###################### WARNING ######################## ## Please be extremely CAREFUL if editing this page ## ## Wiki tables are very whitespace sensitive!!!!!! ## ## Thanks a lot :) ## ####################################################### ## === Welcome to the wiki page of the Iranian Team === ||'''WELCOME'''||<|2> || ||<-2>This is the home page for the '''Iranian Ubuntu Local Community Team'''. <
>''The Iranian team focuses on distributing, promoting and demonstrating Ubuntu within Iran. Through the development of our projects we focus on the areas of schools, universities, business and home users.''|| ||<-3>'''COMMUNICATION'''|| ||'''Web Site:''' [[http://www.ubuntu-ir.org|Persian Web Site]]<
>'''Forums:''' [[http://forum.ubuntu-ir.org|Persian Forums]]<
>'''Wiki:''' [[https://wiki.ubuntu-ir.org|Persian Wiki]]<
>'''IRC:''' #ubuntu-ir on irc.freenode.net<
>'''Mailing List:''' [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-ir|Ubuntu-ir mailing list]] ||'''Meetings:''' held fortnightly on Mondays<
>Next Meeting: in {{{#ubuntu-ir}}}.||'''Team Contact:''' MehdiHassanpour|| ||'''Members:''' <
> Iranian LoCo has some sub-teams to organize tasks better and each teams has some members. <
> '''[[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ir-council|Iranian LoCo Team Council]]''' <
> '''[[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ir-members|Iranian LoCo Team Members]]'''<
> '''[[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-ir-forum-moderators|Forum Moderators]]''' <
>if you are interested in joining read the procedure [[https://wiki.ubuntu-ir.org/wiki/Ubuntu Iran/Membersip|here]]. <
> ||'''Projects:''' <
> See the projects section in our forums [[http://forum.ubuntu-ir.org/index.php?board=23.0|here]] ||'''Ubuntu events in Iran:''' <
> Here are some of the events held in Tehran: <
> '''[[http://wiki.ubuntu-ir.org/ReleaseParty/HardyReleaseParty|Ubuntu 8.04 release party]] '''<
>'''[[http://wiki.ubuntu-ir.org/IntrepidIbexReleaseParty|Ubuntu 8.10 release Party]]''' <
>'''[[http://wiki.ubuntu-ir.org/JauntyJackalopeReleaseParty|Ubuntu 9.04 release Party]]'''<
> '''[[http://wiki.ubuntu-ir.org/KarmicKoalaReleaseParty|Ubuntu 9.10 release Party]]''' <
> '''[[http://forum.ubuntu-ir.org/index.php/topic,14175.0.html|Ubuntu Installed, now What?]]'''<
>'''[[https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10150408156478793.411875.527123792|Ubuntu 11.04 release Party]]''' <
>'''[[https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.501564593202304.136891.135757403116360|Ubuntu 12.04 release Party]]'''|| ||<-3>'''Quick Links:''' || <
> ---- CategoryLoCoTeams