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Events which have already taken place in 2011

Ubuntu Global Jams

Ubuntu Global Jam, Dublin April 2011

On Saturday 2nd of April we again took part in the Ubuntu Global Jam in Dublin with a face to face get together working on items as a team.

TOG, the Dublin Hackerspace very kindly hosted this event for the second time from 10am to 6pm.

System testing (Natty Beta 1) was the predominant theme for the day which was something new for those who attended.

Some pictures of of the Jam can be found here.

The LoCo Directory listing for this event can be found here.

Ubuntu Global Jam, University of Limerick, April 2011

For this iteration there were two Ubuntu Global Jam events in Ireland. This was a first for our LoCo. The University of Limerick Computer Society hosted the second Ubuntu Global Jam event on again on Saturday 2nd of April at the University of Limerick (Students' union Room 3) between 10am and 6pm.

Work centered on many diverse Ubuntu related topics will. It was a productive day with lots of fun had by all. Some pictures of this event can be found here.

Ubuntu Global Jams for the oneiric cycle, September 2011

For the first time ever Ireland hosted 3 Ubuntu Global Jam events. The three great Makerspaces/Hackerspaces, 091Labs in Galway, TOG in Dublin and Milklabs in Limerick hosted UGJ Events on Saturday the 3rd of September 2011 from 10am till 6pm.

Details of these Jams can be found on the corresponding LoCo Directory Listings:

091Labs Makerspace, Galway -

TOG, The Dublin Hackerspace - Some pictures from the Dublin UGJ can be found here

Milklabs Makerspace, Limerick -

Geeknics, Release Parties and Other Social Events

An Evening of Bowling Fun

To celebrate the new year and the passing of a rather brutal winter some members of the Ubuntu Ireland LoCo team spent a pleasant, albeit slightly competitive, evening bowling on Saturday 29th Jan, 2011. This first time, bowling event was held at Stillorgan Leisureplex in Dublin. A few pictures of the goings on can be found here & here

Natty Narwhal Release Party

As is becoming tradition, our celebrations kicked off at Jimmy Chung's Chinese Buffet, 8 Eden Quay, Dublin 1 at 7pm on the date of release, Thursday 28th of April. After food we moved the party to The Trinity Capital Hotel Bar on Pearse Street in Dublin just before 9pm where we had a long chat, and a Unity demonstration.

The LoCo Directory listing for this event can be found here

A few pictures taken at the release party can be found here. (It's clear we need a better photographer!)

June Geeknic

Our first Geeknic of the year took place on June 11th on the grounds of the University of Limerick. As always, this Geeknic was open for anyone to come to and have a chat over a few sandwiches with members of the Ubuntu Ireland Team and other geeks. The event took place on the beautiful lawn at the back of the CSIS building in UL. 3Dcamp barcamp also took place that day in the CSIS building in UL. Our thanks go out the the organisers of 3Dcamp for allowing our geeknic pair up with their event. The geeknic took place during the 3DCamp lunch break. The sun shone brightly which was a welcome change from the cold, dull days during which our 2010 Geeknics took place. This was the first geeknic we have held outside Dublin.

A few pictures of this Geeknic can be found here

The LoCo directory listing for this event can be found here

A Meet and Greet With Canonical

During the week starting 27th of June, 2011 some people from Canonical were be in Dublin on sprint(coding/mini conference ). Our LoCo hosted a pub meetup to say hello to some of them. We gathered together on Wednesday 29th of June at 8pm in the Porterhouse on Nassau Street, Dublin 2.

Some pictures of this Geeknic can be found here

The LoCo directory listing for this event can be found here

August Geeknic

On the occasion of our second and final geeknic for 2011 we returned to the location of our first geeknic which was the second geeknic ever!!! (if you fancy a blast from the past have a look at ). On August 14th 2011 the Ubuntu Ireland LoCo had a geeknic at 1pm (local time) in Stephens Green Dublin. Everyone from the novice geek to the expert geek, from baby geeks to Grandad/Granny Geeks and even non-geeks! was encouraged to join in the fun. While the sun did shine the turnout for this geeknic was small.

A couple of pictures of this Geeknic can be found here

The LoCo directory listing for this event can be found here

Oneiric Ocelot Release Party

To celebrate the release of Oneiric Ocelot (Ubuntu 11:10) we partied at a Mexican restaurant where ocelots would feel at home! We then adjourned to a local micro brewery pub for a few beers and a chat. Some photos here and a few more in this photostream.


Ubuntu Ireland LoCo Re-approval Preparation Meeting

There were a number of things we needed to do before we submit our application so we held a meeting on Saturday 21 May 11 at 2pm local time in a sprint to get as much done for the re-approval application as we could. The face to face meetup was hosted by some members in TOG Hackerspace, Dublin. Equally important, for those who could not make it to Dublin was the possibility to join in on IRC (#ubuntu-ie on the freenode network) to help with this important endeavor for our LoCo.

The LoCo dir listing for this meeting can be found at:

A picture of 2 LoCo Team members diligently working on the re-approval application wiki page can be found here

IrishTeam/Events/2011 (last edited 2012-02-19 14:44:00 by 155)