#title #ubuntu-in Meeting Meeting started by nigelb at 15:30:51 UTC. == Meeting summary == ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mohan_chml/IndianLoCo (nigelb, 15:31:24) *Make a registry to count number or Indian Ubuntu users to plan about teaching and involving in development ''ACTION:'' Create a list where people can list their name, skills, and link to wiki page. (nigelb, 15:46:21) ''ACTION:'' nigelb to take forward team reports and get people to do it every month. (nigelb, 15:49:02) ''ACTION:'' IAmNotThatGuy and mingo to update mailing list on status of new website. (nigelb, 15:52:54) *Maintaining a separate wiki(or a category in the existing page) to note all the events happening regarding Ubuntu in India ''ACTION:'' Section on new website for events and promote use of loco directory. (nigelb, 15:57:48) *Mailings list and a new forum moderators team ''ACTION:'' lut4rp to shutdown the Ubuntu forums. (nigelb, 16:06:25) ''ACTION:'' lut4rp to do whatever he just listed out ;) (nigelb, 16:10:38) *A team to plan events regarding the awareness of Ubuntu around various parts of India ''ACTION:'' Ubuntu IN members to help spread Ubuntu in colleges and schools and workplaces. (nigelb, 16:13:06) *Contribute to the community by development, bug triaging, help and distribute ''ACTION:'' Loco Members to take up teaching on IRC via #ubuntu-classroom (nigelb, 16:23:09) *Next Meeting? *Any other topic? ''ACTION:'' nigelb to mail reminder before next meeting (nigelb, 16:30:40) Meeting ended at 16:30:57 UTC. == Votes == * Meeting every first friday at 9 pm IST For: 7 Against: 0 Abstained: 0 * Remove Ubuntu-in forum For: 7 Against: 1 Abstained: 0 == Action items == * Create a list where people can list their name, skills, and link to wiki page. * nigelb to take forward team reports and get people to do it every month. * IAmNotThatGuy and mingo to update mailing list on status of new website. * Section on new website for events and promote use of loco directory. * lut4rp to shutdown the Ubuntu forums. * lut4rp to do whatever he just listed out ;) * Ubuntu IN members to help spread Ubuntu in colleges and schools and workplaces. * Loco Members to take up teaching on IRC via #ubuntu-classroom * nigelb to mail reminder before next meeting == Action items, by person == * IAmNotThatGuy ** IAmNotThatGuy and mingo to update mailing list on status of new website. * lut4rp ** lut4rp to shutdown the Ubuntu forums. ** lut4rp to do whatever he just listed out ;) * mingo ** IAmNotThatGuy and mingo to update mailing list on status of new website. * nigelb ** nigelb to take forward team reports and get people to do it every month. ** nigelb to mail reminder before next meeting * **UNASSIGNED** ** Create a list where people can list their name, skills, and link to wiki page. ** Section on new website for events and promote use of loco directory. ** Ubuntu IN members to help spread Ubuntu in colleges and schools and workplaces. ** Loco Members to take up teaching on IRC via #ubuntu-classroom == People present (lines said) == * nigelb (138) * m4n1sh (100) * IAmNotThatGuy (100) * mingo (46) * meetingology (44) * droidslayer (42) * lut4rp (41) * coolbhavi (39) * geekosopher (30) * rahul27 (17) * bihari (12) * shadeslayer (10) * mingo_ (9) * Ramakrishna_cse (8) * pjarnahom (1) == Full Log == 15:30:51 #startmeeting 15:30:51 Meeting started Fri Dec 17 15:30:51 2010 UTC. The chair is nigelb. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell. 15:30:51 Useful Commands: #topic #action #link #idea #voters #vote #chair #action #agreed #help #info #endmeeting. 15:31:11 Starting meeting for Ubuntu India Loco Team 15:31:12 Im here to watch :-P 15:31:20 The agenda is here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mohan_chml/IndianLoCo 15:31:24 #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mohan_chml/IndianLoCo 15:31:39 Hello all 15:31:44 So who's here for the meeting? Please respond with 'o/' 15:31:47 o/ 15:31:55 o/ 15:32:06 any others 15:32:24 o/ 15:32:28 * nigelb pokes shadeslayer 15:32:38 Here 15:32:43 What up 15:32:50 oh, well, he's here 15:33:21 Ok, so IAmNotThatGuy not that guy has been working on reviving our loco. 15:33:27 pjarnahom, Ramakrishna_cse 15:33:33 And today's agenda is basically stuff that he's come up with 15:33:46 So thanks a lot IAmNotThatGuy for working on them. 15:33:49 IAmNotThatGuy, yes 15:34:20 #topic Make a registry to count number or Indian Ubuntu users to plan about teaching and involving in development 15:34:20 TOPIC: Make a registry to count number or Indian Ubuntu users to plan about teaching and involving in development 15:34:21 Its our community and we planned it. and not "me" 15:34:36 IAmNotThatGuy: yeha, but you took the action :) 15:34:43 I wish to elaborate this =] 15:34:48 Go ahead :) 15:34:58 BTW we need to update the wiki as well 15:35:20 The Indian loco wiki page 15:35:24 I watched many Ubuntu Users in India. and we are not having good contacts among each other 15:35:24 droidslayer: sure 15:35:34 IAmNotThatGuy: we have so many on ##linux-india 15:35:41 just that the community is scattered 15:35:49 m4n1sh: Let him finish :) 15:35:55 nigelb: fine Go ahead IAmNotThatGuy 15:36:34 and I felt that we should make some stuff to bring everyone together, separately to our LoCO involvement and Motivate people about Our community 15:37:20 Like, when we are together, we can get some more helping hands and I believe each and every Ubuntu user motivates others to try it 15:37:21 Yes we shud know each other 15:38:16 and I believe that "I motivate others" is not a successful word that "We can motivate others and can give a choice" 15:38:37 so, The first step I like to take is, identify all and group them 15:39:02 and this also involves in combining all LoCos In India to one 15:39:07 o/ 15:39:11 0/ sorry I am late 15:39:26 IAmNotThatGuy, we could use divide and conquer 15:39:38 rahul27: that would make us weaker instead of stronger 15:39:55 have SPOC's for each Loco in India 15:40:00 rahul27, yes. and we can do one more thing. we can tell our friends to join the LoCo and participate in activities and tell him to spread 15:40:24 So that people are reachable 15:40:40 we could have get togethers 15:41:21 so the SPOC's could send updates to the Indian LoCo 15:41:31 rahul27, making all to get here, or to a forum (or some kinda counter with their mail ID) is needed 15:41:33 We really don't want too many levels of governance 15:41:55 I'd rather have a simple stucture with few people responsible for bits and rotate their responsibilities 15:42:12 rahul27, each of us has power here. and I believe discussing in a group or consulting one of the group is enough 15:42:42 nigelb, that would also work 15:42:55 Okay 15:43:16 dont forget to send LoCo updates to Amber 15:43:22 nigelb, what action we can take for this? (Grouping all) 15:43:36 Guys. any suggestions? 15:43:48 I think we can have a registry of Ubuntu volunteers from India and whom to contact for what 15:43:53 Put them on a wiki page 15:43:57 ;-) 15:44:05 Please note that it should be volunteered. No forcing another persons's name on the list 15:44:19 Yep ^^ 15:44:19 +1 nigelb 15:44:26 also asking people what they can do for 15:44:29 If you feel you ahave experieince in say unity hacking, put your name down 15:44:43 like some are very willing to provide help for troubleshooting.. while some cannot 15:44:54 exactly 15:45:12 nigelb, so the action will be, creating a page for Indian users to tell their personal contacts and their skills 15:45:28 unity hacking ? 15:45:29 No personal contacts please 15:45:30 right? 15:45:40 bihari, its an example 15:45:44 Email is fine with me 15:45:45 droidslayer: name and IRC nick? 15:45:46 oh ok 15:45:58 nigelb: and email 15:46:04 I think first of all, a new user needs to know that there is an active Indian LoCo and that there is way to contribute in the LoCo. How do we do that? 15:46:04 nigelb, or launchpad account with nick ? 15:46:19 No phone numbers :-P 15:46:21 #action Create a list where people can list their name, skills, and link to wiki page. 15:46:21 * meetingology Create a list where people can list their name, skills, and link to wiki page. 15:46:24 nigelb: LP page too. can use Contact this user 15:46:41 droidslayer, :P 15:46:41 m4n1sh: wiki page will have all of the details 15:46:59 Yep ^^ 15:47:02 geekosopher, we will discuss it soon =] 15:47:14 sure :) 15:47:17 Another thing would be team reports 15:47:31 We'd like volunteers to help prepare team reports every month. 15:47:35 and there should be monthly meetings 15:47:41 Probably rotate the responsiblity around 15:47:46 Thoughts on this? 15:47:47 +1 nigelb 15:47:50 +1 15:47:54 +1 right away 15:47:54 +1 15:48:03 I do hate team reports 15:48:05 +1 15:48:07 lol 15:48:12 droidslayer, any reasons? 15:48:18 droidslayer: lol, looks like you have done them before. 15:48:26 But... as long as I don't have to prepare those 15:48:31 droidslayer: I sometimes end up doing 3 a month :/ 15:48:32 Hi guys. 15:48:36 nigelb: yeah 15:48:53 hi all 15:48:56 IAmNotThatGuy: who will read our report BTW? 15:48:58 i joined long back 15:48:59 hey mingo 15:49:02 #action nigelb to take forward team reports and get people to do it every month. 15:49:02 * meetingology nigelb to take forward team reports and get people to do it every month. 15:49:08 droidslayer: UWN. 15:49:11 but i am struck with other work so i cannot participate much here 15:49:19 So what are we discussing on? 15:49:23 droidslayer, we can upload it and all can read 15:49:27 droidslayer: comes up in UWN 15:49:30 nigelb: whats that? 15:49:35 about our past month activities and next months 15:49:40 droidslayer: Ubuntu Weekly Newsletter. 15:49:50 Ah 15:49:57 I think in the agenda, we just finished item 1, 2, and 3 15:50:28 nigelb, ubuntu-in.info updating 15:50:43 I think maitrya is working on it 15:50:55 I just joined in. can anyone please tell me what's going on? 15:51:00 I think it lost steam lately 15:51:01 Maitraya here. 15:51:05 mingo, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mohan_chml/IndianLoCo 15:51:08 Working.. 15:51:16 that is what we are discussing =] 15:51:20 Can someone volunter to find out about the status of the website? 15:51:21 mingo: you need a chat log? 15:51:33 o/ 15:51:38 nigelb: mingo is working on it 15:51:56 Yes. I am working. But Aanjhan told me that he does not allow wordpress to write on the filesystem of the server. 15:52:06 nigelb, I think I can go with mingo and can look the status 15:52:10 mingo: Can you update the malining list on the status of it? 15:52:33 So he is going to create a separate UID for me, so that I can upload the pics and stuff. 15:52:50 mingo: ok, actioning you and IAmNotThatGuy to look into it 15:52:54 Currently, u can't do any sort of uploading. 15:52:54 #action IAmNotThatGuy and mingo to update mailing list on status of new website. 15:52:54 * meetingology IAmNotThatGuy and mingo to update mailing list on status of new website. 15:53:21 #topic Maintaining a separate wiki(or a category in the existing page) to note all the events happening regarding Ubuntu in India 15:53:21 TOPIC: Maintaining a separate wiki(or a category in the existing page) to note all the events happening regarding Ubuntu in India 15:53:39 mingo, Okies i will check, ask the right person and give you the powers =] 15:53:51 Why a wiki? Anyone with a wordpress account can do that/// 15:54:07 mingo: Because wiki is more open 15:54:07 mingo: you need to add a section on the website in that case 15:54:12 This is the important thing that we have to do 15:54:20 Yup. I'll do that Monday IST 15:54:25 Eveninng. 15:54:30 I'd vote using the loco directory for this please? 15:54:40 We have an Ubuntu resource just for events, so use it. Please. 15:54:42 as we have many events going on in Indian, people are not aware of what is going on 15:54:48 nigelb, sure 15:54:59 thats a good choice 15:55:18 So someone has to inform on the mailing list and we'll put it on right away. Pics would be welcome. 15:55:44 mingo, wait till the end of the meeting =] 15:56:02 We do have one: http://ui.xinh.org/index.php/events/ 15:56:03 Yep, true true 15:56:29 Any others to vote for Ubuntu resource? 15:56:38 if somebody involved in programming/development pm me please 15:56:56 +9999 15:57:03 droidslayer, ;) 15:57:06 Ramakrishna_cse: is this related to meeting? or offtopic to this? 15:57:08 Ramakrishna_cse: lots of people, depending on what you're doing. Hang around after the meeting and talk to m4n1sh, droidslayer, and others 15:57:23 Okay, I'm going to action this one off 15:57:29 Lets move on 15:57:35 kay 15:57:44 sorry,completely out of meeting topic 15:57:48 #action Section on new website for events and promote use of loco directory. 15:57:48 * meetingology Section on new website for events and promote use of loco directory. 15:57:56 You know what? I think we should create ebooklets for new users as well as Computer companies so that they can ship Ubuntu. Make it more popular.. 15:58:12 #topic Mailings list and a new forum moderators team 15:58:12 TOPIC: Mailings list and a new forum moderators team 15:58:47 I think we already have pretty good mailing list admins. 15:58:48 I think we all know about this issue. Our mailings list is not moderated 15:58:54 Wait. I'll show you guys an example.. 15:58:56 IAmNotThatGuy: It is. 15:58:57 nigelb, moderateD? 15:59:03 IAmNotThatGuy: Yep. 15:59:16 hmm! I think I saw some posts wrongly 15:59:16 IAmNotThatGuy: aanjan does a pretty good job 15:59:19 +1 IAmNotThatGuy 15:59:27 ah 15:59:51 nigelb, Okies then it is good. we have to look for the suggestions regarding Forum 15:59:51 how many people are the admins of mailing list? 16:00:02 never saw any problems on mailing list and forums 16:00:09 I think I habe 16:00:11 mingo, how about getting in touch with Linux for You 16:00:16 Gah 16:00:23 I think I habe a 16:00:32 rahul27: Why? 16:00:37 Nvm 16:00:42 We have 4 admins for the mailining list. 16:00:43 mingo, instead of booklets 16:00:51 yeah? 16:00:55 Now, if something is wrong, please talk to them 16:01:06 we could promote Ubuntu there 16:01:09 mingo, rahul27: Please keep things on topic to what's being discussed :) 16:01:33 nigelb, and would you suggest to start a new forum? 16:01:36 sorry nigelb. Got over enthu.. 16:01:40 or the main Ubuntu Forum? 16:01:41 mingo: heh 16:01:42 I wouldn't 16:01:49 IAmNotThatGuy: No. 16:01:58 Clean the forum. PURGE,,, 16:01:58 Why not use ubuntu forums 16:01:59 we already have a forum on ubuntu-in right? 16:02:09 well, sadly I still find mailing list and IRC easier to use than forums 16:02:13 yeah we have 16:02:15 Aren't we using the Ubuntu forums? 16:02:20 m4n1sh: same here 16:02:24 nope nigelb 16:02:27 Get a separate section on ubuntu forums 16:02:27 we have a section in the ubuntu forum? 16:02:32 So, we don't have a forum? 16:02:40 nigelb: we have on ubuntu-in.info 16:02:46 Purge our own one 16:02:46 but hardly and activity 16:02:51 mingo: +1 16:02:52 no use 16:03:07 yes, activity is the problem on ubuntu-in forums 16:03:07 of having seperate one every time if we have say. 5 users 16:03:14 geekosopher: it has to be 16:03:15 nigelb, then I can say that we should forward all to the main Ubuntu Forums and remove from Ubuntu-in.info 16:03:36 login every time to forums.. probably registering and then forgetting password every other week 16:03:44 Ok, who wants to investigate into this? 16:04:04 * nigelb looks at droidslayer and/or m4n1sh 16:04:07 I personally find ubuntu-in forums to be (now) useless 16:04:07 Let's create separate section in Ubuntu forums. Purging is no use. Its too junk 16:04:25 What do you want me to do with them :) 16:04:26 I'm not too much of a forums person tbh 16:04:34 nigelb: ask lut4rp 16:04:34 mee too 16:04:35 nigelb, make a vote for removing the forums of ubuntu-in 16:04:39 lut4rp, I agree 16:04:44 nigelb: he knows how to handle forums 16:04:45 I didn't know lut4rp was watching :-P 16:04:48 I run the forums, I can pull them down :P 16:04:57 +1 lut4rp 16:05:00 Pull them down 16:05:02 Or 16:05:03 droidslayer, I have constant logs for this channel since 2006 :P 16:05:06 lut4rp: +1 for pull down 16:05:10 OK 16:05:12 #vote Remove Ubuntu-in forum 16:05:12 Please vote on: Remove Ubuntu-in forum 16:05:12 Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) 16:05:12 or let them be 16:05:19 +1 16:05:19 +1 received from nigelb 16:05:20 +1 16:05:20 +1 received from IAmNotThatGuy 16:05:22 Make them point to ubuntu forums 16:05:24 +1 16:05:24 +1 received from rahul27 16:05:26 +1 16:05:26 +1 received from m4n1sh 16:05:26 +1 16:05:26 +1 received from lut4rp 16:05:37 +1 16:05:37 +1 received from bihari 16:05:39 Hmm 16:05:39 geekosopher: your chance for poll 16:05:41 -1 16:05:41 -1 received from geekosopher 16:05:43 +1 16:05:43 +1 received from droidslayer 16:05:48 anymore votes? 16:06:02 Are they needed? 16:06:12 #endvote 16:06:12 Voting ended on: Remove Ubuntu-in forum 16:06:12 Votes for:7 Votes against:1 Abstentions:0 16:06:12 Motion carried 16:06:19 lol. 16:06:21 OK :) 16:06:24 I'll mail the list. 16:06:25 #action lut4rp to shutdown the Ubuntu forums. 16:06:25 * meetingology lut4rp to shutdown the Ubuntu forums. 16:06:30 wat 16:06:32 geekosopher, any reasons for opposing? 16:06:32 lut4rp: lol... you are our channel logger... 16:06:34 don't scare me. 16:06:38 yeah. Shut down. 16:06:46 do I have to sign in blood or something? 16:06:54 IAmNotThatGuy: i am not in the favour of pulling down the content 16:06:59 lut4rp: Your nick is in red for me coincidentally. 16:07:00 lut4rp: That would be great. 16:07:09 geekosopher, content on the forum? 16:07:12 geekosopher, we will be having the content but not the fourm 16:07:15 yes 16:07:17 lut4rp: lolz 16:07:18 Is there are "archive-worthy" content on the forum? 16:07:26 ah 16:07:29 we can seach for archive worthy content 16:07:31 and put them on wiki 16:07:32 for whatever its worth 16:07:33 yes 16:07:37 lut4rp: yeah some// 16:07:39 lut4rp: ^ 16:07:43 okay, so let's take a week for that 16:07:47 for the searching and archiving thing 16:07:55 lut4rp: Hold off on the pulling for a while so we can get an Ubuntu forum for us 16:08:03 eh 16:08:05 +1 for and put them on wiki 16:08:06 lut4rp: Make a tar for people to still access the content. 16:08:10 wait, we already *have* a forum 16:08:12 lut4rp: yes, we can keep the archives and redirect new ones to ubuntu forums 16:08:30 lut4rp: yes, but we'll just use the main forum, that's probably more traffic 16:08:30 I am saying that we don't need an ubuntu *india* forum 16:08:31 lut4rp: Yeah. Move to Ubuntu forums 16:08:37 because ubuntuforums.org serves the purpose 16:08:39 lut4rp: +1 16:08:43 Yep 16:08:44 lut4rp: +1 16:08:45 lut4rp: +1 16:08:46 we don't need an India specific forum 16:08:52 yup 16:08:54 OR an india specific subforum 16:08:58 we don't need that either 16:09:02 redirect forum.ubuntu-in.info to ubuntuforums.org 16:09:03 lut4rp: +1 16:09:06 lut4rp: That will be done on the mailing lsit/ 16:09:07 m4n1sh, okay 16:09:09 yes 16:09:16 all India specific stuff should go on the ML 16:09:24 and IRC 16:09:26 yes 16:09:27 ok 16:09:28 so 16:09:28 and askubuntu.com 16:09:32 m4n1sh: that's what I said earlier 16:09:36 I have to move out 16:09:44 so can someone else mail the list with this decision? 16:09:49 nigelb: is askubuntu.com official? 16:09:53 geekosopher: yes 16:09:57 ok 16:10:03 official Q&A for ubuntu 16:10:05 geekosopher: Its not a canonical resource though. 16:10:07 yas. It is official 16:10:08 a. we will shut down the forum 16:10:12 err, *Canonical resource 16:10:14 Ok. 16:10:15 b. we will redirect to ubuntuforums 16:10:19 nigelb, have an action for redirecting the forum 16:10:22 lut4rp: +1 16:10:24 well canonical has put it's employee to work on the design 16:10:27 c. everthing india specific goes to IRC/ML 16:10:38 #action lut4rp to do whatever he just listed out ;) 16:10:38 * meetingology lut4rp to do whatever he just listed out ;) 16:10:43 :) 16:10:43 k 16:10:45 lut4rp: +1 these two things are more convenient to use 16:10:48 I'll do it in the night 16:10:53 mail the list, taht is 16:10:53 lol 16:10:54 ok, lets move on people. 16:10:54 that* 16:11:01 #topic A team to plan events regarding the awareness of Ubuntu around various parts of India 16:11:01 TOPIC: A team to plan events regarding the awareness of Ubuntu around various parts of India 16:11:22 Yeah. Take me. I'm in on this one. 16:11:22 I think we people are already doing it =] 16:11:31 nigelb, me too 16:11:39 IAmNotThatGuy: the current situation is still not so good 16:11:46 I am already in the process of spreading Ubuntu. Check this: https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0BzzTjIT9dTZ0MThiZjUxYjUtYjdhZi00ZTE4LWFjYTAtYmJmYjA3MjRlZTU2&hl=en 16:11:54 Work in progress 16:11:59 well for awareness in india we must aproch to university and colleges of india and conduct some sort of saminar 16:12:01 Ok I need to leave as well 16:12:04 I think it should go the Ubuntu release party way 16:12:06 What we could do, is add people interested in this add your names and add an item about interest in spreading Ubuntu. 16:12:07 I'll check logs 16:12:10 Cya 16:12:11 @ everyone .. we need to goto any engg colleges near our residence/hometown 16:12:11 m4n1sh: Error: "everyone" is not a valid command. 16:12:15 and give a talk if possible 16:12:20 m4n1sh, yeah. so, as said at the first point of this agenda, lets combine all of us, and bring it on =] 16:12:35 nigelb, IAmNotThatGuy how about packaging sessions? 16:12:43 coolbhavi: that works too :) 16:12:47 Someone go for a tv ad? 16:12:52 coolbhavi: cool. 16:12:56 +1 for packaging 16:13:02 nigelb, then m up to it 16:13:05 :) 16:13:06 coolbhavi, yeah. we will be having a lot of technical sessions too and it will be you, nigelb and droidslayer 16:13:06 #action Ubuntu IN members to help spread Ubuntu in colleges and schools and workplaces. 16:13:06 * meetingology Ubuntu IN members to help spread Ubuntu in colleges and schools and workplaces. 16:13:17 Schools.. Ok 16:13:18 coolbhavi: in that case we can call some debian people too for teaching packaging 16:13:21 I am looking at rrs 16:13:30 Err 16:13:39 m4n1sh, FYI coolbhavi is a great guy in that 16:13:39 IAmNotThatGuy, m4n1sh sure rrs kart_ etc 16:13:54 coolbhavi: I mean kart_ is not in bangalore 16:13:55 but rrs is 16:13:56 Id rather not advise getting debian people 16:14:03 droidslayer: any spl reason? 16:14:07 droidslayer: why? 16:14:10 Debian people rock generally. 16:14:14 Hold o. 16:14:14 IAmNotThatGuy, DD's are great 16:14:19 At least the ones I know do. 16:14:20 droidslayer: I knw rrs personally.. He is very much affectionate towards ubuntu 16:14:25 m4n1sh: +1 16:14:32 me and nigelb have met him 16:14:37 He came to our Ubuntu hour! 16:14:41 Kartik is awesome too. 16:14:43 we must write a letter to CBSE and some other state board to have a seprate chapter inside computers books on opensource 16:14:46 whu's rrs? Please anyone? 16:14:47 We've talked a few times. 16:14:48 nigelb: after you people left that Ubuntu Hour.. me and rrs talked together on ubuntu for some 2 hours 16:14:54 Okay 16:14:55 nigelb, +1 16:14:58 mingo: He's a Debian Developer in Bangalore. 16:15:00 we have a point from bihari 16:15:00 we should concentrate on spreading the userbase first then the developer base 16:15:02 Anyway, we're off topic 16:15:03 GUYS 16:15:04 Tahnks 16:15:08 Lets move on 16:15:08 yeah 16:15:09 ok so 16:15:15 just to clarify 16:15:15 +1 for first userbase and then developer base 16:15:18 shadeslayer: after the meeting. 16:15:19 or together 16:15:27 but userbase gets higher preference 16:15:28 nigelb: i wont be available then 16:15:28 #topic Contribute to the community by development, bug triaging, help and distribute 16:15:28 TOPIC: Contribute to the community by development, bug triaging, help and distribute 16:15:32 i mean we can send an e-mail to CBSE and state Board chairman 16:15:47 bihari, okies. just wait =] 16:16:00 to have a 1 chapter on open source specually ubuntu - linux 16:16:03 nigelb, I think you can handle the topic :) 16:16:04 There are a few of us active in different parts of the community. 16:16:14 DD's are great, but they expect a level of expertise from whom theyre teaching, so bringing in DD's to teach new people is a bad idea imho 16:16:15 coolbhavi is involved with packging 16:16:21 there is an free OS developed by Govt of India 16:16:26 BOSSS 16:16:30 it is called Bharat Operating system 16:16:31 yes 16:16:32 distribute yes, but for triaging and developing, I think we should leave it to non-loco teams 16:16:38 PEOPLE! Topic :) 16:16:44 Ramakrishna_cse, please stay with the topic 16:16:51 nigelb, (: 16:17:03 and im out .... 16:17:03 geekosopher: Yes, but that doesn't stop at having session by our loco team memberes 16:17:03 out topic right now is development, bug traiging and packaging 16:17:04 cya 16:17:13 shadeslayer, +1 mate they expect you to know atleast /debian dir :) 16:17:20 coolbhavi: yep 16:17:23 The classroom channel is open for us and I can get us a session all the time :) 16:17:24 coolbhavi: you need to handle it 16:17:27 I knw packaging a bit 16:17:28 but not much 16:17:34 I can supplement 16:17:34 yes if we want's revolution in FOSS we must encrouge teen agers and IT industry to adopt FOSS 16:17:51 m4n1sh, sure shadeslayer you can also step in 16:17:54 yeah 16:17:56 great 16:18:01 we have kde packagers too 16:18:03 nigelb, arranging sessions for development, bug triaging, help and distribute and informing it all over India 16:18:20 m4n1sh: im one of those KDE packagers ;) 16:18:21 for distribution, I liked that wiki page listing people ready to share their cds 16:18:25 shadeslayer: yes I know 16:18:30 nigelb, what about slytherin? 16:18:32 oh ok :P 16:18:35 IAmNotThatGuy: We have a great resource over the internet and we should be using it 16:18:42 coolbhavi: I haven't seen him in a longish time 16:18:42 yeah! 16:18:45 cya 16:18:50 yo mean Onkar Shinde? 16:18:52 Page on people living where and willing to share. 16:19:02 please do get in touch with him and ask 16:19:02 m4n1sh: yep 16:19:03 mingo: yes 16:19:10 he is a great guy 16:19:16 coolbhavi: if he can come to events 16:19:19 its a happy moment 16:19:35 Shall I action it as 'Loco Members to conduct triaging and other development sessions over IRC' ? 16:19:37 m4n1sh, atleast on irc he can turn up 16:19:43 nigelb, wait 16:19:45 Can someone own this action item? 16:19:54 id that be a LoCo members? 16:20:02 we can get some others too 16:20:05 nigelb, yes m ready 16:20:05 I thik 16:20:05 nigelb: I think more than one person can take it up 16:20:07 :) 16:20:14 I am ready for helping on development part 16:20:16 think( 16:20:24 shadeslayer and coolbhavi on packaging 16:20:24 We need to remember 2 tings 16:20:31 and nigelb on bug triaging 16:20:39 m4n1sh, sure m4n1sh 16:20:44 +1 16:20:47 (a) Ubuntu as a developer platform (b) Developing for Ubuntu -> like packaging and bug fixing 16:20:55 m4n1sh: vish! I forgot :) 16:21:02 nigelb: yeah.. bug triaging 16:21:06 ahhh.. my bad 16:21:09 vish is mr qa 16:21:11 forgot hundred paper cuts 16:21:12 heh 16:21:14 in ubuntu 16:21:17 add it too to bug traiging 16:21:18 heh 16:21:28 ok, so what do we action out of this? 16:21:29 best way to get people involved slowly 16:21:41 nigelb: we need to conduct sessions 16:21:48 on IRC or pysically events 16:21:48 nigelb, Okay do what you said before =] 16:21:56 this is the action point 16:21:59 m4n1sh, we can have sessions like MOTU school 16:22:03 coolbhavi: yeah 16:22:12 #ubuntu-meeting is always available 16:22:16 just need to book it beforeand 16:22:37 #ubuntu-meeting or #ubuntu-classrooms? 16:22:41 ah sory 16:22:42 latter 16:22:44 m4n1sh: #ubuntu-classroom :) 16:22:44 i m ready to take it on on the packaging and bug triage side 16:22:46 video tuts? 16:22:57 I am ready to take development classes 16:23:09 #action Loco Members to take up teaching on IRC via #ubuntu-classroom 16:23:09 * meetingology Loco Members to take up teaching on IRC via #ubuntu-classroom 16:23:24 nigelb, m ready 16:23:26 :) 16:23:45 coolbhavi, First you should come daily :P 16:23:56 coolbhavi: be on this channel 16:24:00 when you come online 16:24:07 IAmNotThatGuy, will try my level best sure 16:24:11 :) 16:24:11 Okay guys. any other topics that you want to discuss? 16:24:38 #topic Next Meeting? 16:24:38 TOPIC: Next Meeting? 16:24:38 mingo_, there are awesome tutorials by dholbach 16:24:50 link? 16:24:56 in the new year :) 16:24:57 nigelb, what about the point of bihari's about contacting universities about FOSS subjects 16:25:01 check ubuntudevelopers on youtube 16:25:14 nigelb, every second fridays of a month? 16:25:15 IAmNotThatGuy: Lets tackle that over the mailing list or after the meeting. 16:25:17 ok 16:25:23 I'd rather have monthly meeting. 16:25:24 okies 16:25:30 How about every first friday at 9 pm? 16:25:38 no worries =] 16:25:42 Ok 16:25:50 shadeslayer, coolbhavi rahul27 16:25:51 any day 9pm is good for me 16:25:53 #vote Meeting every first friday at 9 pm IST 16:25:53 Please vote on: Meeting every first friday at 9 pm IST 16:25:53 Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) 16:25:57 +1 16:25:57 +1 received from IAmNotThatGuy 16:26:00 +1 16:26:00 +1 received from geekosopher 16:26:01 +1 16:26:01 +1 received from bihari 16:26:03 +1 16:26:03 +1 received from rahul27 16:26:08 nigelb, thats great sorry guys had been to temple today +1 16:26:11 +1 16:26:11 +1 received from mingo_ 16:26:24 +1 16:26:24 +1 received from coolbhavi 16:26:29 coolbhavi, may God bless you today only 16:26:30 :P 16:26:32 +1 16:26:32 +1 received from nigelb 16:26:39 any more votes? 16:26:40 thanks IAmNotThatGuy 16:26:42 :) 16:27:11 nigelb, end vote =] 16:27:13 #endvote 16:27:13 Voting ended on: Meeting every first friday at 9 pm IST 16:27:13 Votes for:7 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 16:27:13 Motion carried 16:27:19 #topic Any other topic? 16:27:19 TOPIC: Any other topic? 16:27:23 so that we can leave you messages 16:27:29 We have 3 more minutes 16:27:34 I don't want to go over 1 hour. 16:27:41 why are there two sites http://ubuntu-in.info and http://ui.xinh.org/ ? 16:27:55 rahul27: the second one is work in progress to replace the first one. 16:28:00 onr for developing the sie. 16:28:10 rahul27, site transition i guess 16:28:20 oh ok 16:28:30 :) 16:28:40 any other topics? 16:28:43 one more topic 16:28:47 this channel should be logged 16:28:51 Planet Ubuntu India 16:28:57 so that it shows up on irclogs.ubuntu.com 16:28:57 m4n1sh, +1 16:28:58 we should decide on having a wiki page somewhere so that we can put up the follow up to this meeting 16:29:03 +1 16:29:11 I dont think so 16:29:25 planet ubuntun india is a nice idea 16:29:26 No LoCo channel has a logbot I think 16:29:27 i am +1 16:29:28 m4n1sh: logging is a complex issue. I'd rather take it up next meeting 16:29:33 nigelb: fine 16:29:53 IAmNotThatGuy: Its coming up. Most loco channels are getting logged nowadays 16:29:53 IAmNotThatGuy, some channels do have 16:29:53 nigelb, so we came to the end? 16:29:58 i guess 16:30:05 k k 16:30:06 ok, we're closing now 16:30:07 5 16:30:08 ok 16:30:08 one more thing 16:30:11 4 16:30:13 3 16:30:17 Bye 16:30:17 nigelb, 16:30:17 m4n1sh: ? 16:30:22 mail 2 days before a meeting 16:30:23 m4n1sh, go on 16:30:25 :) 16:30:29 on the list 16:30:30 a reminder 16:30:31 :) 16:30:35 :) 16:30:36 or else we forget 16:30:40 m4n1sh, yep :D 16:30:40 #action nigelb to mail reminder before next meeting 16:30:40 * meetingology nigelb to mail reminder before next meeting 16:30:47 \0/ 16:30:47 5 16:30:49 4 16:30:50 3 16:30:52 2 16:30:53 1 16:30:57 #endmeeting