#title #ubuntu-in Meeting Meeting started by geekosopher at 15:32:49 UTC. The full logs are available at http://mootbot.libertus.co.uk/ubuntu-in/2011/ubuntu-in.2011-04-13-15.32.log.txt . == Meeting summary == *Previous action items - Chair ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam/Meetings/20110314 (geekosopher, 15:34:32) ''LINK:'' http://milky.manishsinha.net/2011/04/07/gnome-asia/ (manish, 15:39:01) ''ACTION:'' nigelb to post about bangalore ugj (geekosopher, 15:40:33) *m4n1sh_ to take intro session on libraries *The way ahead with the new website - mistrynitesh ''ACTION:'' geekosopher to remind mingo to continue upgrade the website (geekosopher, 15:47:13) *Next month team reports - Chair Meeting ended at 15:59:10 UTC. == Votes == * abhinav- to do this month's team reports For: 5 Against: 0 Abstained: 0 * Next month meeting chair - Chair For: 4 Against: 0 Abstained: 0 == Action items == * nigelb to post about bangalore ugj * geekosopher to remind mingo to continue upgrade the website == Action items, by person == * geekosopher ** geekosopher to remind mingo to continue upgrade the website * nigelb ** nigelb to post about bangalore ugj == People present (lines said) == * geekosopher (70) * manish (53) * meetingology (27) * vikash (16) * nigelb (16) * abhinav- (9) * tazz (8) * akshatj (1) == Full Log == 15:32:49 #startmeeting 15:32:49 Meeting started Wed Apr 13 15:32:49 2011 UTC. The chair is geekosopher. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell. 15:32:49 Useful Commands: #topic #action #link #idea #voters #vote #chair #action #agreed #help #info #endmeeting. 15:33:18 #topic Previous action items - Chair 15:33:18 TOPIC: Previous action items - Chair 15:33:31 so what did we agree to do last? 15:33:43 I think there was a list 15:33:48 right? 15:34:03 yes, pulling it up 15:34:32 #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam/Meetings/20110314 15:34:53 how was the ugj? 15:34:59 nigelb: ping 15:35:10 nigelb: waiting for your post 15:35:14 :) 15:35:49 It was awful 15:35:55 which is why I haven't blogged yet 15:36:00 abhinav-: there was no lucknow UGJ, right 15:36:04 yes, I was supposed to come 15:36:07 to UGJ 15:36:14 but could not due to some unavoidable reasons 15:36:23 some serious unavoidable reasons. I botched up 15:36:29 right, I was waiting on IRC, there are not many geeks around me :) 15:36:51 ok 15:36:53 geekosopher: next 15:36:55 manish: and I don't think you want those reasons on the record :p 15:37:05 nigelb: yes 15:37:08 so I guess we missed this opportunity to gang up 15:37:09 :P 15:37:11 heh 15:37:22 we should be planning for natty release parties then 15:37:24 hello everyone! 15:37:29 vikash: hello 15:37:34 geekosopher: yeah. Lets try 15:37:36 hi vikash 15:37:41 geekosopher: also UGJ clashes with gnome.asia 15:37:48 *clashed 15:37:58 hmmm 15:38:07 anybody here participated in it? 15:38:11 manish: ^ 15:38:22 geekosopher: where? UGJ or gnome.asia? 15:38:28 gnome.asia 15:38:41 geekosopher: yes 15:38:44 I have a report too 15:38:49 link please 15:39:01 http://milky.manishsinha.net/2011/04/07/gnome-asia/ 15:39:13 thanks 15:39:32 ok so what about natty release parties? 15:39:50 are we going to plan a local one in our cities? 15:40:04 I am sure bangalore will have one ;) 15:40:08 hope so 15:40:24 first of all let me action an item 15:40:25 manish, hello * 15:40:26 So is this meeting going one 15:40:26 *on 15:40:26 gnome asia was awesome 15:40:33 #action nigelb to post about bangalore ugj 15:40:33 * meetingology nigelb to post about bangalore ugj 15:40:42 vikash: you should write a small post 15:40:46 and send it to geekosopher 15:40:57 vikash: please do what manish says 15:40:58 about gnome asia 15:41:02 yes 15:41:04 ? 15:41:07 vikash: yes 15:41:16 sure 15:41:26 anything left? 15:41:29 ah, so there is a meeting going on 15:41:47 anyone from delhi here right now? 15:42:02 akshatj: welcome to the party 15:42:03 geekosopher, your email? 15:42:27 vikash: you can ping him 15:42:30 or send to the mailing list 15:42:39 ok 15:42:41 vikash: see my pm 15:42:49 gt it 15:43:00 geekosopher, got it thnx 15:43:15 next topic 15:43:21 anyways, there is a contact@ubuntu-in.info 15:43:29 yes 15:43:48 m4n1sh_ to take intro session on libraries 15:44:11 oops 15:44:17 #topic m4n1sh_ to take intro session on libraries 15:44:17 TOPIC: m4n1sh_ to take intro session on libraries 15:44:23 I took one session 15:44:26 but not on library 15:44:35 ok 15:44:41 do we have logs? 15:44:44 Zeitgeist API & Zeitgeist Application Integration 15:44:52 Logs - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MeetingLogs/appdevweek1104/Zeitgeist 15:45:02 cool 15:45:22 so thats about this topic, next one up 15:45:46 #topic The way ahead with the new website - mistrynitesh 15:45:46 TOPIC: The way ahead with the new website - mistrynitesh 15:45:58 I think our designer is not here 15:46:10 yes, I was expecting him here today 15:46:22 we can defer it 15:46:25 we need to remind him of his promise ;) 15:46:33 yes 15:46:46 will mail him in a day 15:46:50 sure 15:47:13 #action geekosopher to remind mingo to continue upgrade the website 15:47:13 * meetingology geekosopher to remind mingo to continue upgrade the website 15:47:56 anything else left to discuss, before we vote for the next chair and team reporter? 15:48:20 I dont think so 15:48:24 my lp membership is pending :-/ 15:48:40 abhinav-: that's an lp bug 15:48:42 which is now fixed 15:48:56 bug? 15:49:09 geekosopher: bug in launchpad system 15:49:10 yeah 15:49:14 oh yes 15:49:24 I'll poke someone to make it open again 15:49:24 * abhinav- checks his memberships 15:49:40 nigelb: catch gary_poster on #launchpad-dev 15:49:43 anyway, being part or not being part, doesn't stop you from contributing 15:49:45 or jml or lifeless 15:49:45 manish: no no 15:49:51 I need to catch one of our admins 15:49:53 they can redirect them 15:50:02 yes, then can redirect it to the admins 15:50:08 nigelb: yeah :) 15:50:10 No. 15:50:21 Our team admin must make it open, that's it 15:50:30 need to poke gosub or tuxmaniac 15:50:53 that way 15:50:53 hmm 15:51:07 anything else? 15:51:31 we have 10 more minutes, 15:51:56 I dont think there is much left 15:52:15 ok 15:52:21 #topic Next month team reports - Chair 15:52:21 TOPIC: Next month team reports - Chair 15:52:45 I propose abhinav- since he missed the opportunity last month 15:53:21 anyone else want to nominate ? 15:53:24 abhinav-: fine? 15:53:34 i like the way you put it. "missed the opportunity last month" 15:53:38 #vote abhinav- to do this month's team reports 15:53:38 Please vote on: abhinav- to do this month's team reports 15:53:38 Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) 15:53:39 yeah. 15:53:50 +1 15:53:50 +1 received from geekosopher 15:53:52 +1 15:53:52 +1 received from abhinav- 15:53:58 +1 15:53:58 +1 received from tazz 15:53:58 +1 15:53:58 +1 received from manish 15:54:15 tazz: ;) 15:54:39 vikash: your vote? 15:54:40 tazz: I thought you were afk 15:54:41 +1 15:54:41 +1 received from nigelb 15:54:48 manish, why? 15:55:00 tazz: you were not taking part in the meet 15:55:10 so thought u are afk 15:55:13 manish, ah, i was afk 15:55:15 mostly. 15:55:18 ok so times up 15:55:20 anything else left 15:55:22 #endvote 15:55:22 Voting ended on: abhinav- to do this month's team reports 15:55:22 Votes for:5 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 15:55:22 Motion carried 15:55:29 +1 15:55:38 vikash, dosnt count now. 15:55:40 vikash: too late :P 15:55:45 :( 15:55:52 #vote Next month meeting chair - Chair 15:55:52 Please vote on: Next month meeting chair - Chair 15:55:52 Public votes can be registered by saying +1, +0 or -1 in channel, (private votes don't work yet, but when they do it will be by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0 to me) 15:56:09 I nominate manish 15:56:23 he missed the opportunity today :) 15:56:27 lol 15:56:28 :) 15:56:37 +1 15:56:37 +1 received from geekosopher 15:56:37 +1 15:56:37 +1 received from abhinav- 15:56:39 +1 15:56:39 +1 received from tazz 15:56:45 keh do ki yeh jhooth hai! 15:56:48 +1 15:56:48 +1 received from vikash 15:58:04 counting till 10 to close vote 15:58:07 1 15:58:10 2 15:58:15 3 15:58:17 10 15:58:26 #endvote 15:58:26 Voting ended on: Next month meeting chair - Chair 15:58:26 Votes for:4 Votes against:0 Abstentions:0 15:58:26 Motion carried 15:58:28 you shoulda said 1 2 10 ;) 15:58:41 1 and 10 in the world of binaries :) 15:58:50 ok, so wrap up the business this time 15:58:53 yes 15:59:01 thank you all for rocking the party ;) 15:59:09 :) 15:59:10 #endmeeting Generated by MeetBot 0.1.4 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/AlanBell)