Nobody is perfect, not even the operators. In case of problems between users or between users and operators, the other operators and the IRC council can mediate. If you think you have been treated wrong, please follow the following steps until you are satisfied with the solution to this dispute.

  1. Be calm, no caps no swearing. Seriously. If you feel the need to shout at someone or to swear, please take 5 minutes out before doing anything. Nobody will feel like helping you if you are swearing and shouting.
  2. PM the operator who took action, mistakes can be made by both sides and short, calm, polite conversations can quickly solve problems and clear the air.
  3. If the previous step has failed then feel free to join #ubuntu-ops. Small issues, such as accidental flooding, can be quickly resolved here. For other issues, a meeting will be scheduled where two independent people from the dispute resolution team can weigh in on the issue.
  4. If you are not satisfied with the outcome of this meeting, you can send an e-mail to, explaining the situation. The IRC council will try and solve the problem.

  5. Your last port of call is the Community Council at

The following documents also are a good read if you want to appeal a decision by an operator:

IrcTeam/AppealProcess (last edited 2010-01-17 08:38:09 by a88-112-92-111)