Jérémie "Toadstool" Corbier

I am a 21 year-old french guy. I study telecommunications engineering in Brest, France. I am particularly interested in the current deployment of IPv6. I am also network and system administrator of the ResEl association. We deal with a 500 machines students network and we provide some services such as 17 TV channels on LAN or @resel.fr Jabber accounts to our members. The whole services are powered by 12 Debian servers.

Linux and me

I have been using GNU/Linux since November 2000. My first experience was with a Debian Potato I installed on my parents' old computer. As I did not have a permanent nor efficient Internet connection at that time I had to wait for Woody release to discover a little further this world.

I use Ubuntu since Warty was released. At that time I was thrilled by this distribution because it was the first to work out of the box on my laptop. I have been an Ubuntu user since then and I have decided to help making Dapper the best Linux distro ever released.

I have organized 4 Ubuntu Install Parties (about 60 attendees each time) in my engineering school.


Ubuntu involvement

Packaging and developments

Bug triaging and fixing

I am part of the Ubuntu BugSquad and I do my best to report and triage bugs.

I have fixed a few bugs and made some merges. See my Uploaded Packages list.


I spend a lot of time on #ubuntu-fr, #ubuntu-fr-testing, #ubuntu-bugs and #ubuntu-motu helping people as much as I can.

French translations

I am certainly not the most active translator in the French Translation Team but when I am not wandering about Malone I try to translate a few packages.


I would like to:



JeremieCorbier (last edited 2008-08-06 17:01:26 by localhost)