= Approval Application for Japanese Team (ubuntu-jp) = == Key Details == * '''Date''' - 21 July 2009 * '''Team Contact''' - Jun Kobayashi * '''Membership''' - 8 active members and tens of volunteers as of 21 July 2009. (2 new members in this year) * One of our team member, Fumihito Yoshida, was approved for Ubuntu Membership in April. * '''Mailing List''' - ubuntu-jp on lists.ubuntu.com with 1986 members as of 22 July 2009. * '''IRC''' - #ubuntu-jp on Freenode * '''Launchpad Page''' - https://launchpad.net/~japaneseteam * '''Web Site''' - http://www.ubuntulinux.jp * '''Web Forum''' - http://forum.ubuntulinux.jp * '''Wiki Site''' - http://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp == Roadmap == * '''Spread Ubuntu in Japan''' - Increase the number of Japanese users involved in the Ubuntu community. * Continue running LoCo team resources: [[http://www.ubuntulinux.jp/|Web site]], IRC (#ubuntu-jp), Mailing List (unbuntu-jp@lists.ubuntu.com), [[http://forum.ubuntulinux.jp/|Web forum]]. * Hold local events for Ubuntu users four or more times per year. * Attend local FLOSS conferences four or more times per year. * Write articles on local magazines and web sites. * Advise more companies which plan to use Ubuntu for business. * '''Meetings''' - Continue to organise regular weekly IRC meetings. * '''Make Ubuntu better for Japanese users''' - Translate more applications, improve Japanese input support, and work to build up and provide a better Japanese language environment. * Continue to create and distribute Japanese Remix Desktop CDs. * Maintain jp.archive.ubuntu.com to update comfortably for Japanese users. * '''Better relation ships with other FOSS communities''' - Expand cooperative ties with other Ubuntu and FOSS comunities. * Improving the relationship with Debian JP Project is most important * Encourage more of the Japanese LoCo Team members to become Ubuntu Members. * '''Translate Japanese contents related Ubuntu''' - like "Ubunchu!"(see below) == Experience == * '''Regular IRC Meeting''' - We organize meetings in #ubuntu-jp on irc.freenode.net every Tuesday (13:00 UTC / 22:00 JST). * '''Ubuntu Kaizen Project''' - We managed the [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-jp-improvement|Ubuntu Kaizen Project]] to manage bugs submitted in Japanese. * '''Meetings with companies''' - We have talked about Ubuntu with some companies which are considering using Ubuntu for their business. * Hirose Electric Works, ltd. released "UBiL" which is Virtual Server Thin Client based on Ubuntu. * ATOK X3 (propietary Japanese input method software for Linux) supports Ubuntu 8.10 and Ubuntu 9.04. * '''Ubuntu Offline Meeting Tokyo''' - We held two Ubuntu event for users. * In January and April meetings, we had install party, trouble shooting and seminars. * In April meeting, we held Ubuntu 9.04 release party too. * This event is co-sponsored by Hirose Electric Works, ltd. * We are planning to hold this event every few months. * '''Japanese Ubuntu articles''' - We have written articles for following print and online local magazines: * Nikkei Linux August issue: [[http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/MAG/20080702/309965/|"Ubuntu 8.04 effective utilization" / "How to grow Ubuntu"]] * "[[http://www.shuwasystem.co.jp/products/7980html/2012.html|Ubuntu Linux Beginers Kit]] for 8.04 LTS" * Software Design: "[[http://gihyo.jp/magazine/SD/archive/2008/200811|First Review: Ubuntu 8.10]]" * Software Design: [[http://gihyo.jp/magazine/SD/archive/2008/200812|-Learning Unix Technology- "What is init daemon"]] * Nikkei Linux December issue: [[http://itpro.nikkeibp.co.jp/article/MAG/20081105/318539/|True face of Ubuntu 8.10 Server]] * Interviewd by local magazine "[[http://www.ascii.co.jp/books/books/detail/978-4-04-867516-1.shtml|Kantan-Ubuntu]]" * "[[http://gihyo.jp/magazine/SD/archive/2009/200901|Software Design:Using software RAID on Linux]]" * "Install Ubuntu to your second homebuilt computer" for Nikkei WinPC which is a Japanese computer magazine published by Nikkei BP. * Software Design: [[http://gihyo.jp/magazine/SD/archive/2009/200905|Let's experience merits of Ubuntu - illustrate installation, leverage netbook, create variants -]] * "HP MIE Review" for a Japanese local magazine "Software Design". * "Ubuntu 9.04 Tettei Kaibou" for a Japanese local magazine "ASCII.technologies". * Team members talked about team's activity and Ubuntu community in ASCII Mediaworks' interview. This is described on a magazine "Sakusaku Ubuntu!" published on 27th May. * Team members talked about team's activity for a Japanese local magazine "Linux 100%". * gihyo.jp: [[http://gihyo.jp/admin/serial/01/ubuntu-recipe|Ubuntu Weekly Recipe]] / [[http://gihyo.jp/admin/clip/01/ubuntu-topics|Ubuntu Weekly Topics]] (ongoing) * '''Conference Attendance''' - We have attended following conferences: * Open Source Conference: as exhibitor and speaker * [[http://www.ospn.jp/osc2008-kansai/|Open Source Conference 2008 Kansai]] / [[http://www.ospn.jp/osc2008-fall/|Open Source Conference 2008 Tokyo/Fall]] / [[http://www.ubuntulinux.jp/News/OSC-2009-Sendai|Open Source Conference Sendai 2009]] / [[http://www.ubuntulinux.jp/News/OSC-2009-Tokyo-Spring|Open Source Conference 2009 Tokyo/Spring]] * Debian-Ubuntu BoF was held by Japanese Team and Debian JP Project on [[http://lc.linux.or.jp/lc2008/|Japan Linux Conference 2008]] ([[http://wiki.debian.org/HidekiYamane?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=20080911_LC_Debian-Ubuntu-BoF.odp|odp file for presentation]]) * Exhibited at the "Gathering the Linux Distributions" at [[http://www.rakuten.co.jp/event/techconf/2008/|Rakuten technology conference]] * We exhibited at the [[http://k-of.jp/2008/index.html|Kansai Open Source 2008]] * '''Japanese Remix Desktop CDs''' - We create and distribute Japanese Remix Desktop CDs for each release of Ubuntu. * http://www.ubuntulinux.jp/news/kubuntu804-ja-desktop-cd * http://www.ubuntulinux.jp/News/ubuntu810-desktop-ja-remix * http://www.ubuntulinux.jp/News/ubuntu8042-ja-desktop-cd * http://www.ubuntulinux.jp/News/ubuntu904-desktop-ja-remix * '''Ubunchu!''' * Hajime Mizuno, Fumihito Yoshida who are Japanese LoCo Members and Martin Owens who is US-Massachusetts LoCo Member got the rights to translate "Ubunchu", which is a Japanese Manga comic, into English in cooperation with the author Hiroshi Seo. * And it's translated to 11 languages. * http://seotch.wordpress.com/ * http://doctormo.wordpress.com/2009/04/02/ubunchu-the-ubuntu-manga-is-now-in-english/ * '''Archive mirrors''' - We have deployed and maintain new archive mirrors in Japan with help of some organizations. * [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/ubuntutym.u-toyama.ac.jp-archive|University of Toyama]] * [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/ubuntu-ashisuto.ubuntulinux.jp|K.K. Ashisuto]]