#format wiki #language en #title João Miguel Neves ||<>|| ||<|4>{{attachment:me.png}}|| Email || <> || || Launchpad || [[https://launchpad.net/~jneves|jneves]] || || Web page || [[http://silvaneves.org/|Web]] [[http://mestrejoao.silvaneves.org/|Blog]] || || IRC (Freenode) || jneves || = About Me = I've been using Free Software since 1997, and advocating it since 1998. I lobbied for and setup the first classroom with GNU/Linux in my university. I've regularly attended and participated in Install Parties, events explaining Free Software and helping people in our country to meet together. I'm a founder of [[http://ansol.org/|ANSOL]], the Portuguese Free Software association. I've worked in the software patents lobbying effort that led to a software patents directive failing in the European Parliament in 2004. The lobby in Portugal regarding EUCD resulted in a law that makes Portugal the only country in the European Union where libdvdcss is legal. I've started using Ubuntu in 2005 (Breezy). I've been advocating it since. I'm an active member of the Portuguese Ubuntu Community, the leader of Mozilla PT, President of ANSOL and a member of ESOP (the Portuguese Free Software Companies association). Professionaly I'm a programmer/sysadmin that works with Free Software. I have my own company: [[http://intraneia.com/|Intraneia]] which has been a Ubuntu Partner and a Free Software supporter. We've migrated companies and schools to Ubuntu and keep expanding our efforts for better and bigger uses of Free Software. Thanks to DougieRichardson whose template I reused. = Contributions = == LoCoTeam == In 2007, I've organized the Portuguese LoCoTeam participation on the first Portuguese Free Software Forum: http://anafigueiras.com/blog/2007/10/12/retrospectiva-do-1%C2%BA-dia-do-i-fsl/ (there you can see part of the 4x4m Ubuntu logo table we did). This participation was paid by my company. I've organized the Ubuntu 8.10 Intrepid Ibex launch dinner in Lisbon, Portugal and did a presentation on what Ubuntu is. I've started, organize and host the local Lisbon monthly meetings for Ubuntu users since September, 2008. I'm a regular presence on the [[http://www.google.pt/search?q=joao.neves+site:lists.ubuntu.com+inurl:https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-pt/&hl=pt-PT&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:unofficial&hs=yjc&start=10&sa=N|mailing-list]] and irc channels. == Localization == I work mainly upstream, being the leader for European Portuguese Mozilla translations. = Future Goals = In May I'll be presenting Ubuntu in a training session for public administration officials. I want to work on making Marketing tools available in (European) Portuguese to expand the reach our community has. = Testimonials for Membership Application = == Tiago Faria (gouki) == João is a great guy and THE most active person when it comes to Free Software advocacy. His work with the Ubuntu Portuguese community has brought everyone closer, and his knowledge with GNU/Linux has helped many. João has my +1 for Ubuntu Membership. == Marco da Silva (iGama) == João is a great help in the Portuguese Open Source Community, especially in Ubuntu. Always available to help people in almost all areas ( form software to licensing doubts ). He is well known in the Ubuntu-PT and organizer of the Ubuntu Monthly meetings. He's a Linux Evangelist :D == BUGabundo (BUGabundo) == I've known personally jneves for about 2 years, after we met on a PortoLinux meeting. He is an wonderful personal, very knowledgeable, and always eager to help who needs help. The meetings he has been helping organize are a great way to put new users in (regular) contact with more experienced users. == Bruno Miguel == Well, every community needs active and proactive members. João Neves (jneves) is one of those members. Add a great those of knowledge, sociability, willingness to help, good communication capabilities and you have the perfect member. == Jaime Pereira == Although a recent member of the Ubuntu-pt I want to highlight the excellent work that John has done to publicize the project and the support he gives to the various initiatives that have been carried out. == Flávio Martins (xhaker) == João is a key member of Ubuntu Portugal and the Portuguese free software community in general. He has supported Ubuntu adoption through various mediums: he advocates in events; he holds the monthly ubuntu-pt meetings, at his company offices; he also helps in the mailing lists. == Susana Pereira == João has been a very active member of our LoCo team. He has worked to organize and direct regular loco meetings, spearhead new translation projects and help people in our support mailling list. He is a true open source advocate. He has been an amazing resource of Free Software knowledge and our local community would not be as active and welcoming without him. ---- CategoryHomepage