Describe JauntyJackalope/Alpha2/Kubuntu/Feedback here. * Main Ubuntu page on Jaunty alpha 2 mentions the known issue that intel graphics cards don't work. Kubuntu release notes doesn't mention this in known issue. Even if this is only a problem in Ubuntu it should still be mentioned. * Install doesnt seem to work and keeps loading, alpha 2, I think this is a sign to not use alpha2 * How about package KCall to get out-of-the-box VoIP support in Kubuntu jaunty? * 2009-1-24 Installed Janty Alpha 2 without problems, and aside from the known nonworking manual partitioning, I find that it runs very smooth for an alpha release. Upgraded to the Alpha 2 KDE 4.2 Beta from default repository last night, as it doesn't seem that Kubuntu will be released as Alpha 3 - unlike Ubuntu (no announcement seen yet). It certainly is a great pleasure to see this pre-KDE 4.2 and how nice it works and including a lot of all the features missing since KDE 3.5/Kubuntu8.04 - much unlike the less usable KDE4.1/Kubuntu8.10. Even the theme and graphics look a lot more polished and finished than I've ever seen in any pre- or released *buntu or other Linux ever. Right now the only thing that would keep me using the 8.04 LTS is the Adept for KDE 4.x packet manager, witch needs some work to keep up with Adept for the KDE 3.x - rumors say that there will be a new package manager KPackagekit for Kubuntu, hopefully this this will become as good and feature full for Kubuntu as Synaptic is for Ubuntu. And please keep up all the nice work all of you guys, if things continue this way I think 9.04 could be the greatest and most usable Kubuntu ever - Thanks. This is a huge improvement over the KDE that was included in Intrepid. Here are my notes from the first couple hours of use. This is my first extensive use of KDE4 and some of these issues may be design decisions that were hashed out long ago in Intrepid and won't be changed. * Adept 1. Search results are not put into alphabetical order. 2. Two clicks are needed to select a package for installation. 3. Searching for "git" gives no results. Searching for "git-" gives 11 results. Searching for "^git" gives 50+ results, several of which do not start with "git". 4. I would really like to be able to see a full, alphabetical list of every package adept knows about. I've not be able to figure out how to do this. * Konqueror/Sonnet 1. Sonnet doesn't wait until I get to the end of a word before deciding if it is misspelled or not. This leads to constant flickering red underlining. It's distracting enough that I'm about to declare konqueror unusable and see what Epiphany is doing these days. * Plasmoids 1. To remove a plasmoid, I have to select "add". 2. There is no way to remove the calendar plasmoid by clicking on it. One has to make the leap to figuring out that plasmoid showed up after clicking on the digital clock plasmoid, and thus to make the calendar go away the digital clock has to be clicked again. 3. There is no way to remove the persistent "notes" plasmoid by clicking on it. One has to make the leap to go to the taskbar and click "Add". * Acroread 1. The acroread package provided by medibuntu freezes as soon as the initial window is drawn.