* [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Moshenahmias|Moshe]] will be the chairman for the IRC meetings. * The forum from now on is under the CC-BY-SA ver. 3 license. * We have a new contact man: [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Ddorda|Dor Dankner (Ddorda)]]. [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Moshenahmias|Moshe]] is the new reporter for the team reports. * We are still working on integrating the CoC back to the community. * The new Ops in our chat are: [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Moshenahmias|Moshe]], Shphongle and Shimi810. * If we will have donations it will go to Hamakor NPO (non-profit org.) so there won't be only one person that will get the money. * we had "Ubuntu on the grass" meeting at 29/04 at park hayarkon, Tel Aviv. * We had release party on 29/4.