## page was copied from IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2010-08-18 The Ubuntu Ireland IRC meeting will be held at 8pm Irish time on Wednesday 15th September 2010, on #ubuntu-ie on FreeNode. Everyone is welcome to attend and to add topics to the agenda (below) == Attendance == 1. tdr112 2. airurando 3. lau1 4. scivi 5. nryan 6. imgarysmith 7. andru183 8. dermot 9. czajkowski == Agenda == || '''Agenda item''' || '''Proposer''' || || Review of previous action items || Standing agenda item || || Should we centralise the storage of our event photos? || airurando || || Tidy up details for the Maverick Meerkat Release Party || airurando || == Minutes == {{{ 14:20:05 Topic: Review of previous action items 14:26:01 Topic: Should we centralise the storage of our event photos? 14:45:29 ACTION airurando airurando to seek input from mailing list on ideas relating to a centralised online presence for LoCo event photos. 14:48:40 Topic: Tidy up details for the Maverick Meerkat Release Party 15:11:33 ACTION airurando tdr112 to email the ubuntu-ie mailing list re pub quiz prizes for the 10.10 release party. 15:14:30 ACTION airurando tdr112 and airurando to come up with about 20 questions for the release party pub quiz 15:16:03 Topic: ossbarcamp 15:29:24 Topic: Date for next meeting }}} == Any Other Business == The following topics were raised in the meeting ||'''Agenda item'''||'''Proposer'''|| || ossbarcamp || tdr112 || || Date for next meeting || airurando || == IRC LOGS == {{{ Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-ie [14:17:22] good stuff airurando [14:17:31] If you are here for the monthly meeting please say PRESENT [14:17:40] present [14:17:42] PRESENT [14:17:45] PRESENT [14:17:46] present [14:17:46] PRESENT [14:18:12] present [14:18:20] The wiki page for this meeting is located here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2010-09-15 [14:18:31] Welcome all [14:19:46] I think we've waited long enough so we'll kick off with the first agenda item [14:20:05] [TOPIC] Review of previous action items [14:20:25] During the August meeting there were two tasks actioned. [14:20:58] firstly, ebel was to give shauno access to blacknight account [14:21:24] and secondly, shauno was to update the website [14:22:28] I know both ebel and shauno couldn't be here tonight so I think we should carry both actions over to next months meeting. [14:22:37] any objections? [14:23:07] shano has been working onthe website so he must have access [14:23:43] great stuff, didn't know that. [14:24:32] let wait for an update from him at the next meeting [14:24:51] I know shauno is planning on sending out an e-mail update so perhaps we could leave it at that for the moment? [14:25:02] yep [14:25:31] moving on so to the next topic [14:26:01] [TOPIC] Should we centralise the storage of our event photos? [14:26:02] ok [14:26:22] I raised this item myself. [14:26:39] During Global Jam while working on the wiki I noticed that write ups of events and associated photos were being maintained, not entirely, but almost exclusively by czajkowski. [14:26:46] It would be nice to have them in one place [14:27:13] Of course, tdr112 also does an excellent job on the monthly team reports and others do write ups as well. [14:27:15] I agree, its handy for everybody to know where to upload to and where to find them [14:27:40] could we get this on the new site [14:27:54] a gallery [14:28:19] tdr112: that woud be great if possible. [14:28:51] are there other options is case? [14:28:52] I guess we'd need the maintener to agree or not [14:29:47] maybe defer further discussion on this item until the next meeting. [14:29:50] we could use pix.ie or some other 3rd party site , [14:29:53] free picasa (there is a way to allow people to add to an album (not sure it is free enough) [14:30:10] but i would like to keep them in house if we can [14:30:36] if pix.ie allow for group accounts that would be an option. [14:30:40] would be best solution [14:30:43] how about a torrnt if this is just for storage [14:30:43] or flickr? [14:31:29] scivi: could you explain further please? [14:32:22] just upload in a torrent and we all maintain a coppy [14:32:47] ultimately I'd hope we could get somewhere online that would be easy to upload to for all in the ubuntu ireland LoCo. [14:33:17] thoughts on scivis suggestion? [14:33:35] I have no knowledge about torrents. [14:33:51] would it be simple? [14:34:28] erm im looking at that now it would sorta be easy to upload and download needs a tracker on a server tho [14:34:29] not really usefull when you need to add to it however [14:34:58] OK its an idea though. [14:35:00] sorry I'm late guys, forgot about it, i see ye need help with a torrent, Ive done some before [14:35:07] meh transmission makes the torrent u just need to load the actual torrent file [14:35:48] problem is with different people taking pictures you need a central point to merge this first [14:36:24] and then not practical to link a photo onto a blog [14:36:31] for exemple [14:37:01] true cant just link pics [14:37:07] sorry bad idea [14:37:11] can some one look at way we can do this and report back for next month [14:37:33] any takers? [14:38:15] Is there a general consensus that this is a good idea? [14:38:22] would a service like flickr/picasa not be better than a torrent [14:38:39] it would if we cannot host it [14:39:08] I agree if our own website can facilitate this that would be best. [14:39:48] ye i get understand [14:39:56] * ye i understand [14:40:23] can the forums be used [14:40:34] will I hit the mailing list for input and action this item for next months meeting? [14:40:42] for atleast the important pics rather than entire libs [14:41:11] airurando yes might be another option [14:41:14] shauno could provide input then and we may have a more defined path. [14:41:32] yes [14:41:38] in fact, all could think on it. [14:43:18] scivi, imgarysmith, tdr112, lau1. would that be ok? [14:43:32] yes [14:43:34] yes [14:43:37] yeah [14:43:52] yes [14:45:29] [ACTION] airurando to seek input from mailing list on ideas relating to a centralised online presence for LoCo event photos. [14:46:04] interesting discussion and I'm glad people think the idea is a good one. [14:46:49] unless anyone has more we will move on to the next agenda item. [14:47:49] OK so, next agenda item. [14:48:40] [TOPIC] Tidy up details for the Maverick Meerkat Release Party [14:49:13] again, I set this agenda item. [14:49:25] what aqre the details [14:49:42] afk 4 mins [14:49:56] wait for it.... [14:50:08] The release party has been organised for 10-10-10. Starting with food at Jimmy Chungs [14:50:08] at 13:30. [14:50:18] We will then move to the Market Bar at 15:30 ish. [14:50:28] I've provisionally booked both venues for 20 people approx. [14:50:42] Manager in the Market Bar only got back to me yesterday evening and I had to take the call in the car. Tried to push the official set menu party offer on me. I made it clear we were just looking for a small area to gather and avail of WiFi and bar. She did confirm Wifi availability and said that a couple of tables could be set aside for the group. It is worth noting that the market bar does not open untl 15:00 [14:50:43] on a Sunday. I need to ring both Jimmy Chungs and The Market Bar again a few days before the 10th to confirm and firm up details as much as possible. [14:51:15] we are to have a pub quiz in the market bar. [14:51:36] How will we organise this [14:52:09] I volunteer to be the quiz master :-) [14:52:39] quit [14:52:48] Geeky questions I presume? [14:53:05] team based or individual participation? [14:53:33] bac [14:53:54] ah let leave it open until we see the numbers [14:54:22] tdr112; what about the q's though? [14:54:41] let that needs to be done before [14:54:44] yep [14:55:49] tdr11: any ideas? [14:56:08] of questions [14:56:26] how about myself and airurando come up with about 20 questions [14:56:44] and see if anyone will donate prives [14:56:54] prizes [14:57:28] what sort of prizes soldering irons or something less geeky [14:58:14] or maybe a knitted mark shuttleworth [14:58:17] scivi: whatever people are will to give away [14:58:20] I have a bunch of capacitors ;) [14:58:35] i think a mix of both if possible, its an event for geeks and their familys and friends (non-geeks) [14:58:48] has some ram I could give away [14:59:47] I could bring a decent bottle of red I am in france next week [15:00:00] lau1: sounds good [15:00:08] well im away in england on the release so is there a burser stuff could be sent 2 [15:00:23] I knew alcohol would be popular ;) [15:00:35] tdr112: I agree with you and me setting the questions. [15:01:02] will the discs be available on the release date? [15:01:10] lau1 to you red I'll bring a bottle of white (australian) [15:01:12] :) [15:01:24] imgarysmith unfortunately not [15:01:31] ok we will do up the questions , and do a call out on the mailing list for prizes [15:01:47] usually arrive a forthnight or so after release. [15:01:54] imgarysmith: it takes a few weeks for them to post them out [15:01:56] oh okay. i was going to suggest that they can be given as part of the prizes [15:02:14] how about we just burn cds ourselfs [15:02:19] so who can bring a laptop to burn cds on the day [15:02:33] scivi depends on release time [15:02:45] true [15:02:56] yep if release is late we won't get the iso [15:03:55] tdr112: I can bring mine but there may be an issue with burning [15:04:12] i dont have a cd drive on mine :) [15:04:28] had trouble burning 10.04 cds so always reverted to desktop. [15:04:50] can anyone else bring theres [15:04:51] be nice to have a backup plan to my laptop [15:04:54] :) [15:05:06] a burned disc isnt the same novelty as the branded disc. discs and space can be saved by copying the ISO to peoples thumb drives [15:05:12] sorry don't own one [15:05:43] imgarysmith: for new ubuntu users on the day it would be nice to give them a cd [15:06:12] tdr112 didnt think of that, good idea [15:06:18] better go with 10.04 if there are any left [15:06:46] lau1: that is another issue. [15:07:03] none left ? [15:07:05] actually you could stil;l work in some novelty by putting a "dont panic the ultimate awnser" label on the cds [15:07:23] i think we could get more 10.04 from ship it if we would like [15:07:38] ebel might also have some left [15:08:19] airurando: no point getting another ship it we have a hand full of cd around [15:08:39] tdr112: agreed [15:08:50] chat to ebel first [15:09:02] aloha [15:09:09] he'd have to get them anyway I reckon [15:09:10] evening [15:09:21] i agree, a lucid disc would be nice to give to new users [15:09:33] evening czajkowski [15:10:02] howdy [15:10:25] tdr112: can I action you for the email to the list re pub quiz prizes? [15:10:32] yes [15:10:38] great [15:11:33] [ACTION] tdr112 to email the ubuntu-ie mailing list re pub quiz prizes for the 10.10 release party. [15:11:49] good stuff [15:12:01] all done for this topic ? [15:12:49] think so [15:12:49] what about questions for the quiz? [15:13:08] I'll hit ebel on his return re discs [15:13:32] imgarysmith: tdr112 and I will deal with that :) [15:13:47] okay great [15:14:30] [ACTION] tdr112 and airurando to come up with about 20 questions for the release party pub quiz [15:14:51] shall we move on? [15:14:55] yep [15:14:58] yes [15:15:08] next [15:15:30] OK so do we have any other items to discuss (AOB)? [15:15:38] ossbarcamp [15:15:48] cztab can you tell us about it [15:16:03] [TOPIC] ossbarcamp [15:16:09] aloha [15:16:18] so it's a 2 day event taking place on the 25/26th september [15:16:22] check out ossbarcamp.com [15:16:37] there are 2 slots atm free and I know someone has their eye on one of them [15:16:43] it's a free event open to everyone [15:16:57] there will be a live podcast recording from the Ubuntu uk podcast folks on the Saturday [15:17:10] at 7pm heading intotown for some free beers and food [15:17:48] so do we ubuntu ie want to do some thing for it [15:17:58] well I'll need help on the day [15:18:08] czajkowski: I'm really looking forward to it [15:18:15] need help poking people in the rooms to stop talking on time for the next speaker to set up [15:18:21] I need volunteers in both rooms [15:18:26] I've ompaul running the demo room [15:18:40] the talks are being videod also [15:19:09] I'll need a few people early on the saturday about 9:15 to guide people [15:19:20] and greet people as I'll be actually a bit late collecting speakers from airport [15:19:42] anyone have any thoughts or comments on it ? [15:19:48] czajkowski: i can help the first day not sure about the 2nd one [15:19:53] sorry not there then [15:19:54] *nods* [15:20:02] the 2nd one starts at 11 so wwe should be fine [15:20:03] I'll try and be there czajkowski [15:20:07] and people will know the drill by then [15:20:59] need to know what to do first though as I've never been to UCD [15:22:24] well I went this week [15:22:29] we have the information on the wiki [15:22:34] I will update it woth more directions [15:22:43] but basically I'll have the tiemtable done up [15:22:55] and we'll just need to point people to the right rooms [15:23:29] I'll help with that [15:24:34] great [15:24:36] thats's really it tbh [15:24:44] and getting people to start and stop on time [15:24:47] thats; the key to the day tbh [15:24:51] so things run smmoothly [15:25:07] also there is twitter/identi.ca ac for ossbarcamp [15:25:14] as I end up running around like a headless chicken [15:25:27] it would be great if someone would take on the task of tweeting from that ac for the day ? [15:25:31] doesnt have to be sorted now [15:25:34] but just to know [15:25:49] just set a comp to play the mad hatter screaming change places at the correct time and sceduling will be sorted [15:26:08] hehe [15:26:09] nice idea [15:27:35] anything else? [15:27:45] the main thing is just to have fun on the day [15:27:55] *action* scivi to source and wear mad hatter outfit on 25/26 Sep [15:27:58] hehe [15:28:17] omg that was my first idea [15:28:28] great stuff [15:28:30] ill think about it [15:28:35] this can be talked about outside the meeting [15:28:38] aye [15:28:42] anything else [15:28:47] scivi only messing action not recorded [15:29:04] i know still... [15:29:04] just to confirm next meeting [15:29:24] [TOPIC] Date for next meeting [15:29:35] The third Wednesday in October will fall on 20th of the month. [15:29:46] Any objections to that being the date for the next meeting? [15:29:57] nope [15:30:21] no, that sounds grand [15:30:23] no [15:30:50] fine [15:31:00] OK I'll make it so. [15:31:15] no need to action this [15:31:27] Is that it so? [15:31:33] anything else? [15:31:55] nope [15:32:38] have to head bye [15:32:46] thanks all for attending and participating. [15:32:59] #endmeeting Meeting ended. }}} ---- '''Parent pages:''' [[IrishTeam/IRCMeetings]] [[IrishTeam]] ---- CategoryIrishTeam