<> == Welcome == ||<>|| ## Describe: ## the teams's purpose and community role ## the team tasks and work ## who might be interested in joining/getting involved with the team == Contact == ## List the contact information of the team: Mailing-list, IRC channel and Web Forum as they may apply. Provide a link to the Launchpad page as a Team Member list if applicable. Consider how people will get in touch with you based on the contact information you supply. The Ubuntu Iowa Loco is open to everyone, and we welcome everyone to join so that you can start contributing and sharing right away. The ways to reach out and connect with an IowaTeam member: * Email: <>. [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-us-ia|Subscribe]]. * Forums: [[http://iowa.ubuntuforums.org|iowa.ubuntuforums.org]] * IRC Channel: [[http://webchat.freenode.net/?channels=ubuntu-us-ia|#ubuntu-us-ia]] on chat [[http://freenode.net|freenode.net]]. See the [[IowaTeam/IRC|Iowa IRC page]] for details. * Check out the current [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-us-ia/+members|Iowa Team Members]] and add yourself to the list. == How to Contribute == ## Describe easy ways to contribute to the team. These should look a lot like the bulleted points on the ContributeToUbuntu wiki page. Link to more detailed subpages as necessary. If you live anywhere in Iowa and would like to join us, feel free to contact a team member via IRC or the mailing list. == Projects == ## List the team's current projects and tasks as well as status and contact persons for each one. Make it easy for new people to know who to ask and where to go to get involved with a specific project. == Launchpad Membership Policy == ## Describe your Launchpad team membership policy here. To become an official IowaTeam member, you must do the following: * [[https://launchpad.net/+login|Register]] on [[https://launchpad.net/|Launchpad.net]]. Use of your full name as your display name is encouraged (and pretty common). * [[https://launchpad.net/codeofconduct|Sign]] and abide by the [[http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct|Ubuntu Code of Conduct]]. For help on GPG key signing, visit the [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto#Launchpad%20Key%20Signing|Gnu Privacy Guard How-to]] community help page. == Meetings == ## Link to Meeting Agendas and old meeting summaries here. Currently, we have informal meetings the last Thursday of the month at 8:00 PM local time in our [[#Contact|IRC channel]]. Visit our [[IowaTeam/Meetings|meetings page]] for more information. '''Next Meeting:''' Thursday, May 26, 2011 at 8:00 PM CDT ---- CategoryLoCoTeams <>