Ubuntu-ie April 2012 Team IRC Meeting

This Ubuntu Ireland Team IRC meeting was held at 9pm Irish time on Wednesday the 18th of April 2012, in the #ubuntu-ie channel on FreeNode.

#title #ubuntu-ie Meeting

Meeting started by ebel at 20:06:35 UTC. The full logs are available at http://ubottu.com/meetingology/logs/ubuntu-ie/2012/ubuntu-ie.2012-04-18-20.06.log.html .

Meeting summary

LINK: http://loco.ubuntu.com/meetings/ubuntu-ie/382/detail/ (ebel, 20:08:41)

ACTION: ebel to order cds this evening (ebel, 20:11:24)

LINK: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ie/1684/detail/ (airurando, 20:51:24) LINK: http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ie/1684/detail/ (airurando, 20:51:30) LINK: http://oggcamp.org/ (tdr112, 20:55:20)

Meeting ended at 21:00:55 UTC.


Action items

Action items, by person

People present (lines said)

Full Log

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IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2012-04-18 (last edited 2012-04-18 21:51:13 by 86-46-79-67-dynamic)