#format wiki #language en == Javier Rovegno Campos (tatadeluxe) == || '''Launchpad''': || [[https://launchpad.net/people/tatadeluxe|tatadeluxe]] || || '''Email''': || <> || || '''Jabber''': || '''tatadeluxe''' at ''gmail.com'' || || '''IRC''': || '''tatadeluxe''' on ''irc.freenode.net'' || || '''Location''': || ''RM/Providencia, Chile'' || || '''Time zone''': || [[http://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/city.html?n=232|América/Santiago]] || || '''Web''': || [[http://www.cec.uchile.cl/~jrovegno/]] || || '''GPG Key''': || [] || == Community Participation == * [[JavierRovegno/Resources| Inputs and outputs community resources]]<
>(Recursos recibidos y aportados a la comunidad) * [[JavierRovegno/Projects| Projects participation ]]<
>(Participación en proyectos) == Links == {{http://www.cec.uchile.cl/%7Ejrovegno/launchpad-heading.png}} [[https://launchpad.net/~jrovegno|tatadeluxe in Launchpad]] {{http://www.cec.uchile.cl/%7Ejrovegno/tata_avatar_64x64_sombra.png}} [[http://www.cec.uchile.cl/~jrovegno/|My HomePage]] {{http://www.cec.uchile.cl/%7Ejrovegno/ideas_chile.jpg}} [[http://ideaschile.wordpress.com/|IdeasChile Blog]]<
> {{attachment:ChileanTeam/GrupoEscribas/Toolbox/Iconos/ubuntuforos64x64uv9.png}} [[ChileanTeam/GrupoForo|The ChileanTeam Collaborative Support Project]] {{http://www.cec.uchile.cl/%7Ejrovegno/wikicursos-wiki.jpg}} [[http://wikicursos.wordpress.com/|WikiCursos Project]] {{http://www.cec.uchile.cl/%7Ejrovegno/logocluchc_100x44.png}} [[http://cluch.wordpress.com|Free Culture Universidad de Chile]] == Presentation == Hi! My Name is '''Javier Rovegno Campos'''. I'm from '''[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chile|Chile]]''' and at this moment i am studying [[http://www.ingcivil.uchile.cl/|Hydraulic Engineering]] in the [[http://www.uchile.cl/|Universidad de Chile]]. I am interesting in: * The GNU project. * Social development issues. * To implement the philosophy of The Free Software into the engineering applications, to decrease the technological breach between the countries that nowadays are users of technology and the countries owners of the technology. ''"Hopefully to arrive a day in which the technology and the knowledge will be for everyone"'' ---- CategoryHomepage CategoryChileanTeam