##master-page:Israel #format wiki #language en ------- ## {{http://www.link.to.picture.com}} Will display a picture on page. || '''Launchpad ID''': || https://launchpad.net/~israeldahl || || '''Ubuntu Forums''': || http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=1436851 || == About Me == The most important thing I can say about myself is that ישוע (Jesus) is the מָשִׁיחַ (Christ), and my Master. So, this means that I want to be loving to people in the community. And I want to contribute back as much as I can when I can. This desire to contribute has led to me learning how to program, and build an Ubuntu based distro (ToriOS) from the ground up. ToriOS is also much in line with the values I hold dear. Our goal is to turn trash into treasure. We want to bring new life to old 'useless' computers that would normally get thrown away. I am also an avid musician using the wonderful libre music software we have, such as: [[apt://lmms|LMMS]], [[apt://ardour|Ardour]], [[apt://qjackctl|Jack]], [[apt://guitarix|Guitarix]], [[apt://audacity|Audacity]] == Team Memberships == [[https://launchpad.net/~torios-dev|ToriOS Developers]] [[https://launchpad.net/~jsm-dev|JWM-Settings-Manager Development Team]] [[https://launchpad.net/~mkusb|MKUSB]] [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-oklahoma|Oklahoma LoCo Team]] {*} and more :) == Future Plans & Projects == [[http://www.torios.net|ToriOS 2.0]] Learning more about programming (other toolkits [Qt], other languages, etc...) Learning more about the internals of the GNU/Linux operating system Writing more libre software, and maintaining the current goodies. === Current Project & Goals === [[http://www.torios.net|ToriOS]]: a lightweight Ubuntu based distro focused on low RAM consumption (<100MB) There are too many programs I have written for ToriOS to list here. [[https://launchpad.net/jwm-settings-manager|JWM Settings Manager]]: a lightweight nice looking settings manager for JWM. This makes JWM much more accessible to the common user. [[https://launchpad.net/one-button-installer|OBI]]: a tarball-based installer that runs on computers with VERY little RAM. This is being actively developed by [[https://launchpad.net/~nio-wiklund|Nio]], I have contributed the packaging, and converted the program to work from a package. We have also co-developed some very important new features, and extra tools to aid the user. [[https://launchpad.net/fladduser|FLTK Add User]]: a small DE independent FLTK application for managing user accounts I am also working on small educational programs for my kids (when I have time) == Contributions to the Ubuntu Community == Aside from my projects above, I am involved in: * Packaging work, and contributing my fixes to the Debian packagers (JWM/LMMS) * Working with the developers of [[http://www.joewing.net/projects/jwm/|JWM]], testing and reporting regressions in [[https://github.com/joewing/jwm|github]]. * Hanging out in the [[http://lubuntu.net/|Lubuntu]] lists to try to help users, or at least help them figure out how to help themselves * Converting old computers to use Ubuntu and giving them away === Support === [[https://launchpad.net/~israeldahl|Launchpad]] [[https://github.com/Israel-|github]] [[mailto:torios-dev@lists.launchpad.net|ToriOS Developers]] [[mailto:torios@lists.launchpad.net|ToriOS Users]] === Forum Guides: === I've written no guides. I rarely use the forums these days... too busy. === Wiki === * Contributed to the [[https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro3-1/Trusty|Mactel]] wiki. * Minor fixes here and there for other things. = Testimonials = ## If you decide to apply for Ubuntu Membership it is advised that you have some testimonials written by other people. ##You should leave this section empty. It is for other members to fill, do ask them though. ---- CategoryHomepage