= Me = I am Jan Claeys, 32 years old, living in [[http://www.brugge.be/|Bruges]], [[http://www.belgium.be/|Belgium]]. My computing experience started with a [[http://www.nvg.ntnu.no/sinclair/computers/zxspectrum/spec1648.htm|Sinclair ZX Spectrum 48K]] and its built-in BASIC language around 1984. Later, on an XT-clone, I learned about Turbo Pascal 3.x and used this up to BP 7 (I still prefer Pascal over C/C++!). I've worked as a Cold``Fusion/web developer in the past, but my favourite programming language is now [[http://www.python.org/|Python]]. My first experiences with "linux" were on servers in 2000 (Debian, Red Hat, Cobalt), but I haven't used it on the desktop seriously (as in: "everyday use") before January this year (2005). That's when I did the "cold turkey" from 99% Windows to 99% Ubuntu. I am a member of [[http://lugwv.be/|LugWV]]. I also was involved (as a board member & doing support) in [[http://www.tik.be/|Tik vzw / PUB]], a non-profit representing customers of my ISP (and other ISPs in the near future), which also tries to represent internet users in general (e.g. where digital civil rights are involved). = Ubuntu = My involvement in Ubuntu until now includes sitting in several (too many ;) ) Ubuntu IRC-channels & mailing lists & trying to help people when possible, and I also follow several Belgian & Dutch (linux) newsgroups on Usenet. I also did some Dutch translations, both for Ubuntu & for upstream projects. This is something I want to get more involved into. I am a member of Ubuntu's DutchTeam and BelgianTeam. I've also reported some bugs of course (and I should probably have reported more). ---- CategoryHomepage