= The Aftermath = The Ubuntu-ie community took part in our first ever bugjam! This was a global event and we were pleased to be able to contribute back to the community our effort in bug squashing. The event took place, in DIT Kevin Street. Thanks to the Computer Department for all their help. There were a few hiccups before we could start, bringing along muffins for breakfast was one of my more smarter moves that day, also bringing a back up router so we could share out the wifi was another. Slashtom started with fixing up the wifi and sharing it out, ebel got coffee into him, and we mingled about chatting to the people that arrived. It was great to see all the new faces and members of staff and students of DIT who came and joined us. Ebel started the morning off by talking folks through what they would be doing during the day. We had the slight glitch of launchpad server not exactly working but it didn't stop us. We logged into the channel and introduced ourselves, looked at previously logged bugs and were able to get an idea. Eventually, we go bug squashing and it was enjoyable, granted we didn't do as many as we had hoped for on our first session, but it was a good start. Also the need to call ebel down and double check things with him just to make sure was nice to have him around. As with all bug squashing, one gets thirsty, and we finished our day up by going to the local and chatting about the success of our first event, and also how much fun we had out of it. So hopefully before the next global jam, we'll have another go at it. Laura '''GlobalBugJam'''. On the weekend of the 21st/22nd February we'll join the worldwide Ubuntu community and LoCos to work on bugs. Anyone is welcome to join in. There will be a presentation on Bug Triage and Bugs in general on the day, so you don't have to worry about your level of experience. We’ll be jamming on Saturday, the 21st February in the Annex building of the Kevin St campus. Room KA-3-005 (creative computing lab). The Easiest entrance is from Church Lane from 10am to 6pm All you have to do is show up, participate and have fun! Please add your name to register your attendance and also a comment if you have any suggestions or thoughts. || '''Who''' || Comment / Interest || || [[mdanielski]] || I want to learn about bugs and bugs triaging || || RoryMcCann (aka ebel on IRC) || I submit bugs when I can. I'm looking forward to helping people improve Ubuntu || || Tdr || || || Laura Czajkowski || Looking forward to having a fun day submitting bugs || || LuisdeBethencourt || Join us all || = Practice Session = We're going to have a short practice session on '''Saturday, 31st January 2009''' in '''The Market Bar''' (http://www.marketbar.ie/) ([[http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=53.34213&mlon=-6.26418&zoom=16&layers=B000FTF|Map]]), from 1pm for a few hours. The Market Bar is a pub/restaurant with free WiFi. We can't book a table, so we need to just turn up. The goal of this practice session is to teach people what a !BugJam is, how to use Launchpad, the Ubuntu Bug Tracker, and how to work with bugs. = Where = The venue is DIT, Kevin Street, Dublin 8. [[http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=53.33843&mlon=-6.27112&zoom=16&layers=B000FTF|Map]] in the Annex building of the Kevin St campus. Room KA-3-005 (creative computing lab). The Easiest entrance is from Church Lane. from 10am to 6pm ---- Go back to '''[[IrishTeam]]'''.