A place to collect notes about the KDE 4.2 Upgrade process in Intrepid
4.1.3 to 4.2 Beta 2 on mature Intrepid installation (seele)
- Upgrade process (used Adept)
- MySQL asks to configure root password 3 times
- Post upgrade
- Some plasmoids are broken: Bball, Binary Clock, Calculator, Character Selector, Color Picker, Comics Strip, Dictionary, Eyes, ... Timer, Twitter
- Not using the kde4 network manager?
- Akanodi appears to have done its job. No problems with Kmail or other PIM-related data
Kontact is not starting when akonadi ressource is used in korganizer, korganizer standalone is working. Problem appears on two differnet machines. -- neversfelde 2009-01-08 22:16:17
- Kickoff width changes strangely.. from 500px (obviously too wide) to 200 px (too small, have scrolling in many app descriptions)
- If you turn Fast User Switching off in the krunner configuration options, you can't switch users (the option doesn't show up and an alternate way does not appear)