#title #ubuntu-in Meeting Meeting started by vibhav at 14:00:24 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-in/2012/ubuntu-in.2012-07-21-14.00.log.html . == Meeting summary == ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam/Meetings/20120721/Agenda (vibhav, 14:04:24) ''LINK:'' https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntuindia/ (koustav, 14:07:21) *Status of tried ubuntu-in website ''LINK:'' https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntuindia/ (koustav, 14:07:37) *current status of the LoCo website ''LINK:'' https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntuindia/ JOIN UBUNTU INDIA FB PAGE (koustav, 14:10:41) ''LINK:'' www.ubuntu-in.info (vibhav, 14:15:04) ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/TeamApprovalGuidelines (geekosopher, 14:20:36) ''IDEA:'' shift the LoCo website to wiki.ubuntu.com (vibhav, 14:25:04) ''IDEA:'' remove spam from the website and making a team responsible for keeping the wiki clean (vibhav, 14:35:48) ''IDEA:'' re-start the wiki (vibhav, 14:39:12) *Team Leadership ''LINK:'' https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntuindia/ (koustav, 15:02:40) ''ACTION:'' Sort out leadership (vibhav, 15:08:57) *operators for the #ubuntu-in channel ''LINK:'' https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam/Meetings/20101217 (tachyons, 15:22:25) Meeting ended at 15:27:19 UTC. == Votes == == Action items == * Sort out leadership == People present (lines said) == * vibhav (96) * ikonia (80) * geekosopher (70) * ramkr (48) * tachyons (44) * IdleOne (37) * dumbguy (21) * koustav (14) * ashickur-noor (11) * shadeslayer (6) * Bigbang (5) * abhishekp (5) * meetingology (4) * coolbhavi (2) * javajk (1) == Full Log == 14:00:24 #startmeeting 14:00:24 Meeting started Sat Jul 21 14:00:24 2012 UTC. The chair is vibhav. Information about MeetBot at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology. 14:00:24 14:00:24 Available commands: #accept #accepted #action #agree #agreed #chair #commands #endmeeting #endvote #halp #help #idea #info #link #lurk #meetingname #meetingtopic #nick #progress #rejected #replay #restrictlogs #save #startmeeting #subtopic #topic #unchair #undo #unlurk #vote #voters #votesrequired 14:01:34 So who is present here? 14:01:50 i m 14:02:12 \o 14:02:18 passively however 14:02:32 \o 14:02:45 Koustav, bigbang: you there? 14:03:04 yes 14:03:10 ইয়ুপ 14:03:13 yup 14:03:21 same here vibhav mailing on the arb list now so ll be silent 14:03:26 i am completeley new in relay chat 14:03:34 lots of things to learn 14:03:54 yeah me too 14:04:21 okay 14:04:24 #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam/Meetings/201207/Agenda 14:04:58 So who currently knows about the recent chitchat in the mailing lists? 14:05:26 Regarding the Status of the ubuntu-in LoCo 14:05:32 how recent are we speaking ? 14:06:10 This is currently the first meeting in the year 2012 14:06:28 okay 14:07:21 https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntuindia/ 14:07:32 #topic Status of tried ubuntu-in website 14:07:34 hi 14:07:36 join UBUNTU INDIA's fb page 14:07:37 https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntuindia/ 14:08:06 #topic current status of the LoCo website 14:08:38 So do we know how outdated is the website of our LoCo? 14:09:18 yes, we need to update it. 14:09:21 ? 14:09:50 Abhishekp: exactly 14:09:52 last blog was 221 days ago ! 14:09:54 its showing 8.10 14:09:57 :OO 14:10:15 how can we update our website ? 14:10:31 So what plans do you suggest for updating the eebsir? 14:10:40 Website* 14:10:41 https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntuindia/ JOIN UBUNTU INDIA FB PAGE 14:10:44 .O 14:11:12 koustav: No need to repeat the link. 14:11:21 oh okay 14:11:36 Should we completely redesign the web site or just update the data present ? 14:11:59 Koustav: we will start with the LoCo social pages later, can we talk about the website now? 14:12:51 Abhishekp: the website wiki is full of spam currently 14:12:59 ok 14:13:16 can you justify why we need a separate site? 14:13:28 And the amount of spam is large 14:13:39 why not a sub forum on ubuntu forums 14:14:03 Shadeslayer: we don't need a separate site, we just need it to be redesigned 14:14:36 can you link to the site in question please 14:14:44 Sure 14:14:58 vibhav: no, I'm asking *why* do you need http://ubuntu-in.info/wiki 14:15:04 #link www.ubuntu-in.info 14:15:28 is it Ubuntu verified? 14:15:37 As per I know Ubuntu give .org 14:15:39 not info 14:15:52 You mean the LoCo ? No 14:16:24 not the LoCo the site 14:16:49 The LoCo needs to be approved by the LoCo Council to get an .org domain name 14:17:03 * shadeslayer is still waiting for a answer ;) 14:17:41 ohhhh 14:17:59 We already have a .org domain, though our LoCo is dead 14:18:11 Shadeslayer: well, the wiki was already there. 14:19:07 Ashick-noor : no, ubuntu-in.org points to the ubuntu website 14:19:43 how do we get approval of loco council 14:19:54 yaP I know It is a LoCo site 14:20:04 Bye 14:20:09 need to go 14:20:36 #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoCouncil/TeamApprovalGuidelines 14:20:44 Shadeslayer : either, we can shift the wiki to wiki.ubuntu.com and remove the wiki from the .info domain 14:20:54 hello all 14:21:05 Geeksopher: hey 14:21:10 shadeslayer: the forum is for support 14:21:24 a website is for showcasing the community 14:21:45 we don't necessarily need a separate website 14:21:58 Afaik, the team admins can only request a LoCo forum 14:22:05 sustained team activity...how do we do that 14:22:23 but can work with even #link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam/ 14:23:00 That is a good idea too :-) 14:23:17 We can get a website once our LoCo is approved 14:23:20 though the wiki.ubuntu.com is intended to be only for co-ordinating the team activity 14:24:28 Ill ask the LoCo council about that 14:24:55 vibhav: what do you want to ask the loco council? 14:25:04 #idea shift the LoCo website to wiki.ubuntu.com 14:25:14 anybody from kerala ? 14:25:55 Geeksopher: If we can shift a LoCo website to the ubuntu wiki 14:26:01 javajk: we can have a separate networking session later 14:26:31 vibhav: but we already have the pages at wiki.ubuntu.com 14:27:02 Any more ideas for through website? ill mail the LoCo web team about them. 14:27:12 The* 14:27:36 somebody correct me, we need sustained activity to retain .org only right ? 14:28:03 Geeksopher: they only list information about the LoCo 14:28:09 dumbguy: we need sustained activity to gain loco approval 14:28:18 Dumbguy: yes 14:28:28 okay got it 14:28:41 Any more ideas? 14:29:23 vibhav: yes, so is that not functional enough for now, while we try to redisign the website? 14:29:32 I take that as a no then 14:29:50 so when shall we start working on the site ? 14:29:50 Ignore the previous line 14:30:06 Hi all, sorry for joining in late 14:30:22 Ramkr: that's fine 14:30:40 abhishekp: we can start working on the site right now 14:30:48 Abhishekp : Ill ping the LoCo web team about this 14:30:52 hello 14:30:54 ok 14:31:04 vibhav: LoCo web team? 14:31:22 apologize again, with a question, is it possible for an update as to whats been discussed so far 14:31:34 when we say work on website, what exactly will that consist 14:31:39 Geeksopher: yes, the team in charge of the LoCo website 14:31:59 ramkr: there will be logs of the meeting you can read later. 14:32:05 you mean loco.ubuntu.com? 14:32:15 So late , what are things discussed :( 14:32:43 tachyons: read message by IdleOne 14:32:54 Geeksopher: no, the ubuntu-in web team 14:32:59 ok 14:33:01 May I suggest updating the current .info site. mainly the wiki info so it is at least current. 14:33:42 IdleOne : the website is hit by a massive spam attack 14:34:05 geekosopher:how 14:34:09 That would be a good start to modernize the look of the team and also show the loco council that there is activity in the loco. 14:34:21 It may be very difficult to remove those pages 14:34:30 tachyons: what how? 14:34:44 vibhav: spam can be removed and volunteers can help keep it clean 14:34:57 How to get todays archive ? 14:35:16 tachyons: a link to the log of this meeting will be posted at end of meeting 14:35:21 tachyons: link to the log will be provided after the end of the meeting 14:35:48 #idea remove spam from the website and making a team responsible for keeping the wiki clean 14:36:05 who maintains/maintained website ? 14:36:08 i like that idea 14:36:08 tachyons: a link to the log of this meeting will be posted at end of meeting 14:36:16 look at the wiki 14:36:20 there is nothing of any value in it 14:36:22 delete it 14:36:23 re-create it 14:36:27 make it account only 14:36:32 ^ 14:36:40 +1 ikonia 14:36:44 Ikonia: hi 14:36:45 people who are members of the loco get accounts only 14:36:47 simple 14:36:50 use brain 14:36:51 seems like we need a fresh start 14:37:06 who will be in the new website team ? 14:37:07 you only got spammed because the wiki was not setup properly so spam bots can hit it 14:37:18 someone who has knowledge of how to run a web site needs to lead 14:37:22 so there is security concerns 14:37:37 Ill ping the web team about it too 14:37:45 are the web team active / 14:37:47 do they even exist ? 14:37:55 Ikonia - it may also be an opportunity to have , as assistants, people who want to learn how to setup and maintain websites 14:37:56 there is no activity on the project 14:38:06 ramkr: as long as someone who is capable is leading 14:38:12 ramkr: it's pointless having someone who has no idea teaching people 14:38:16 Ikonia : the wiki has some valuable content regarding the LoCo too 14:38:26 do they even exist . exist in paper 14:38:29 vibhav: it really doesn't, it's conent appears to be worthless 14:38:45 vibhav: however you can export any content you feel is vaulable 14:39:11 ikonia: yes, the admins should be contacted about accounts on wiki 14:39:12 #idea re-start the wiki 14:39:25 My general feeling is that one of the reasons why ubuntu-in is not so well is because of lack of two way interacitivyt, people have to feel that they are wanted and contributing 14:39:31 javajk :are you jayakrishnan ? 14:39:32 ikonia: they do exist, just a little busy 14:39:33 if you are unsure of how to deal with the website, why not go to a very active loco team, eg: one of the USA ones, ask for their website template, ask their web maintainer to set it up for you 14:39:53 that way you have the website problem solved in 10 seconds, you know it's secure, and you just have to maintain the content 14:40:17 there seems to be massive ammounts of discussion and no real common sense approach of how to deal with........ a website 14:40:45 you're part of the ubuntu community that has massive locos already doing this, with experienced people, leverage it 14:40:49 take their templates, take their admin teams experience 14:40:56 also presently there is an overload of sources of information, so no one has any real need to visit ubuntu india 14:41:08 we have to have things that no one else has, 14:41:13 Exactly 14:41:17 no you don't 14:41:20 +1 14:41:25 the loco is about providing a community for the local area/group 14:41:29 not about having something others don' thave 14:41:42 I doubt the necessity of a website too 14:41:45 +1 @ikonia 14:41:46 it can be exactly the same as every other loco, but based in the india area 14:42:09 to bring the india community and act as an information hub for the india loco 14:42:16 so why would any one want to visit ubuntu india loco when what it does is no different from indiana 14:42:27 ramkr: because indiana is based in america 14:42:40 Afaik, we were earlier an approved LoCo 14:42:45 ramkr: so the events in america are not really any value to those people based in india 14:42:47 i guess we are sayng the same thing - india based , india specific attrative to india 14:42:49 or the information will be related to people in america 14:42:55 correct 14:43:06 ramkr: To find out if there any local events they can attend, to see if there is any events they can help organize/volunteer for.... 14:43:10 it's the Indian loco, it's a hub and resource for the Indian loco team 14:44:10 i know a lot of people who use ubuntu / mint but its installed by friends etc and they have no idea about what ubuntu or linux is all about 14:44:16 We have a little time left, can we start with the next topic? 14:44:20 the LoCo site can also be used to point to existing support resources that are know to be safe and good. 14:44:23 Idleone - i agree, 14:44:40 vibhav: let us first decide with this topic 14:44:44 I think you need to consider what a loco is 14:44:46 maybe talk to some of the other locos 14:44:48 so, having a bunch of help info repeated is IMHO a waste of web space 14:44:50 Geeksopher : sure 14:44:54 what was the outcome of this disucssion 14:44:59 vibhav: lets create volunteer teams right now 14:45:06 ??? 14:45:09 why are you creating teams 14:45:15 for what function ? 14:45:18 Remove/restart/shift the wiki 14:45:21 why ? 14:45:27 many of the other loco's are located in univ where students form the base, 14:45:28 for each function 14:45:45 guys, look at what you are doing, you are running around like headless chickens 14:45:51 I am a univ student 14:45:51 that not what is it in our case, most of us, correct me if i am wrong, are working and use ubuntu professionally 14:46:05 right now I think the best thing would be for someone who has some knowledge of websites to volunteer to contact an existing LoCo team and get their help. 14:46:08 does it matter how you use ubuntu ? 14:46:17 peronsal, business, fun, a door stop 14:46:55 Tachyons : why do we need a separate team? 14:47:06 why don't you ask one of the existing successfull locos to loan you a leader 14:47:13 someone who can help get you moving/started/orginised 14:47:23 someone should summerize whats going on, else conversation will run in circles 14:47:28 someone who has experience 14:47:33 Ikonia : +1 14:47:44 ikonia: I think the best option for guidance would be to contact the LoCo Council. 14:47:50 vibhav: visit our loco site twice , 14:48:11 it does make a difference because students are most interested and create a lot of activity around linux and they are also the most likely to have time to volunteer 14:48:19 ramkr: no, I'm sorry it doesn't 14:48:26 The LoCo council is better suited for helping find the appropriate help for a team who wants to regain approval. 14:48:30 ikonica :+1 14:48:32 ramkr: it makes no difference to a loco if users are at school, work, or don't even use the OS 14:48:36 So as Geeksopher said, what do we conclude from this chat? 14:48:40 and many univs already have their own lugs which do a lot of what the loco wants to do 14:49:19 I couldn't disagree more 14:49:31 ramkr: in its purest form, a loco is about making new friends. 14:49:33 1. Restart the website 2. Shift the website to ubuntu wiki 14:49:45 ?? 14:49:48 + 1 idleone 14:49:48 have you just read what you've said 14:49:57 why do you need to restart the website if you are moving it to the ubuntu wiki ? 14:50:17 a space to know what others are doing and to learn and take things forward a network which is caused by ubuntu 14:50:20 ramkr: i get what you are saying but trust me, m an engg student and even some proferssors here are unaware about ubuntu, can't expect students to know.. 14:50:21 I'll leave you to it - it's clear this is just noise for the sake of noise with no real planning or experience 14:50:29 Ikonia : they are the different ideas we have concluded. They are not related to each other 14:50:55 vibhav: how can restart the website, move the website to the ubuntu wiki not be related ? 14:51:04 dumbguy: ah not the prof, the students and a few are enough to make a lot of noise :-) - 14:51:10 I agree with option , second option does'nt make sense 14:52:00 What is the current leadership setup for this loco? 14:52:08 Tachyons: the second option meant removing the website and shifting the content to the ubuntu wiki 14:52:17 Who is the team lead? 14:52:30 IdleOne: visit loco.ubuntu.com for the info 14:52:32 #topic Team Leadership 14:52:50 The LoCo is headed by bghose 14:52:56 I am B tech student , We are gonna create open source club in our college , I hope we can do something for our loco 14:53:06 ok, are they active in this channel or on the mailing list? 14:53:57 Ledaer must have previous experiance in ubuntu community 14:54:08 i had proposed a new team structure and he said that we can the the LoCo members about it and take their opinion 14:54:33 So here is the proposed team structure: 14:54:36 vibhav: say again? 14:54:39 vibhav: Did that conversation with the rest of the loco members ever happen? 14:54:52 We will be taking inspiration from the Italian LoCo 14:55:00 you are jumping ahead of yourself. 14:55:17 You need to slow down and realize that nothing is going to get decided today. 14:55:33 IdleOne:+1 14:55:34 vibhav: Did that conversation with the rest of the loco members ever happen? 14:55:39 IdleOne : we had planned that we would discuss this in this meeting 14:55:45 vibhav: don't run it 14:55:54 we can meet again 14:55:57 Team Admin(s): Aanjhan Ranganathan, Baishampayan Ghose, Gora Mohanty, Onkar Shinde, Soumyadip Modak 14:55:57 Team Contact(s): Aanjhan Ranganathan, Manish Sinha (मनीष सिन्हा), Nitesh Mistry, Nigel Babu 14:56:12 but just chatting with any decision is waste of time 14:56:15 the above from the loco site, are any of the people listed there on in this chat 14:56:20 Yes, they all are informed about this meeting 14:56:23 are any of the current leaders here today? 14:56:26 some of them are active on the list 14:56:52 * ubuntu india email list 14:56:52 I am Nitesh Mistry 14:57:08 Niteshmisty voted for the timings , but isnt available hee 14:57:15 Good to know 14:57:22 geekosopher: Nice to meet you. 14:57:25 vibhav: hi 14:57:26 Geeksopher : ah :-) 14:57:44 I Manish minha : I am not familair with others 14:57:44 0/ 14:58:05 thats two of the many 14:58:08 Now, since geekosopher is a team contact i propose he be the one to contact the LoCo Council and request help on getting this loco back up on its feet 14:58:11 I know * 14:58:18 but a start 14:58:29 Geeksopher ^^^ 14:58:50 restart 14:58:52 the website has been forgotten about for a long time, a little longer won't make much difference. 14:59:01 Geeksopher : we only have a LoCo for a namesake 14:59:17 IdleOne: I don't mind... but first we need to have a decision 14:59:52 I hope my E mail helped for it :p 14:59:59 I vote for Nitesh to take the lead , if he wants to 15:00:06 vibhav: yes the loco is inactive, accepted 15:00:17 but no point repeating the same again 15:00:47 as proposed earlier, i think its better to keep wiki alive and active until we have sufficient activity for loco ? 15:01:07 before we go to loco council, we need to have a plan of action 15:01:11 geekosopher: ok, ikonia suggested contacting one of the US LoCo's to get help setting up a secure web presence. ( California, Wisconsin, Oregon) all very active locos. 15:01:22 if the LoCo is not active, what will we do with a website? 15:01:40 vibhav: good point 15:01:54 so how do we make the loco active? 15:01:57 vibhav: getting a secure website is the first step. Then you populate the site with information. 15:02:14 IdleOne: no, I guess that is the second step 15:02:21 getting a secure website is also a step towards being more active. 15:02:24 Do we have a fb page/group ,twitter ? 15:02:28 first is to get some activity going 15:02:40 geekosopher: this meeting is activity 15:02:40 https://www.facebook.com/groups/ubuntuindia/ 15:02:41 :) 15:02:42 have some release parties, 15:02:58 amazing 15:02:58 IdleOne: no this is not an activity by itself 15:03:03 this is a totally lost project 15:03:11 geekosopher: actually it is 15:03:17 how about ubuntu hour in each city 15:03:20 geekosopher: it's members of the region/loco having a meeting 15:03:27 geekosopher: it's acticity, you don't have to have parties 15:03:28 koutsav : I am alraedy member there(Aboobacker mk) 15:03:45 you have to have information for people wanting to contribute 15:03:46 so that they know how to get in contact with others, what others are doing etc 15:03:57 :P 15:03:58 how will people know about these release parties with no information ? 15:04:03 ikonia: yes, the irc meetings are an activity 15:04:08 how will people know to join this channel to meet other Indian loco members ? 15:04:20 you need to have information available, secure, public, professional, valid, up to date 15:04:20 but not the one that defines a community 15:04:23 in the past few days on the email list there was an announcement for a release party in chennai and a initial call for a meeting in delhi 15:04:38 there is activity, just that the loco ain't in it 15:04:41 ikonica : via social network , mailing list etc 15:04:44 geekosopher: after the Ubuntu hour, where do you put info about what happened during the hour? before the hour how do you let people know where it will be? all these things go on the website, without the website there is no way for people interested in meeting new people to find out about it. 15:04:47 + ikonia 15:04:53 tachyons: how will people know about these lists, and social networking 15:05:06 tachyons: and facebook is a terrible tool, it depends on you having an account 15:05:14 Yup 15:05:17 yep 15:05:25 tachyons: so the sooner you stop spamming that pointless facebook page, the better 15:05:26 IdleOne: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam/Events 15:05:26 ikonica: share share share 15:05:45 tachyons: you can only share with people who have accounts 15:05:47 ikonia: agree on fb, i am not on it and am sure so are many othesrs, meaning we need to keep all channels active and open 15:06:00 this project is totally lost in every way possible 15:06:12 I suggest you end this dicussion, and get involvment from the loco council/experienced locos 15:06:15 ikonica :sharing !=facebook 15:06:21 tachyons: how do you share 15:06:22 So IMO I think the first steps is to get the website setup securely. geekosopher but the regular person in India who just heard about Ubuntu and wants more info does not go looking for wiki pages. 15:06:44 i believe people are reluctant in india to shift to ubuntu, we can start by informing why ubuntu is better even for indian workspaces/household PCs (I know a lot of info on this exists already) 15:06:52 Ikonia: we are a lost project, I consider this meeting as baby steps 15:06:56 kind of activity 15:07:23 reduce talking and do more 15:07:27 We can atleast conclude something 15:07:45 tachyons: saying prep-speeches doesn't add much 15:07:50 ikonica : via friends to friends 15:07:54 to let know i they here 15:08:01 tachyons: good luck with that 15:08:04 how about an outreach programme to contact existing ubuntu users who are not part of the community 15:08:11 ikonica :i know 15:08:31 provide them with additional information about software and other latest things that are heppening 15:08:32 guys, sort your leadership out, then get orginised 15:08:35 *happening 15:08:38 vibhav: yes, its time to summarise 15:08:45 get involvement from other experienced groups to guide you 15:08:48 you are just going around in a circle here with no real value 15:08:51 ikonia: sure, thanks for letting us know 15:08:57 #action Sort out leadership 15:08:57 * meetingology Sort out leadership 15:09:31 hitting "action" in a bot isn't really doing something 15:09:31 Prefer action to be have a stucture and roles in place 15:09:33 ^^^ start a thread in mailing list , it is better to take a dicision about future plans 15:09:45 an action needs to be given to someone 15:09:47 with a plan 15:09:59 just saying "action do $X" won't actually do anything 15:10:32 good luck guys, 15:10:39 Ikonia: we can least ping the current leadership about this? 15:10:40 ikonia: thanks 15:10:41 Action: Have structure and defined roles, 15:10:44 I think we should meet next week also 15:10:55 Have people who are on the loco already to opt for a role 15:10:55 Yup 15:11:01 tachyons: yes 15:11:02 new people join the loc first 15:11:11 and thats the last item on agenda 15:11:25 and then take up a role based on what they can do, not what they want to do (meaning they should be capable) 15:11:35 so what do you guys suggest for a meeting time? 15:11:59 I same time on next week 15:12:12 ? missed your full ? geekosopher 15:12:23 I prefer * 15:12:41 ramkr: did not understand your last post 15:12:54 what is the plan for the discussion about and where ? 15:13:41 i m new to this, how did leadership selection happen before our loco was passive, we can follow the same procedure ? 15:14:20 I am good with this time any week 15:14:36 I meant any saturday or sunday 15:14:58 and do we get th other loco members to come 15:15:00 i will be setting up a doodle poll for the next meeting 15:15:07 should we need next doodle poll ? 15:15:10 vibhav: want to take a vote here instead? 15:15:17 are we winding this up ? 15:15:29 rather have more people join in same time next week then poll for time again 15:15:41 dumbguy: yes, unless you have something more to discuss 15:15:47 Geeksopher : all the LoCo members are not present, no 15:16:02 who is taking responsibility to post the summary on this list and other lugs list with an invite for the next chat 15:16:03 ramkr: i was asking about the next week only 15:16:15 +1 for next week 15:16:17 Ramkr: me 15:16:31 Cheers to Vibhav 15:16:32 okay great 15:16:42 vibhav :+1 15:16:52 vibhav: thats great 15:17:02 I am waiting for mailing list 15:17:38 Lets discuss the final topic 15:18:01 what was that? 15:18:04 weren't we on the final topic? 15:18:22 #topic operators for the #ubuntu-in channel 15:18:23 ;) 15:18:59 Ok, so who are the current operators for this channel? 15:19:13 why do we need new ones 15:19:25 there is hardly any activity on the channel 15:19:51 agreed 15:19:55 Because we don't have an active LoCo 15:20:17 and how does new operators solve that problem? 15:20:30 If we were active, we Would have some activity here 15:21:07 Geeksopher : we cantt leave the channel in a mode similar to the Loco's 15:21:20 Wiki 15:21:44 operators are needed to moderate the discussion on channel 15:21:49 the only reasoni came to this chat was to help rejuvenate ubuntu-in - i think there are some positives , we need to captalize 15:22:08 first let us have an active channel 15:22:16 Geeksopher : sure! 15:22:25 https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianTeam/Meetings/20101217 15:22:38 if the existing operators can't keep up, then we can discuss this topic 15:23:02 tachyons: what about that? 15:23:41 logof previous meeeting 15:23:54 log of* 15:24:31 Who are the current operators ? 15:24:31 tachyons: any particular part you want to highlight in that log? 15:25:17 /msg chanserv access #ubuntu-in list 15:25:25 will show you the current ops 15:26:23 right now ops is the least important thing, like geekosopher said when the time comes there are more ops needed, you can revisit. 15:26:26 geekosphere : No but we need we need sch log for this meeting 15:26:30 bye 15:26:45 there will be a log at the end of the meeting posted by the bot 15:26:46 Sure 15:26:49 nice to meet you all 15:27:02 thanks 15:27:04 tachyons: you will get a link as soon says vibhav types #endmeeting 15:27:09 So with that, 15:27:11 yep nice to meet you too 15:27:19 #endmeeting Generated by MeetBot 0.1.5 (http://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology)