:01 -- Colin Watsom (cjwatson) asks if we need to withdraw the update. Discussions tend to suggest that as it is one sub-system and one release affected that we will wait until we can confirm the penetration of the issue.

03-jun-2010 15:32 -- kirkland reports no issues on 2.6.32-22.33.

03-jun-2010 15:51 -- apw reports he can also reproduce this on the 2.6.32-22.35 kernel, kirkland upgrades and concurs.

03-jun-2010 16:09 -- apw indicates that there are only 8 patches in the security updates and only one affects KVM

03-jun-2010 16:40 -- apw tests kernel packages confirming that removing the KVM security patch resolves the issue

03-jun-2010 17:08 -- kirkland confirms that the patched kernel resolves the issue for him

03-jun-2010 17:20 -- kees confirms the patched kernel resolves the issue for him, and requests a source package for upload

03-jun-2010 18:06 -- source package for 2.6.32-22.36 provided to the Security Team

03-jun-2010 18:08 -- kees uploads new source package to security build queue, ETA for finished build, based on prior i386 and amd64 builds in just over 6 hours.

04-jun-2010 03:00 (approx) -- both amd64 and i386 packages are published to the archive and available for download.

All times are in UTC.



<Identify problems with the events. What went wrong in the course of our response?>


<Suggest changes to process to minimize problems in the future. These should correspond to the problems identified above.>

IncidentReports/2010-06-03-kernel-kvm-security-update-breaks-lucid-kvm (last edited 2010-06-04 12:03:31 by 79-70-103-73)