
Knowledge Base


Next Meeting: Thu July 16th 9:00 UTC


How is Java Packaging different?

Check out the Debian Java Policy.

Follow the packaging for Java developers guide

What exactly is already packaged somewhere ?

With Java it's sometimes difficult to know if some classes are not already shipped somewhere as part of a given package. JavaTeam/JavaContents addresses that by providing java-Contents.gz files containing a map of packages / jar / classes shipped in a given release.


Many Java packages require that the build^dependencies are installed in order to build a source package. If you work with many different Java packages with different or conflicting build-dependencies, you may want to build your source packages in a snapshot chroot.

The buildds have a debconf setting to automatically accept the Sun Java licenses, to allow autobuilding of packages. The following command will replicate this configuration for your build chroots:

echo "buildd shared/accepted-sun-dlj-v1-1 boolean true" | debconf-set-selections

Are there any packaging examples?

Check out the Java Reference Packages.


JavaTeam/KnowledgeBase (last edited 2011-11-09 16:07:46 by james-page)