## page was copied from IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2011-03-16 This Ubuntu Ireland Team IRC meeting was held at 8pm Irish time on Wednesday 20th April 2011, on #ubuntu-ie on FreeNode. Everyone is welcome to attend and to add topics to the agenda (below) Note: The LoCo Directory Meeting listing can be found [[ http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/team/51/detail | here ]] == Attendance == People Present: 1. airurando 2. infoturtle 3. moylan 4. Andru__ 5. Andru_ == Agenda == || '''Agenda item''' || '''Proposer''' || || Review of previous action items || Standing agenda item || || Natty Narwhal Release Party || airurando || || Preliminary discussion regarding the continuation of our Ubuntu Hours || airurando || == Minutes == {{{ Meeting started by airurando at 14:12 14:14:19 LINK airurando https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2011-03-16 14:15:38 LINK airurando http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/team/51/detail/ 14:17:05 Topic: Review of previous action items 14:18:56 Topic: airurando will report back next month on any feedback received from the natty distribution e-mail 14:23:18 Topic: airurando to create UGJ events for the Irish LoCo when they are confirmed. 14:27:02 Topic: airurando to mail list re release party. blogs to be used to ask for feedback 14:29:02 Topic: Natty Narwhal Release Party 14:38:41 AGREED airurando Natty release party to take place on 28th of April. Food in Jimmy Chungs at 7pm followed by drinks in the Trinity Capitol at 9pm ish. 14:41:03 ACTION airurando infoturtle to set up events on the wiki and LoCo Dir for the Natty Narwhal Release Party 14:42:02 Topic: Preliminary discussion regarding the continuation of our Ubuntu Hours 14:58:29 Topic: any other business 15:01:03 Topic: Update on website upgrade 15:04:50 Topic: Next meeting Meeting ended at 15:07. }}} == Any Other Business == The following topics were raised in the meeting ||'''Agenda item'''||'''Proposer'''|| || Update on Website upgade || infoturtle || || Next Meeting || airurando || == IRC LOGS == {{{ Started logging meeting in #ubuntu-ie [14:12:44] f you are here for the monthly meeting please say PRESENT [14:12:50] PRESENT [14:12:54] *if [14:12:54] PRESENT [14:12:58] PRESENT [14:13:57] The wiki page, with the agenda, for this meeting is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2011-03-16 [14:14:19] [LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2011-03-16 [14:15:27] the LoCo Dir Meeting link is here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/team/51/detail/ [14:15:38] [LINK] http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/team/51/detail/ [14:16:06] presently we are duplicating meeting content in the wili and on the LoCo Dir. [14:16:21] on the the topics [14:17:05] [TOPIC] Review of previous action items [14:17:32] from the march meeting we had a few action items [14:18:56] [TOPIC] airurando will report back next month on any feedback received from the natty distribution e-mail [14:19:28] I did get a mail from imgarysmith requesting some CDs [14:19:52] I also made contact with Nexus hackerspace in Cork [14:20:06] oh good [14:20:07] they would like to receive some also [14:20:18] yeah I was pleased [14:20:31] I might send details as 50 or so would be handy to bring to meetings and events down here [14:21:07] infoturtle 50 is substantial [14:21:29] too many? maybe your right, 20 will do [14:21:54] I'll divide them up as best I can [14:22:09] ebel has ordered them anyway. [14:22:12] no problem [14:22:28] man ebel [14:22:29] nothing further on this one [14:22:38] moving on [14:23:18] [TOPIC] airurando to create UGJ events for the Irish LoCo when they are confirmed. [14:23:45] * airurando and infoturtle did this for Dunlin and limerick [14:23:54] *Dublin [14:24:22] the UGJs were small this time but productive [14:24:35] indeed, the Limerick was a lot of lerning for some of us [14:24:46] it was great to have Limerick one joining in [14:25:12] sincere thanks to both hosts UL Comp Soc and TOG. [14:25:25] I was both glad one went ahead and I got to go to one [14:25:57] hopefully we can grow on this iteration to iteration [14:26:12] each one attended makes the next easier. [14:26:22] next [14:26:37] of course, the more we do the better they will in turn get [14:27:02] [TOPIC] airurando to mail list re release party. blogs to be used to ask for feedback [14:27:09] done [14:27:20] unfortunately little response [14:27:42] will be making the final decision about the release party later [14:28:00] hhhhhhhhmmmmmm [14:28:00] a shame [14:28:08] indeed [14:28:13] now [14:28:25] moving on to agenda items proper [14:29:02] [TOPIC] Natty Narwhal Release Party [14:29:11] speak of the devil [14:29:43] ha ha [14:30:02] I believe there were no objections to the evening of Thursday 28th (actual release day) [14:30:30] Jimmy Chungs for a bite to eat followed by some drinks in a pub [14:30:37] nope not at all, what time will the os actually be released? [14:30:42] which pub? [14:30:58] moylan: are you familiar with Dublin drinking houses? [14:31:10] i'm aware of their existence :-) [14:32:04] oh dear [14:32:22] no one about to advise on a pub after the food? [14:32:46] oh dear oh dear.... [14:32:55] i thought the usual pub for potd was the longstone. the ubuntu hour pub is the trinity [14:33:02] infoturtle what say you? [14:33:28] shall we leave the decision to the night? [14:33:42] I know of two pubs I've played gig's in and nither would be a nice place for drinks [14:34:05] we could have a suggestion on the night of all that are there in case randomers show up with good ideas? [14:34:14] leaves planning a bit hit and miss tho [14:34:49] maybe we'll go with either longstone or trinity? [14:35:22] airurando, wana flip a coin for it here and now? [14:35:36] heads trinity? [14:35:39] I agree it would be better to set now so latecomers will know where to go. [14:36:03] will we say Trinity Capitol? [14:36:21] heads it is! [14:36:25] ha [14:36:33] I don'tmind where we go at all [14:36:43] it'll only be for a short time anyway [14:36:52] trinity on the 28th it is. [14:37:02] cool [14:37:12] agreed [14:38:41] [AGREED] Natty release party to take place on 28th of April. Food in Jimmy Chungs at 7pm followed by drinks in the Trinity Capitol at 9pm ish. [14:39:30] infoturtle: want to set the vents up yourself or shall I? [14:39:38] *events [14:40:23] I can do it if you want, I'll make em on facebook twitter and idencia too [14:41:03] [ACTION] infoturtle to set up events on the wiki and LoCo Dir for the Natty Narwhal Release Party [14:41:17] good stuff [14:41:32] next up [14:42:02] [TOPIC] Preliminary discussion regarding the continuation of our Ubuntu Hours [14:43:42] This is a difficult one [14:43:54] sure is [14:44:05] is the ubuntu hour not just a distraction from the potd? [14:44:09] there is growing consensus that the Dublin UH isn't working as is. [14:44:48] moylan: that is indeed one view. [14:45:22] so at the moment it means that linux nerds have 2 meetings a month to go to. if they use ubuntu that is. [14:45:22] the point of UH is to promote Ubuntu to the public [14:45:38] moylan: not quite [14:45:52] maybe a once every 2-3 months in a location other than a pub were they can see the system running? [14:46:18] possibly moylan or alternatively change the venue and time [14:46:43] perhaps a saturday morning in a coffee shop? [14:46:58] with a laptop and wifi that could work [14:47:23] this was suggested by someone and it is an idea thats growing on me. [14:47:45] not sure if it was suggested in jest or not [14:48:06] i can loan a mifi if that would add wifi to a location if necessary [14:49:07] but if this change was to take place it would alleviate the contentious concern re PoTD vs UH. [14:49:34] a concern that is not valid in my opinion as the two events have totally different purposes [14:50:04] I just wanted to get us talking about this [14:50:04] or you could simply hold the UH on a weekend unlike the POTD. might be more useful to those busy during the week. [14:50:11] silly internet, got D/C [14:50:51] moylan indeed [14:51:07] moylan are you interested in this topic? [14:51:41] Andru__ what are your feeling towards UH Limerick? [14:52:11] no one goes to the UH other than myself and mike [14:52:24] i just hate to see duplication of effort. uh seems like another potd. this splits the people who wish to attend either or both. it needs to be different enough that it is not associated with potd to be successful. [14:53:42] moylan yes it does split folks but it was not designed to do so. UH is to promote Ubuntu and not really designed as a geek social [14:53:55] although that is a nice side effect [14:55:15] If folks think there is real value in continuing UH under a different set of conditions such as the coffee shop then I think that is what we should do [14:56:03] put on your thinking caps guys and we can trash this out further next month [14:56:20] hopefully we'll have more bodies then [14:56:24] :) [14:56:45] although ebel and slashtom will still be away [14:57:07] sorry bout this guys, this is my poor ISP for ya [14:57:13] all finished with that one? [14:57:19] think so [14:57:26] Andru_ not to worry [14:57:45] OK so [14:58:05] poor Andru__ up and down like the assyrian empire [14:58:29] [TOPIC] any other business [14:59:00] one thing alright [14:59:13] shoot [14:59:26] Andru_ has the floor [14:59:30] myself and thethomaseffect have been working on installing drupal 7 on the blacknight servers on Sunday [14:59:41] oh yes [14:59:48] exciting [15:00:02] how is it going [15:00:05] and during the week I put it on my own site, so next time I see him around the two of us should be working on the next step [15:00:44] to clarify this relates to the upgrade of our website i think [15:01:03] [TOPIC] Update on website upgrade [15:01:41] bit slow with the topic there [15:01:43] sorry [15:02:15] Andru_ that is great. [15:02:32] Thankd to you and thethomaseffect [15:02:41] is that everything [15:03:32] anyone? [15:04:50] [TOPIC] Next meeting [15:05:07] 3rd Wednesday in May [15:05:18] that is 18 May 11. [15:05:34] is that all? [15:05:55] going once [15:06:08] going twice [15:06:59] gone [15:07:05] #endmeeting Meeting ended. }}} ---- '''Parent pages:''' [[IrishTeam/IRCMeetings]] [[IrishTeam]] ---- CategoryIrishTeam