= Approval Application for Japanese Team (ubuntu-jp) = == Key Details == * '''Date''' - 16 June 2011 * '''Team Contact''' - [[https://launchpad.net/~jkbys|Jun Kobayashi]] * '''Membership''' - 10 active core members and tens of volunteers as of 19 June 2011. * One of our team member, Nobuto Murata, was approved for Ubuntu Membership in Jan 2011. * '''Mailing List''' - ubuntu-jp on lists.ubuntu.com with 2640 members as of 19 July 2011. * '''IRC''' - #ubuntu-jp on Freenode * '''Launchpad Page''' - https://launchpad.net/~japaneseteam * '''Web Site''' - http://www.ubuntulinux.jp * '''Web Forum''' - https://forums.ubuntulinux.jp * '''Wiki Site''' - https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp == Roadmap == * '''Spread Ubuntu in Japan''' - Increase the number of Japanese users involved in the Ubuntu community. * Continue to organize regional meetings. * Attend local FLOSS conferences four or more times per year. * Distribute Ubuntu CDs at events. * Continue running LoCo team resources: [[http://www.ubuntulinux.jp/|Web site]], IRC (#ubuntu-jp), Mailing List (unbuntu-jp@lists.ubuntu.com), [[http://forum.ubuntulinux.jp/|Web forum]]. * Write articles on local magazines and web sites. * Advise more companies which plan to use Ubuntu for business. * '''IRC Meetings''' - Continue to organise regular weekly IRC meetings. * '''Make Ubuntu better for Japanese users''' - Translate more applications, improve Japanese display and input support, and work to build up and provide a better Japanese language environment. * Maintain jp.archive.ubuntu.com to make Japanese users update their ubuntu system comfortably. * Continue to create and distribute Japanese Remix Desktop CDs which supports Japanese input even in live session. * '''Better relation ships with other FOSS communities''' - Expand cooperative ties with other Ubuntu and FOSS comunities. * Maintain cooperation with Debian JP Project. * Deepen exchanges with other FLOSS communities including LibreOffice, Linaro, Android, etc. * '''Deepen exchanges with Ubuntu users in other countries''' * Encourage more of the Japanese LoCo Team members to become Ubuntu Members. == Experience == Experiences from 22 July 2009 to 19 June 2011. * '''Meetings''' - We organized events for Ubuntu users. * Ubuntu Offline Meeting Tokyo 9.08 * 1 Aug 2009 at Hirose Building, Akihabara, Tokyo. * Organized by Ubuntu Japanese Team and Hirose Electric Works, Ltd. * Ubuntu 9.04 install party, seminar sessions and lunch party. * 70 participants. * [[https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/Offline200908Report|Report page(Japanese)]] * Ubuntu Offline Pre-Meeting Kansai 10.08 * 21 Aug 2010 at ASTEM, Kyoto. * Seminar sessions and lunch party. * 30 paticipants. * [[https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/Events/OfflineKansai201008Report|Report page(Japanese)]] * Ubuntu Offline Meeting Kansai 10.10 * 30 Oct 2010 at ASTEM, Kyoto. * Seminar sessions and lunch party. * 40 participants. * [[https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/Events/OfflineKansai201010Report|Report page(Japanese)]] * Ubuntu 10.10 Release Party Tokyo * 6 Nov 2010 at British Pub HUB, Akihabara, Tokyo. * 68 participants. * [[https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/Events/OfflineTokyo201011/Report|Report page(Japanese)]] * [[https://picasaweb.google.com/106468260551425064278/Ubuntu1010ReleasePartyTokyo|Photos]] * Ubuntu Offline Meeting Kansai 11.03 * 19 Mar 2011 at ASTEM, Kyoto. * Seminar sessions and lunch party. * 40 participants. * Participants donated 55,000 yen in total for Tōhoku earthquake and tsunami victims. * [[https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/Events/OfflineKansai201103|Report page(Japanese)]] * Ubuntu Hour at Tachikawa, Tokyo. * Held 10 times. * [[https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/Hour/TokyoTachikawa|Event page(Japanese)]] * '''Conference Attendance''' - We have attended following conferences. * [[https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/OSC2009Nagoya|Open Source Conference 2009 Nagoya]] - 22 Aug 2009 at Nagoya. * [[https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/OSC2009TokyoFall|Open Source Conference 2009 Tokyo Fall]] - 30-31 Oct 2009 at Tokyo. * [[https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/OSC2010TokyoSpring|Open Source Conference 2010 Tokyo Spring]] - 26-27 Feb 2010 at Tokyo. * [[https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/OSC2010Sendai|Open Source Conference 2010 Sendai]] - 22 May 2010 at Sendai. * [[https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/Events/OSC2010Kansai|Open Source Conference 2010 Kansai@Kyoto]] - 9-10 Jul 2010 at Kyoto. * [[https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/Events/OSC2010Nagoya|Open Source Conference 2010 Nagoya]] - 7 Aug 2010 at Nagoya. * [[https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/Events/OSC2010TokyoFall|Open Source Conference 2010 Tokyo/Fall]] - 10-11 Sep 2010 at Tokyo. * [[https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/Events/OSC2011TokyoSpring|Open Source Conference 2011 Tokyo/Spring]] - 4-5 Mar 2011 at Tokyo. * [[https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/Events/OSC2011Kobe|Open Source Conference 2011 Kansai@Kobe]] - 16 Apr 2011 at Kobe. * [[https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/Events/OSC2011Sendai|Open Source Conference 2011 Sendai]] - 21 May 2011 at Sendai. * [[https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/Events/OSC2011Hokkaido|Open Source Conference 2011 Hokkaido]] - 11 June 2011 at Sapporo. * '''Meetings with organizations''' - We have talked about Ubuntu with some companies which are considering using Ubuntu for their business. * Minoh City - We adviced Minoh city to deply Ubuntu LTSP environment to teachers' room in common schools. * Ashisuto * '''Team Reports''' - We have submitted the summary of our activities to TeamReports page continually. * '''Regular IRC Meeting''' - We organize meetings in #ubuntu-jp on irc.freenode.net every Tuesday (13:00 UTC / 22:00 JST). * '''Ubuntu Kaizen Project''' - We manage the [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-jp-improvement|Ubuntu Kaizen Project]] to handle bugs submitted in Japanese. * '''Japanese Ubuntu articles''' - We have written articles for following print and online local magazines * Ubuntu Magazine Japan - The first Ubuntu specialized magazine in Japan. We wrote articles for them. * [[http://ascii.asciimw.jp/books/books/detail/978-4-04-867996-1.shtml|Vol.1]] - 29 Sep 2009 * [[http://ascii.asciimw.jp/books/books/detail/978-4-04-868258-9.shtml|Vol.2]] - 30 Nov 2009 * [[http://ubuntu.asciimw.jp/elem/000/000/010/10106/|Vol.3]] - 23 Feb 2010 * [[http://ubuntu.asciimw.jp/elem/000/000/010/10163/|Vol.4]] - 31 May 2010 * [[http://ubuntu.asciimw.jp/elem/000/000/010/10259/|Vol.5]] - 31 Aug 2010 * [[http://gihyo.jp/admin/serial/01/ubuntu-recipe|Ubuntu Weekly Recipe]] * Serialized in 176 articles as of 15 June 2011. * [[http://gihyo.jp/admin/clip/01/ubuntu-topics|Ubuntu Weekly Topics]] * Serialized in 172 articles as of 18 June 2011. * [[http://ascii.jp/elem/000/000/435/435813/|Ittoke! Ubuntu DoJo!]] - Conversational style articles on ascii.jp * Serialized in 44 articles as of 9 June 2011. * [[http://gihyo.jp/magazine/SD/archive/2009/200909|"Do you know? - processes behind OS" SoftwareDesign 2009-09]] - written by Fumihito Yoshida. * [[http://ascii.asciimw.jp/books/books/detail/978-4-04-868164-3.shtml|NetWalker Guide Book]] - Published on 29 Oct 2009. We wrote many articles for it. * [[http://www.atmarkit.co.jp/flinux/special/eucaly/eucalya.html|"Start cloud computing with Ubuntu" @IT]] - Published in 25 Nov 2009, written by Fumihito. * [[http://gihyo.jp/magazine/SD/archive/2010/201005|"Ubuntu Monthly Report" SoftwareDesign]] - has been serialized since May 2010, and continues today. * [[http://gihyo.jp/magazine/SD/archive/2010/201006|"Features of Ubuntu LTS 10.04" SoftwareDesign 2010-06]] - Published on 18 May 2010, written by some of us. * [[http://www.shuwasystem.co.jp/products/7980html/2681.html|Ubuntu Linux Introduction Kit for 10.04]] - Published on 15 July 2010, written by Jun Kobayashi and Nobuto Murata. * [[http://gihyo.jp/magazine/SD/archive/2010/201010|"New Generation Filesystem - Btrfs" SoftwareDesign 2010-10]] - Published on 18 Sep 2010, written by Fumihito. * [[http://gihyo.jp/magazine/SD/archive/2010/201011|"Features of Ubuntu 10.10" SoftwareDesign 2010-11]] - Published on 18 Oct 2010, written by Fumihito and Ikuya. * [[http://tech.ascii.jp/elem/000/000/582/582920/|"Ubuntu 10.10" ASCII.technologies]] - Published on 24 Jan 2011, written by Ikuya. * [[http://gihyo.jp/magazine/SD/archive/2011/201105|"Ubuntu 11.04 New Desktop Environment" SoftwareDesign 2011-05]] - Published on 18 Apr 2011, written by Hajime Mizuno. * '''Japanese Remix CDs''' - We create and distribute Japanese Remix Desktop CDs for each release of Ubuntu. * [[https://www.ubuntulinux.jp/News/ubuntu910-desktop-ja-remix|Ubuntu 9.10 Desktop Japanese Remix CD]] * [[https://www.ubuntulinux.jp/News/ubuntu1004-desktop-ja-remix|Ubuntu 10.04 LTS Desktop Japanese Remix CD]] - We have pressed 1,000 CDs to hand out in events. * [[https://www.ubuntulinux.jp/News/ubuntu1010-desktop-ja-remix|Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop Japanese Remix CD]] * [[https://www.ubuntulinux.jp/News/ubuntu1104-desktop-ja-remix|Ubuntu 11.04 Desktop Japanese Remix CD]] * '''Archive mirrors''' - We maintain archive mirrors in Japan with help of some organizations. * [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/ubuntutym.u-toyama.ac.jp-archive|University of Toyama]] * [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+mirror/ubuntu-ashisuto.ubuntulinux.jp|K.K. Ashisuto]]