## page was copied from IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2011-08-17 This Ubuntu Ireland Team IRC meeting will be held at 8pm Irish time on Wednesday the 21^st^ of September 2011, on #ubuntu-ie on FreeNode. Everyone is welcome to attend and to add topics to the agenda (below) Note: The LoCo Directory Meeting listing can be found [[ http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/team/183/detail | here ]] == Attendance == == Agenda == || '''Agenda item''' || '''Proposer''' || || Review of previous action items || Standing agenda item || || Global Jam Wrap up || airurando || || Oneiric Ocelot Release Party || airurando || || Will we have an end of year event? || airurando || == Minutes == {{{ The meeting was cancelled due to low attendance. }}} == Any Other Business == The following topics were raised in the meeting ||'''Agenda item'''||'''Proposer'''|| == IRC LOGS == {{{ There are no logs as the meeting did not take place. }}} ---- '''Parent pages:''' [[IrishTeam/IRCMeetings]] [[IrishTeam]] ---- CategoryIrishTeam