## page was copied from IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2009-06-14 The Ubuntu Ireland IRC meeting will be held at 9pm Irish time on Wednesday 12th August 2009, on #ubuntu-ie on FreeNode. Everyone is welcome to attend or add items to the agenda (below) for discussion by the ubuntu ireland community. The MootBot logs are here http://www.novarata.net/mootbot/ubuntu-ie.log.20090812_1500.html and the minutes are http://www.novarata.net/mootbot/ubuntu-ie.20090812_1500.html == Attendance == *czajkowski *Leftmost *Slashtom *Mean-Machine *jpich *daxroc *daithif *tdr112 *davisc == Agenda == || '''Agenda item''' || '''Proposer''' || || Software Freedom Day || czajkowski || || Translations Upstream || Leftmost/czajkowski || || Updates from last meeting || czajkowski || || Pre Global Jam || czajkowski || || IrishTeam/ReportingPage || czajkowski || || Website update ideas || daxroc || == Minutes == == Any Other Business == The following topics were raised in the meeting ||'''Agenda item'''||'''Proposer'''|| == IRC LOGS == {{{ Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-ie [15:00:23] can all those present please say PRESENT [15:00:26] PRESENT [15:00:33] PRESENT [15:00:33] PRESENT [15:00:36] PREASENT [15:00:52] PRESENT [15:01:06] PRESENT * [15:01:09] PRESENT :P [15:01:17] [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2009-08-12 [15:01:26] the above link is the agenda for this evenings meeting [15:01:41] PRESENT [15:01:42] PRESENT [15:01:55] [topic] Software freedom Day [15:02:01] [link] http://softwarefreedomday.org/ [15:02:27] right so last year we ran a fantastic day out in the digital hub and we had many different groups taking part [15:02:39] this year it's on ossbarcamp day and I had intended to celebrate it that day also [15:02:50] as many other LoCos are around the world doing the same [15:03:00] anyone any ideas or thoughts / [15:03:37] would folks like to do a seperate event/date for SFD ? [15:03:45] I slept on it and I think we should probably go for it, but I don't know how would it fit in [15:03:54] raise a glass to freedom after ossbarcamp? [15:03:59] i dont think another event on the same day will work [15:04:10] [idea] a lighting talk during ossbarcamp [15:04:30] [idea] hand out flyers and have the palce decorated for SFD like last year [15:04:39] [idea] raise a toast for sfd [15:04:54] what do folks think about that ? [15:04:59] a talk is a good idea [15:05:12] cztab would you do one ? [15:05:14] *nods* [15:05:19] tdr112: I am doing one :) [15:05:22] a talk after ossbarcamp or at ossbarcamp? [15:05:28] I'm also gonna run around the palce liek a headless chicken [15:05:35] slashtom: at ossbarcamp [15:05:38] after wont work [15:05:42] slashtom: during, I've 5 slots available for lighnting talks [15:06:03] Mean-Machine: would you do it on sfd ? [15:06:25] errrm.... [15:06:28] dunno [15:06:28] ossbarcamp is itself surely enough for software freedom day [15:07:02] slashtom: I thought so also, but perhaps a short 10 min talk on sfd and the fact it's international etc all other groups doing the one thing on the one day, kinda cool [15:07:07] slashtom: yes, but it would be nice to tell ppl that there is such a thing as a software vreedom day [15:07:51] Mean-Machine: is that a yes so.. [15:07:59] get cheap champagne and raise a toast a 10 min long toast :P [15:08:09] incorporate something into the opening talk? [15:08:52] czajkowski: I didn't confirm anything yet [15:09:32] * Mean-Machine will be at the ubuntu-ie stand [15:09:46] [vote] a talk about sfd to talk place @ ossbarcamp, speaker to be decided upon [15:10:22] +1 [15:10:29] +1 [15:10:48] +1 [15:11:40] #vote [15:12:46] not sure how to end the vote [15:13:09] next topic [15:13:21] [topic] Up stream translations [15:13:30] [link] https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+lang/ga [15:13:36] Leftmost: yer up [15:13:44] Hurrah. [15:13:54] [ENDVOTE] [15:14:12] tis fine [15:14:13] Well, to introduce myself, I'm the upstream coordinator for GNOME in Irish. [15:14:24] #endvote [15:14:46] I've been pushing to get GNOME 2.28 to a more usable state and, in doing so, looking at the state of the translation in Ubuntu. [15:15:30] It seems at least some work is taking place in Launchpad. Essentially what I'm looking to do is encourage people to start submitting this work upstream. [15:16:09] The process is slightly more complex but has a few advantages. First, new translations can undergo review to make sure they're correct. [15:16:20] Second, people using any distribution can benefit from the work. [15:16:24] Leftmost: ok, but launchpad is rather user friendly... which is why I assume it's happening there. [15:17:00] czajkowski, it is. There are good translation applications out there, though, meaning the process isn't all that much harder. [15:17:11] rosetta is great and easy for new ppl to get involved [15:17:29] Leftmost: ok, what would you liek the ubuntu-ie community to help with, or what can you suggest we do [15:18:29] Well, one way to continue using Launchpad is to do some work and, when you're finished, export it as a PO file. This can then be submitted upstream. [15:19:01] It requires filing a bug in Bugzilla, but I don't think it's a lot of additional work and would allow more people to benefit from the work. [15:19:14] *nods* [15:19:26] gnome team http://l10n.gnome.org/teams/ga is very thin indeed [15:19:46] [idea] continue using Launchpad is to do some work and, when you're finished, export it as a PO file. This can then be submitted upstream It requires filing a bug in Bugzilla, but I don't think it's a lot of additional work and would allow more people to benefit from the work [15:19:50] Leftmost: i believe its now possible to checkout the latest version of .po files from launchpad. couldn't we do something semi-automatic to push those upstream to gnome on a regular basis? [15:20:40] Quite possibly. [15:21:11] [idea] run a small irc workshop to show people how to do this, from basic to pushing upstream ? [15:21:21] Leftmost: what would you think of that [15:21:39] that way new people could leanr about translations and also what you have in mind for upstream [15:21:56] if people are shown once, or explained then others will try it also [15:22:30] Leftmost: possibly a session together with shane_fagan? [15:22:32] That's a good idea. What would be ideal to me is to slowly get people to work directly with upstream files. That way, they're working with more up-to-date strings and also avoiding some particular bugs/features of Launchpad. [15:22:53] czajkowski If you want I can talk a bit from the translation point of view can't help with gaelic [15:23:04] lau1: that would be helpful [15:23:21] [idea] Some evening/date for a mini workshop on translations [15:23:33] what would folks think about that [15:24:04] happy to help out as long as you dan't ask me to talk in gaelic ;) [15:24:12] I'd show up. Interesting stuff [15:24:27] I'd gladly describe some good practices and procedures. [15:25:15] There are also a couple other issues. One major thing is setting up a glossary so that we can work with standard terminology. I'm in contact with the Mozilla and KDE teams to try to keep terminology consistent between projects, but a lot of older GNOME translations and more recent Launchpad translations are using different terminology. [15:25:28] ok so what we'd need is Leftmost online and shane_fagan at the same time [15:25:36] but shane has intermittent web atm [15:25:41] Leftmost: when suits you [15:25:43] evenings? [15:25:46] weekends? [15:25:58] weekends mean all day option more hours [15:26:14] Evening times would probably be best. Those tend to be late morning/early afternoon for me. [15:26:30] so a 8pm slot would be good ? [15:26:37] Works for me. [15:26:52] would wednesday next week be good for folks ? [15:27:01] I know the sooner we start talking/working on translations the better, but more important is a well prepared session. so I'd say take time, talk to each other and let the rest kmow [15:27:25] I can email Shane and try to work with him to come up with something [15:27:31] the hosts have to be present :P [15:27:36] pencicl in say wed 26th [15:28:13] Okay. That'll give us about a month before the 2.28 release, during string freeze. Prime translating time. [15:28:30] [action] Leftmost to talk to shane and then pencil in a date for a workshop on translations [15:29:05] anything else before next topic on translations [15:29:21] dont forget lau1 who offered to help as well [15:29:23] czajkowski ping me there if you want laurentc at iol dot ie [15:29:44] lau1: excelletnt [15:29:56] Leftmost: can you add lau1 to that mail please also [15:30:01] Yep. [15:30:07] [topic] Updates from last meeting [15:30:21] [link]https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2009-07-15 [15:30:37] PVC banner 8ft x 2ft ?40.00 http://short.ie/3tcvoz :D [15:30:44] so on that we covered a lot, and one thing was the website which daxroc is gonna talk about, later on [15:30:45] best deal I could find [15:30:47] next is the banner [15:31:12] [link] http://short.ie/3tcvoz [15:31:14] note i am part off french gnome translation team ... and localisation engineer by trade... (not much of one i know ;) ) [15:31:34] [link] http://www.flickr.com/photos/joshuachase/2516162368/ [15:31:46] is the idea behind what we want our banner to look like [15:31:55] so Mean-Machine has found an excellent deal [15:32:25] fokls in favour of getting an Ubuntu-ie LoCo banner [15:32:34] personaly I like this kind of a look -> http://www.flickr.com/photos/joshuachase/2515338497/in/set-72157605211139275/ [15:32:36] we can then brring it places so people can see us [15:32:50] Mean-Machine: please use [link] so it gets recorded [15:33:10] [link] http://www.flickr.com/photos/joshuachase/2515338497/in/set-72157605211139275/ [15:33:58] nice [15:34:11] geeknics, ossbarcamp, stand/booths at conferences etc. [15:34:21] I have tweeked the irish-ubuntu logo a little still needs a little work. [15:34:27] [link] http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/816719/logo-test.jpg [15:34:43] even the ILUG's POTD ;-] [15:34:50] oh I like the logo [15:34:52] very nice [15:35:36] I'm up for chipping in definately, designing I'm gonna be useless at [15:36:10] I can do up a few mock up's if ye like ? [15:36:23] check out the whole artwork thread on ubuntu-ie forums [15:36:28] that would be helpful [15:36:31] [link] http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=480632 [15:36:51] [action] daxroc to do up a few mocs for the Ubuntu-ie Banner [15:37:13] * Mean-Machine will give it a go as well [15:37:24] needs to be .svg tho ;-] [15:37:27] [action] Mean-Machine will also do up some mocs [15:37:50] ok do we need a deadline for this in order to have it for ossbarcamp/sfd next geeknic :) [15:37:54] No prob , inkscape is free :P [15:38:10] freedom for everyone! [15:38:15] heh [15:38:17] so true [15:38:32] ok anything else bar the website from last meeting folks want to talk about ? [15:39:00] * Mean-Machine needs to dissapear soon, so will stay quiet [15:39:07] ok [15:39:10] nex topic so [15:39:14] [topic ] Pre Global Jam [15:39:23] [topic] Pre Global Jam [15:39:41] I had an idea the other night about us having online fortnightly mini jams [15:39:50] to get people bug triabging in one go [15:40:05] meeting up with net access seems to be rather difficulet so about about trying to do it online ? [15:40:27] oh, just one thing.... Next Ubuntu Hug Day! - Thursday 13 August 2009 [15:40:35] [link] http://blog.qa.ubuntu.com/node/61 [15:40:54] which is tomorrow :P [15:41:00] so what would folks think about meeting online for an hr some evening to work on bugs [15:41:03] as a group [15:41:12] +1 [15:41:50] what are folks doing next tuesday evening @ 8 I know tog is monday/wednesday [15:41:53] tdr112: ? [15:41:55] Mean-Machine: ? [15:42:03] Might be able to make use of eyeos.info ( for colab features , im chat etc ?) [15:42:30] would be just to get folks working and if stuck on a bug we can copy in the link in here and work on it as a team effort [15:42:38] * Mean-Machine is back from the festival on monday but will not function till thursday [15:42:50] heh [15:43:04] so when would suit folks ........ [15:44:47] anyone.. [15:44:55] maybe take it to the mailing list? [15:45:01] next thursday, tuesday week? [15:45:20] I'm good for either [15:45:44] mailing list is good. we need more traffic anyways ;-] [15:45:52] [action] Mean-Machine to mail list with the date of a practice jam online [15:45:59] next topic [15:46:14] [topic] IrishTeam/ReportingPage [15:46:24] [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/ReportingPage [15:46:47] so it seems our May one waht ever way it was done the last time is not showing and not sure a June was done [15:46:55] I used to do the reports manualy, then they changed the process. apparentli it's easier now ;-] [15:46:56] but we also need a July report [15:47:37] sorry czajkowski Tuesday is good [15:47:38] [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/May2009 [15:47:48] [link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/June2009 [15:47:53] so we did one for June [15:47:58] July NEEDS to be done [15:48:02] who'd like to do one [15:48:22] someone should take ownership of the reports [15:48:30] it's only once a month [15:48:32] very true [15:48:42] or one person a month [15:48:54] either way needs to be done and doesnt take very long to do .... [15:48:55] could get messy [15:49:04] * czajkowski looks at tdr112 [15:49:16] is he still here? [15:49:20] roflol [15:49:30] lurking probably [15:49:34] i am back and i could do it but it would be next week [15:49:46] after tuesday [15:49:55] if thats ok [15:50:27] tdr112: cool, would you like to take ownership of the monthly reports then? [15:50:39] sure [15:50:47] there is deadlines [15:50:54] that's great [15:51:16] thanks tdr112 [15:52:07] czajkowski: for the MootBot record? [15:52:07] [action] tdr112 to take ownership of monthly reports [15:52:14] sorry net went [15:52:18] lovely [15:52:19] last topic [15:52:25] [topic] Website [15:52:41] [lin]k ubuntu-ie.org [15:52:44] daxroc: you're up [15:53:43] If ye have any ideas or features for the website say them now or email them to me. [15:54:03] gallery [15:54:05] irc [15:54:06] :) [15:54:12] make it pretty [15:54:13] I think a contact form might b handy [15:54:17] yes [15:54:20] great idea [15:55:26] daxroc: when can we expect to see some changes [15:55:28] An effective anti-spam I've used for forms is hide a form with CSS and then ignore the message if that field is changed [15:55:39] oh ahndy [15:55:45] as we get cripped with shagging spam on that site [15:56:12] I've used it on 2 sites with 100% sucess and 0 false positives [15:56:25] I will make a dev server public and let ye know the address. [15:56:30] (Though I am Nazi-esque and blacklist the posting IP) [15:56:30] good to know [15:56:59] anything else anyone [15:57:01] re website [15:57:04] or meeting ? [15:57:11] As for public changes , we will need to migrate to a server where we can manage our own software [15:57:47] daxroc: that's where the hosting kicks in right? [15:57:48] as for the website, maybe we should start thinking about irish theme [15:58:03] irish theme as in original loco website [15:58:03] We have two options here , czajkowski offered to host it via skynet or we could ask heanet ( nicely ) [15:58:14] so ppl know its irish community [15:58:36] are you suggesting green white and gold all over it mister :p [15:58:50] czajkowski: no, not that extreme [15:59:01] thank flip [15:59:03] cliffs of moher more like :P [15:59:27] are we going to move things into one place [15:59:37] plain and simple wiht some colour is all that is needed to make that site more user firnedly and less painful on the eyes [15:59:40] tdr112: aye [15:59:45] we have the main site then we have the wiki its all over the place [15:59:52] davisc: site in questions is our .org site [15:59:57] tdr112: We should. [16:00:12] does the wiki not stay on ubuntu.com [16:00:22] as thats where all the other billions of wiki pages are [16:00:24] czajkowski: it should [16:00:33] aye thats what I thouyght [16:00:33] czajkowski: Fair enough [16:00:36] so just the .org [16:00:40] i dont see the point of moving the wiki [16:00:46] yes I think it should. [16:00:56] right so wiki staying put [16:01:00] (stay on cannoical servers) [16:01:00] and .org moving [16:01:20] czajkowski: we need to keep the web adress tho [16:01:30] *nods* [16:01:33] it will be [16:01:45] that means talking to technical board I think [16:01:47] Do ye need e-mail for the .org as well? [16:02:02] dont think so [16:02:06] we have our mail man ac [16:02:09] One of the biggest reasons to move the .org domain is that cannoical don't seem to update drupal too often and quite a few other locos have moved their websites off them because of it. [16:02:41] Mean-Machine: going to the tb over this... not sure [16:02:45] I'll ask in -locoteams [16:02:47] davisc: once we're hosting it ourselves we could use google free service for up to 500 accounts I think [16:02:50] and feck the tb met yesterday [16:02:56] Mean-Machine: aye [16:03:07] * czajkowski does like her @ubuntu.com address though :) [16:03:19] Well, we can do forwards easily. Mailboxes would be more tricky [16:03:44] Mean-Machine: meet davisc he used to be the vp of skynet :) you know where I log in from [16:04:15] * davisc waves [16:04:20] so what I'm propis g is I can host it on my skynet ac as there is no issue and we can update drupal et al whenever we need to do so [16:04:30] *propose [16:04:32] * tdr112 has to head will read the log [16:04:36] man eating and drinking and typiung is not good [16:04:39] davisc: why all that work tho. let's leave the adresses. only for webmasters etc. otherwise we have a problem of making rules and approving who gets an account etc :P [16:04:40] tdr112: toodles [16:04:56] davisc: o/ hello [16:04:57] Mean-Machine: true so for time being lets get the site up [16:05:05] Mean-Machine: No skin off my nose either way. Was just wondering if you wanted it [16:05:17] right [16:05:21] [topic] AOB [16:05:24] anyone? [16:05:26] btw [16:05:34] we have 64 ppl coming to ossbarcamp [16:05:40] and the folks from the ubuntu uk podcast :) [16:05:45] yay [16:05:45] so some recordings shall be done [16:05:52] * Mean-Machine is off now [16:06:07] if anyone has anything else to say shout now [16:06:08] czajkowski: I'm surprised you invited podcast people over :-) [16:06:17] for the record.... czajkowski: you iz good at chairing meetingz [16:06:22] #endmeeting Meeting ended. }}} ---- '''Parent pages:''' [[IrishTeam/IRCMeetings]] [[IrishTeam]] ---- CategoryIrishTeam