This is a checklist of items that is generally useful to go through when opening a new channel to the public. Some of the items may be overkill for limited-scope channels, but please consider them carefully in any case, as neglecting them may easily have unintended consequences even or especially in the long term.

/MSG ChanServ REGISTER #ChannelName

/MSG ChanServ SET #ChannelName GUARD ON
/MSG ChanServ SET #ChannelName MLOCK +stnmi
/TOPIC #ChannelName This channel is not yet open

/MSG ChanServ FLAGS #ChannelName <Nickname> +votiA

/MSG ChanServ FLAGS #ChannelName *!*@ubuntu/member/* +votiA

/MSG ChanServ FLAGS #ChannelName *!*@freenode/staff/* +votiA
/MSG ChanServ FLAGS #ChannelName UbuntuIrcCouncil +votiA

/TOPIC Official Ubuntu support channel | | FAQ: | Pastebin: | Join #kubuntu for Kubuntu support | The Flash package is currently broken

/MSG ChanServ SET #ChannelName MLOCK -s+tn
/MSG ChanServ OP #ChannelName
/MODE #ChannelName -mi

IrcTeam/CreatingChannels (last edited 2010-01-17 09:11:37 by a88-112-92-111)