* We have attended "Open Source Conference 2009 Kansai@Kyoto" as exhibitor and speaker: * http://www.ospn.jp/osc2009-kansai/ * https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/OSC2009Kansai * Seminar was titled "The past, present, and future of Netbook support in Ubuntu." led by ikuya. * Docs for the seminar: [[https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/OSC2009Kansai?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=osc2009kyoto-seminer.odp|ODF]] * Movie for the seminar: [[http://video.ubuntulinux.jp/videos/OSC_Kyoto_2009.ogv|OGV]] [[http://video.ubuntulinux.jp/videos/OSC_Kyoto_2009.mp4|MP4]] [[http://video.ubuntulinux.jp/videos/OSC_Kyoto_2009.mpeg|MPEG]] * Team members have talked about Ubuntu as a theme on ASCII.jp which is online Japanese magazine. * "Ittoke! Ubuntu Do``Jo!"("Let's go to Ubuntu-Do``Jo") : Interview-style articles, deal with "How/What/Why use Ubuntu". * http://ascii.jp/elem/000/000/435/435813/ * We are planning to organize event "Offline Meeting Tokyo 9.08" * Date: 1st Aug 2009 * Time: 12:00 - 18:00 * Place: Akihabara Hirose Building in Tokyo, Japan * Plan: Ubuntu 9.04 install party and some seminars * https://wiki.ubuntulinux.jp/Offline200908