* We ran a [[http://wiki.geeknic.org/index.php/Dublin_2009_2|Geeknic]] on Sunday 2nd August in Dublin. It was a great day out. Some pictures [[http://pix.ie/czajkowski/album/349891|here]]. * Face to face meet up on Thursday 6th of August in the [[http://www.thelongstone.com|Longstone]]. * [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/czajkowski|Czajkowski]] and [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RoryMcCann|Rory]] gave a short talk on [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NGO|Ubuntu NGO]] at the meeting. * Regular [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2009-08-12|Monthly IRC Meeting]] was held at 9pm Irish time on Wednesday 12th August.