#title #ubuntu-in Meeting Meeting started by coolbhavi at 15:26:05 UTC. The full logs are available at http://mootbot.libertus.co.uk/ubuntu-in/2011/ubuntu-in.2011-02-04-15.26.log.txt . == Meeting summary == ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam/Agenda (coolbhavi, 15:28:34) ''LINK:'' http://justanothertriager.wordpress.com/2011/01/31/ubuntu-developer-day/ (nigelb, 15:32:11) ''LINK:'' (AbhijiT, 15:32:32) ''LINK:'' http://hardik.in/2011/02/03/a-coverage-of-ubuntu-developer-day-bangalore-india/ (nigelb, 15:32:34) ''LINK:'' http://hardik.in/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/20110203114127_01272011483.jpg << Usually how UDS looks as well (shadeslayer, 15:34:00) ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam (AbhijiT, 15:40:23) *Reach out to and encourage current loco members to participate in community events ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek (m4n1sh, 16:08:38) *Start planning to organise Global Jam, either in-person or online *More publicity to the meetings *next chair of meeting Meeting ended at 16:29:57 UTC. == Votes == * nigelb and m4n1sh to take python/vala sessions For: 10 Against: 0 Abstained: 0 * people to attend/give seminars in colleges and other places and try to get people involved and keep them documented For: 9 Against: 0 Abstained: 0 * geekosopher to chair next For: 7 Against: 0 Abstained: 0 == Action items == * (none) == People present (lines said) == * m4n1sh (126) * AbhijiT (122) * coolbhavi (94) * shadeslayer (53) * meetingology (47) * nigelb (40) * geekosopher (35) * pksadiq (30) * Bipul` (28) * arjunaraoc (10) * A-R-R (8) * ray1claw (8) * akshatj (6) * GauravButola (1) * arjunak01 (1) == Full Log == 15:26:05 #startmeeting 15:26:05 Meeting started Fri Feb 4 15:26:05 2011 UTC. The chair is coolbhavi. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell. 15:26:05 Useful Commands: #topic #action #link #idea #voters #vote #chair #action #agreed #help #info #endmeeting. 15:26:05 coolbhavi: yes, let us 15:26:16 am i indian thats why i got banned from ubuntu is that a reasone ? 15:26:33 * AbhijiT sits tight. Its his 1st ubuntu m,eeting of life! 15:26:36 :) 15:26:46 Bipul`: if you control your language , no one would be against you 15:26:57 aree show me the logs 15:26:58 AbhijiT: and so me too 15:26:58 Bipul`, if you have any complaints then please take it to #ubuntu-ops 15:27:00 Bipul`, please discuss this after meeting ends 15:27:02 Bipul`: calm down, take a break, come back in 15 minutes 15:27:05 whear i have said any offensive language 15:27:08 i will leav IRC 15:27:11 Bipul`: please drop the topic for now, we are in to the meeting 15:27:12 if i found 15:27:26 ok 15:27:37 nigelb, geekosopher hey so whats on the agenda today? 15:27:49 link here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam/Agenda 15:28:34 #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam/Agenda 15:29:15 nigelb: ping 15:29:18 okay 1st up how was the UDD that happened a few days back? 15:29:27 hey m4n1sh 15:29:28 m4n1sh: pong 15:29:34 The UDD was great 15:29:36 should we pass the muster first? 15:29:50 * AbhijiT present! 15:30:23 geekosopher, there are 28 present in this channel now 15:30:33 ray1claw: lut4rp meeting is going to start 15:30:51 m4n1sh, already started mate 15:30:54 :) 15:31:01 lol 15:31:09 m4n1sh: ? 15:31:17 #ubuntu-in meeting 15:31:29 what meeting? 15:31:30 nigelb, please share your experiences if any in detail 15:31:34 can't believe we started the meeting in India before time! 15:31:42 hahahaha 15:31:46 lol 15:31:53 :) 15:31:55 I'd written a detailed blog post about my UDD experience 15:32:01 geekosopher, that same thing i was goign to say! 15:32:02 is this to be called as meeting? 15:32:05 and so did Harik 15:32:11 #link http://justanothertriager.wordpress.com/2011/01/31/ubuntu-developer-day/ 15:32:14 pksadiq: yes. We cant physically meet 15:32:24 what is it about anyways? 15:32:24 pksadiq: sitting next to next is not possible 15:32:32 #link 15:32:34 #link http://hardik.in/2011/02/03/a-coverage-of-ubuntu-developer-day-bangalore-india/ 15:32:36 oh 15:32:36 ray1claw: monthly meeting of #ubuntu-in 15:32:45 m4n1sh: okay 15:32:47 thats great! I missed the udd :( 15:32:51 me too 15:33:10 m4n1sh: k 15:33:10 I think I should link hardik's link in the report too 15:33:22 Hardik works on what in Canonical? 15:33:23 what is udd? 15:33:26 i have something to say........... 15:33:33 pksadiq: Ubuntu Developer Day 15:33:36 AbhijiT: go on 15:33:47 all add yourself here : http://www.facebook.com/home.php?sk=group_167372966632557&ap=1 15:33:54 Ubuntu LoCo team on fb 15:34:00 http://hardik.in/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/20110203114127_01272011483.jpg << Usually how UDS looks as well 15:34:24 shadeslayer, :) 15:34:51 of course i mean ... 10 minutes before it's supposed to start ;) 15:35:30 shadeslayer, I was a bit early in typing the command I guess 15:35:32 :P 15:35:41 I just joined fb. :-) 15:35:51 arjunaraoc, add yourself to that team 15:36:03 I mean I joined the team. 15:36:05 coolbhavi, have you eat full? 15:36:17 and people please keep other updated with the latest news by posting relevant info on that group 15:36:24 AbhijiT, ofcourse mate 15:36:40 Sure. 15:36:41 coolbhavi, ok. i thought the reason you came early.............. 15:36:42 :P 15:36:54 AbhijiT, :) 15:36:55 how much time does this meet extends? an hour? or more? 15:37:08 hour i think? 15:37:18 yes 15:37:26 so are we done with this topic? 15:37:33 coolbhavi, next time onwards post any such metting or event detail in that fb team 15:37:43 coolbhavi, like today you posted it in mailist list. like that 15:37:49 Yay, my first attendance in the meet. Hopefully my hostel net won't give in :) 15:37:55 AbhijiT, sure mate :) 15:37:59 AbhijiT: I posted a reminder yesterday on the list 15:38:03 welcome A-R-R 15:38:09 geekosopher, :o when? i ddnt seen it! :( 15:38:13 don't , first give preference to ubuntu site and then launchpad and so on.. 15:38:31 on ubuntu-in mailing list, no one received it? 15:38:44 geekosopher, i only recieved from coolbhavi 15:38:45 geekosopher: I got it 15:38:47 nigelb: are you here? 15:38:53 yes 15:39:04 AbhijiT: time to check your spam filters? :P 15:39:13 nigelb: hope you are malayali, isn't it? 15:39:23 People. we're moving off-topic. 15:39:26 okay if we are done with the topic lets move on :) 15:39:30 yes 15:39:34 next topic please 15:39:34 sure 15:39:34 geekosopher, nope. i got properly mail of coolbhavi in mailist list 15:39:38 nigelb: ok, lets fix to the topic 15:39:53 so what is the topic? 15:40:03 global jam 15:40:04 yeah ^^ :P 15:40:07 * AbhijiT thinks 15:40:15 when is Global Jam? 15:40:22 what happened to "Conferences happening -- nigelbabu 2011-02-03 06:38:04" 15:40:22 geekosopher, how do you plan to get more people involved in community? 15:40:23 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuGlobalJam 15:40:32 shadeslayer, shortcut! :p 15:40:43 that is what I wanted to bring to discussion today 15:40:43 AbhijiT: Please don't cut the chair. 15:40:46 hey sorry only chair has right to declare topic 15:40:49 nigelb, sorry 15:40:57 IndianTeam/TODO is updated on 2008? then what happened? 15:41:00 Let coolbhavi chair the meeting please. 15:41:12 people involvement in comunity - i have again something to say 15:41:13 being a big country, it will be difficult to organise a single event anywhere 15:41:37 geekosopher: we can do it in a distributed way 15:41:40 at our places 15:41:42 nigelb, :) so please explain geekosopher about your plans 15:41:43 i am giving seminar on FOSS (in that ubuntu) in front of students and my teachers. and i am plannign to distribute free ubuntu cds also 15:41:43 being on this IRC channel 15:41:48 this is i am involving them 15:42:07 coolbhavi, ^^^ 15:42:08 Ok 15:42:36 AbhijiT: set up a wiki page about your plans. Ask comments on it. That is one good way 15:42:37 Just wanted to announce the various conferences coming up 15:42:43 AbhijiT: oh btw send a mail to shipit for the CD's 15:42:49 First we have the conf.kde happening in Bangalore 15:42:55 shadeslayer, you checked my todays mail in ubuntu in list? 15:43:01 nigelb, +1 15:43:02 nigelb, ok 15:43:04 can i say some thing 15:43:06 I belive shadeslayer is flying down to Bangalore and probahly a few more people 15:43:08 many of my friends are about to mock at me and I have got a nice nick at my college "Linux" and also some calls me "Ubuntu" ;) 15:43:08 AbhijiT: the one requesting CD's 15:43:12 shadeslayer, yes 15:43:14 yep 15:43:17 i am ;) 15:43:19 Bipul`, only if related to the meeting 15:43:27 so, if you're interested, please look at the conf.kde.in website (correct me if the url is wrong) 15:43:27 AbhijiT: yep ... contact shipit 15:43:31 shadeslayer, what you suggest? how many to order? 15:43:33 shadeslayer, okay 15:43:40 AbhijiT: pm 15:43:41 nigelb, Bipul` is coming to kde.conf 15:43:46 it's related to promoting ubuntu 15:43:47 shadeslayer, yah 15:43:50 AbhijiT, shadeslayer: Please keep chatter for after the meeting. 15:43:50 Bipul`, go ahead 15:43:53 I would be coming to kde conf 15:43:58 nigelb: yep ... 15:43:58 yes i will be there in kde 15:44:08 shadeslayer is giving a talk 15:44:08 We also have gnome.asia summit happening, again in Bangalore 15:44:15 nigelb: there used to be a way to bring items from the agenda one by one, right? 15:44:19 why dont we conduct a workshop or seminar here in in all university and colleges to aware a programmes for FOSS and OPen source OS specially ubuntu.. there is great scope 15:44:20 it has 3 days of private hackfest at Intel office 15:44:22 righto 15:44:22 geekosopher: yes 15:44:25 coolbhavi: see PM 15:44:39 nigelb, saw 15:44:41 Bipul`: on topic please 15:44:53 gnome.asia has 2 days open for public 15:44:55 AbhijiT: please don't use the ubuntu shipit for a very large number of people if they are near you, instead just give a copy , just don't exploit Ubuntu shipit resources 15:45:09 pksadiq, hmm 15:45:17 ok, any questions on the conference topic? 15:45:18 AbhijiT, check my pm 15:45:19 people, can we discuss on upcoming conferences. Please keep shitit etc out 15:45:28 shipit 15:45:32 nigelb, no 15:45:44 anyone attending last 2 days of gnome.asia ? 15:45:49 o/ 15:45:54 Not sure yet, but I intend to. 15:45:55 o/ 15:46:03 o/ 15:46:19 there's also http://gnunify.in/ 15:46:22 i wll attend next y3ar 15:46:24 and FOSSKriti 15:46:30 gnuify in Pune? 15:46:35 so can we have some volunteers report about the events they are attending? 15:46:38 but i have no confirmation if FOSSKriti is taking place 15:46:59 anything happening in Delhi? 15:47:08 ok, lets move on to next item on the list. coolbhavi ? 15:47:14 yes 15:47:37 so what is next topic? 15:47:49 coolbhavi: use the bot this time for topic. 15:47:55 question: anything happening in Delhi? talks and such? 15:48:09 eek, I am late 15:48:10 I thought osscamp. But I think it is done 15:48:11 nigelb: if you are at kerala and if you would like to do something good for FOSS and so on , I would like to invite you to my college for the TEchnofest at lakshya11.org 15:48:12 ray1claw: please wait for coolbhavi to announce the next topic 15:48:12 shadeslayer, thanks for notfiying about gnunify 15:48:19 #topic Reach out to and encourage current loco members to participate in community events 15:48:19 TOPIC: Reach out to and encourage current loco members to participate in community events 15:48:20 akshatj: never mind. Topic is "Upcoming conferences" 15:48:21 geekosopher: ok 15:48:47 so geekosopher what are your ideas? 15:49:16 community events like? please give some examples? 15:49:25 coolbhavi, geekosopher i am interested in giving presentation and seminars if you want that help 15:49:41 m4n1sh, e.g. gnuinfy 15:49:48 I was thinking of communicating with them to get involved, letting them know that we are here 15:49:50 and we need to streamline this stuff 15:49:59 * geekosopher doesn't know how though 15:50:00 any ubuntu-in sms groups? may be at google sms channel, for reporting updates, meeting times etc ( sorry if it's insane) 15:50:19 m4n1sh: like this meeting itself 15:50:24 um 15:50:26 i.e organise that who is willing to take what 15:50:26 pksadiq: bad idea 15:50:47 shadeslayer: k, never mind 15:50:54 you think people would like to subscribe to it, but in reality it's just annoying to have SMS's dropping in 15:51:11 we should also take part in global ubuntu events 15:51:22 like how coolbhavi taught packaging in user days 15:51:34 we have GlobalJam coming 15:51:36 we can help there 15:51:51 so people can we vote on AbhijiT idea as well as m4n1sh 15:51:53 that is the next topic in agenda ;) 15:51:53 shadeslayer:not saying about wach and every people, but only for the members here who are interested in this meeting etc 15:52:08 I am forming a foss club in my college. Getting the interested to get more involed. 15:52:08 to have a resolution sort of 15:52:14 each* 15:52:36 just a min guys 15:52:45 okay 15:53:02 coolbhavi, geekosopher shadeslayer i whould like your help to form a LUG/LoCo on the occasion of my seminar here in my city 15:53:18 AbhijiT: which city? 15:53:20 AbhijiT: sure go ahead ... but how do you plan to attract members 15:53:21 how to create mailistlist irc etc 15:53:25 geekosopher, Panvel 15:53:32 shadeslayer, i told naa 15:53:35 AbhijiT, if its on weekends then yes 15:53:39 :) 15:53:43 shadeslayer, i will announce that in seminar so all will know 15:53:44 AbhijiT: looking at backlog 15:53:47 coolbhavi, ok 15:53:47 AbhijiT: creating mailing list is not an issue. Getting people involved is 15:53:48 righto 15:53:55 m4n1sh, ok 15:53:56 * shadeslayer is a bit distracted ... 15:54:05 AbhijiT: you can count on me to do the background stuff 15:54:09 shadeslayer, dont read back log just be here 15:54:13 geekosopher, thanks 15:54:31 AbhijiT: but one thing, people come to any societies/groups when they get something out of it 15:54:31 Open source projects would be a greatway to motivate people towards FOSS and then Ubuntu. 15:54:38 shadeslayer, yeah 15:54:43 what can *you* offer that will attract them 15:54:57 i've tried it at my college, it didn't work out 15:55:00 yeah i wll keep that in mind 15:55:05 ok 15:55:07 yep 15:55:14 so can we vote on a consensus now 15:55:17 ? 15:55:19 yes 15:55:23 so you need to have workshops/seminars consistently 15:55:36 yes. Dont be very geeky from start 15:55:46 coolbhavi, what is consensus? how to vote? 15:55:50 shadeslayer, sure 15:56:00 AbhijiT: good luck then :) 15:56:02 AbhijiT: coolbhavi will start the vote. The instructions will be given 15:56:05 shadeslayer, :) 15:56:09 m4n1sh, ok 15:56:17 coolbhavi: start the vote 15:56:17 what are we voting on? P 15:56:18 :P 15:56:26 something called consensus! 15:56:36 #vote people to attend/give seminars in colleges and other places and try to get people involved and keep them documented 15:56:36 Please vote on: people to attend/give seminars in colleges and other places and try to get people involved and keep them documented 15:56:36 Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) 15:57:07 +1 15:57:07 +1 received from AbhijiT 15:57:09 +1 15:57:09 +1 received from m4n1sh 15:57:12 +1 15:57:12 +1 received from Bipul` 15:57:14 +1 to AbhijiT 15:57:15 +1 15:57:15 +1 received from shadeslayer 15:57:15 +1 15:57:15 +1 received from coolbhavi 15:57:19 +1 15:57:19 +1 received from pksadiq 15:57:23 oops 15:57:25 +1 15:57:25 +1 received from arjunak01 15:57:26 +1 15:57:26 +1 received from geekosopher 15:57:29 subject to the requirement that they are conducted routinely :) 15:57:38 shadeslayer, :D 15:57:39 s/requirement/condition 15:57:41 and people should document what happened and the mistakes 15:57:41 :) 15:57:42 shadeslayer, i am conducting! 15:57:45 shadeslayer, very soon! 15:57:47 yep 15:57:48 or it is useless without introspection 15:57:50 AbhijiT: where? 15:57:50 nigelb, 15:57:58 shadeslayer, in my college i am giving seminar 15:58:03 +1 15:58:03 +1 received from A-R-R 15:58:09 yeah and i wll document it and tell to you all 15:58:12 AbhijiT: panvel? 15:58:15 We need some integrated plan. just workshops/seminars won't be that useful otherwise. 15:58:16 shadeslayer, yes 15:58:22 in my college i am also teaching my faculty to beggine with ubuntu (linux) 15:58:23 thats it? 15:58:26 AbhijiT: pics or it didn't happen :P 15:58:29 arjunaraoc, e.g.? 15:58:33 Tie up with GSOC like contests. 15:58:34 nigelb: is a passivie attendee today ;) 15:58:41 shadeslayer, amm???? what pics? 15:58:50 #endvote 15:58:50 Voting ended on: people to attend/give seminars in colleges and other places and try to get people involved and keep them documented 15:58:50 Votes for:9 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 15:58:50 Motion carried 15:58:54 AbhijiT: pics from the seminar ;) 15:59:03 Bipul`, has already conducted seminar. he should document it and submit. coolbhavi 15:59:11 shadeslayer, oh yah sure will try 15:59:18 Bipul`, 15:59:22 geekosopher: distracted with work. 15:59:29 I demotivate others using M$ saying that it's like stealing 3000 or more if using pirated, and diverts them to OSS, ( I said already) 15:59:33 the second proposal was "involvement of loco in ubuntu global events" 15:59:34 i think you ll do the same 15:59:37 coolbhavi, i just presentated a presentation on Linux 15:59:48 in august 2010 15:59:49 Bipul`: whenever you conduct a seminar or something, its a good idea to tell about it to the mailing list 16:00:00 m4n1sh, shall we vote on that? 16:00:03 geekosopher, ok :) i will tell them 16:00:13 coolbhavi: discussion first 16:00:15 * akshatj releases m4n1sh on pksadiq for using M$ 16:00:16 which events 16:00:28 Global Jam 16:00:36 UDS 16:00:47 yes, I would be apply for sponorship this time 16:01:02 m4n1sh, great mate 16:01:06 if I get sponsorship, will document it 16:01:09 coolbhavi: global jam will happen before UDS 16:01:24 UDS is in May I think 16:01:38 UGJ on 1-3 april 16:01:44 so UDS is later 16:01:48 geekosopher, yes but we are discussing global prespective mate 16:02:02 UGJ = Ubuntu Global Jam 16:02:10 another idea, how about some python/vala classroom sessions conducted by us? 16:02:23 m4n1sh: +1 16:02:29 m4n1sh: sure 16:02:31 I am in for Python and C# 16:02:37 I know these 2 langs 16:02:48 m4n1sh: ok, you asked for it. You're doing a UDW session. 16:02:48 m4n1sh, Python all the way 16:02:57 neena, what is udw? 16:02:58 m4n1sh, so are you going to take up this? 16:03:06 AbhijiT, ubuntu developer week 16:03:06 oh 16:03:10 coolbhavi: yes I can. Just is someone else knowing python is there. 16:03:11 ok 16:03:21 I can handle C# alone 16:03:27 but for Python need 1 person more 16:03:43 nigelb: you can come for python too? shadeslayer ? 16:03:50 nigelb, is that ufw takes place on irc? 16:03:56 AbhijiT: yes 16:03:59 ok 16:04:01 udw 16:04:03 erm 16:04:07 never handled python 16:04:07 m4n1sh: I want to learn both of them 16:04:09 when is next udw? 16:04:09 lol :D ufw! 16:04:16 who else knows python here? 16:04:16 and i'd like to keep away from it 16:04:22 m4n1sh: I can 16:04:22 shadeslayer: which lang is your fav? 16:04:25 nigelb: great 16:04:25 like i'm keeping away from Java 16:04:31 udw=uds? 16:04:35 nope 16:04:38 it's nice to here that IT @ school at kerala has changed programming language n syllabus to python from QBASIC upto 10th standard @ every schools 16:04:40 m4n1sh: C++ + STL + Qt/KDE API's 16:04:44 shadeslayer, :o why? 16:04:45 ubutu developer week is a week of IRC sessions 16:04:48 geekosopher, nope 16:04:54 UDS = Ubuntu Developer Summit. Happens in person 16:05:01 And remote. 16:05:04 yes 16:05:07 AbhijiT: too much is b0rked with python 16:05:11 both. UDW is only on IRC 16:05:22 m4n1sh, we can ask some of the MOTU's or devs from pythoniasts to take a session then 16:05:24 im going to try and write qt-language-selector in C++ at some point in the future 16:05:25 pksadiq, that's good you know if we email to CBSE director and state board director 16:05:26 so I can take C# classes alone and python with nigelb 16:05:26 pksadiq, i will like the link of kerala govt and kerala school/college syllabus regarding implementation of linux and foss 16:05:29 m4n1sh: if you have a symbian phone you can also try pys60 on your phone, very handy 16:05:29 shadeslayer, ok 16:05:43 about this to add in there syllabus about the importance of FOSS 16:05:51 that will be awsome. 16:05:54 m4n1sh, I know python. But I think it will be too early to help on a session for me :P 16:06:01 pksadiq: Bipul`: topic please 16:06:17 AbhijiT, pm 16:06:20 so I think we can ask some MOTU for helping us with Python sessions 16:06:21 check the pm 16:06:28 extremely sorry to interupt all you guys, but I have to leave 16:06:39 Bipul`, yes 16:06:43 nigelb, are you going to handle python classes? 16:06:46 so can we have a vote on if I can continue with team reporting next month? 16:06:49 gaurav: no probs 16:06:49 check mine pm 16:06:57 coolbhavi: I'll be helping m4n1sh with python classes 16:06:59 m4n1sh, i dont get you ? 16:07:10 so shall we vote? 16:07:12 coolbhavi, see what gaurav is asking 16:07:13 Bipul`: I mean stay on topic 16:07:16 coolbhavi, yes 16:07:35 m4n1sh, ok 16:07:46 when is UDW ? 16:08:08 dates? 16:08:31 Feb 28th 16:08:38 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDeveloperWeek 16:09:02 coolbhavi: please see my pm 16:09:16 okay. So shall we go ahead with the vote? 16:09:20 #vote nigelb and m4n1sh to take python/vala sessions 16:09:20 Please vote on: nigelb and m4n1sh to take python/vala sessions 16:09:20 Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) 16:09:34 where will UDW be held? 16:09:37 +1 for vala (not for python) 16:09:37 +1 16:09:37 +1 received from A-R-R 16:09:38 +1 16:09:38 +1 received from geekosopher 16:09:42 +1 16:09:42 +1 received from coolbhavi 16:09:42 ohh 16:09:43 +1 16:09:43 +1 received from AbhijiT 16:09:44 +1 16:09:44 +1 received from m4n1sh 16:09:51 +1 16:09:51 +1 received from Bipul` 16:10:04 but i wanted to note that i dont vote for python i vote for vala? 16:10:11 GauravButola: on IRC #ubuntu-classroom and #ubuntu-classroom-chat 16:10:11 +1 16:10:11 +1 received from pksadiq 16:10:23 nigelb, 16:10:29 +1 16:10:29 +1 received from nigelb 16:10:29 coolbhavi, ^^^ 16:10:53 so anymore left? 16:10:59 no 16:11:04 +1 16:11:04 +1 received from akshatj 16:11:12 shadeslayer: ping 16:11:18 your vote? 16:11:28 m4n1sh, vala 16:11:35 I am not keen in voting at this time. 16:11:42 I am more of Python and C# person 16:11:47 lets see what all we can get done 16:11:51 will try my best 16:11:54 Do you really need to vote on each topic? can we work towards consensus 16:11:56 ok 16:12:03 oh 16:12:09 +1 16:12:09 +1 received from shadeslayer 16:12:21 arjunaraoc: actually these things are action items and not votes 16:12:34 arjunaraoc, ^^ 16:12:40 i see. 16:13:07 coolbhavi: I think all done 16:13:10 all votes 16:13:17 #endvote 16:13:17 Voting ended on: nigelb and m4n1sh to take python/vala sessions 16:13:17 Votes for:10 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 16:13:17 Motion carried 16:13:29 so next topic? 16:13:53 #topic Start planning to organise Global Jam, either in-person or online 16:13:53 TOPIC: Start planning to organise Global Jam, either in-person or online 16:14:26 i regulary there in bug squad so i will continue the same in global jam 16:14:36 I think this is best discussed on mailing list rather 16:14:38 I am in. We can meet on IRC on bugsquad and do it 16:14:56 global jam also involves packaging 16:15:00 so i can learn packaging too 16:15:18 global jam is not for learning/teaching? 16:15:23 its for working , i think? 16:15:31 learning and working 16:15:35 oh 16:15:37 a good time to learn by looking at others 16:15:42 ok 16:15:52 yes but the planning can be done on ML I think to reach out better I guess 16:15:57 yes 16:15:58 true 16:16:03 coolbhavi, ok np 16:16:12 so we can move to next topic? 16:16:25 i always be there in classroom to encourage speaker! 16:16:33 #topic More publicity to the meetings 16:16:33 TOPIC: More publicity to the meetings 16:16:53 how? 16:17:06 People don't look much interested 16:17:08 o/ 16:17:08 nigelb: ping 16:17:15 m4n1sh, I think facebook posting helps 16:17:18 Well, we've been having meetings for 2 months 16:17:18 :) 16:17:26 nigelb: yes, but still 16:17:29 and it would be nice if we could tweet, and post on fb about the meetings 16:17:35 yes 16:17:36 ok 16:17:40 starting 24 hrs before 16:17:41 there were 2 reminders to the list about this too 16:17:47 one more imp thing 16:17:56 ask 16:17:59 yes go on 16:18:06 add all your 'potential' or already ubuntu using friends to that fb group 16:18:14 i see that no one added much friends. 16:18:37 I will add a few 16:18:41 sure I ve sent them a request 16:18:48 :) 16:18:57 yeah 16:19:20 so is there anymore on this topic left? 16:19:26 No 16:19:29 no 16:19:47 #topic next chair of meeting 16:19:47 TOPIC: next chair of meeting 16:20:10 geekosopher has proposed his candidature 16:20:11 I propose nigelb 16:20:16 than geekosopher 16:20:18 then 16:20:21 ok 16:20:22 then geekosopher is better 16:20:25 geekosopher, 16:20:27 lets give people chance 16:20:53 nigelb, your views? 16:20:59 shadeslayer, 16:21:07 akshatj: ping 16:21:14 pksadiq, 16:21:17 Bipul`: 16:21:23 whre all gone? 16:21:28 hmm? 16:21:30 ah 16:21:31 o/ 16:21:36 shadeslayer, vote for next speaker 16:21:37 I can chair 16:21:38 Hm 16:21:43 me and nigelb are a bit occupied :P 16:21:46 geekosopher: ping 16:22:07 akshatj looks away in empathy 16:22:10 probably he is away 16:22:17 since geekosopher proposed his candidature 16:22:25 we ll vote on it 16:22:30 coolbhavi, wherre and when he proposted? 16:22:37 just wanted to know 16:22:44 sorry, I have to leave right now, can we have a quick vote on who continues with team reporting for ext month? 16:22:48 in pm 16:22:53 okay 16:23:13 #vote geekosopher to chair next 16:23:13 Please vote on: geekosopher to chair next 16:23:13 Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) 16:23:20 +1 16:23:20 +1 received from m4n1sh 16:23:22 +1 16:23:22 +1 received from AbhijiT 16:23:35 nigelb, 16:23:38 shadeslayer, 16:23:45 +1 16:23:45 +1 received from shadeslayer 16:23:46 +1 16:23:46 +1 received from Bipul` 16:23:46 Bipul`: akshatj 16:23:47 +1 16:23:47 +1 received from nigelb 16:23:55 pksadiq, vote 16:23:58 +1 16:23:58 +1 received from coolbhavi 16:24:15 sory i was away 16:24:18 why every one only +1 , then what is the need for vote ? :) 16:24:32 pksadiq, :) 16:24:33 pksadiq: in case anyone wants to oppose 16:24:34 pksadiq, because i think geekosopher is new so let give him chance 16:24:46 pksadiq: in first meeting we had few -1 also 16:25:00 k m4 16:25:22 pksadiq, no sms language please 16:25:40 if you are for then type +1 16:25:52 orelese -1 or +0 16:26:09 for abstaining 16:26:13 coolbhavi : that's because i'm on mobile and it's hard to type full name, sorry 16:26:33 +1 16:26:33 +1 received from pksadiq 16:26:39 pksadiq, okay then no problems 16:26:41 :) 16:26:48 is that all? 16:26:55 done 16:27:33 silence says it all :) 16:27:37 :) 16:27:38 #endvote 16:27:38 Voting ended on: geekosopher to chair next 16:27:38 Votes for:7 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 16:27:38 Motion carried 16:27:49 m4n1sh: sorry, was away 16:28:25 akshatj, you just missed a voting chance :( 16:28:27 all done? 16:28:39 I think so 16:28:48 next time we might have better topics 16:28:48 done 16:28:51 coolbhavi: :( 16:29:18 so guys thanls for turning up and participating 16:29:22 Cool : but he couldn't change the fate 16:29:44 m4n1sh, well i want to make a team that will conduct a workshop on Linux(ubuntu) here in every colleges and university in india 16:29:45 coolbhavi: #endmeeting 16:29:57 #endmeeting Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell)