* We had our Lucid Lynx Release Party on the 2nd of May. We first had a [[ http://geeknic.org | Geeknic ]] in [[ http://www.farmleigh.ie/Events/Title,12875,en.html | Farmleigh Park]] and then went on to the [[ http://www.bullandcastle.ie/bullcastle/home.html | Bull and Castle]] for drinks. Some [[http://www.flickr.com/photos/rorymccann/sets/72157623978289630/ | photos ]]. * Regular [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrishTeam/IRCMeetings/2010-05-19|Monthly IRC Meeting]] was held at 8pm Irish time on Wednesday 19th May 2010. * The date has been set for our next [[http://www.ossbarcamp.com/| OSSBarcamp]] 25-26th September 2010 planing is under way. * A member of our loco [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/czajkowski | czajkowski]] headed off to UDS-M. * Well done to Orla O'Donohue, who won the [[http://wiki.ubuntu-women.org/Events/Competitions/WorldPlayDay |1st Annual Ubuntu Women World Play Day Competition]] with her [[http://elkbuntu.net/ubuntuwomen/pics/full/orla_odonohue.JPG | photo]]. * We had a lively [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour| Ubuntu Hour]] on the 26th of May at 6pm at the [[http://www.trinitycapitalhotel.com/ | Trinity Capital Hotel bar]]. We handed out Ubuntu cd's and talked about the loco directory.