1. Introduction

This page serves as a list of pages edited by me for various categories. This serves as documentation of contributions.

2. Security-related pages

Security is a major area of interest of mine. I hold a firm belief that any system which is not secure by default is not properly done. I hold an equally firm belief that securing a system should be easy and intuitive, and should not prevent the user from being productive. I also believe that security should be as transparent as possible to the end user.

2.1. Automatic Security Updates

The Automatic Security Updates page gives a quick tutorial on creating a script to automatically retrieve and install security updates for the current Ubuntu version. This script, thanks to lsb_release, does not need to be edited after upgrading to a new version of Ubuntu.

2.2. IPTables HowTo

The IPTables HowTo page provides basic directions for configuring an IPTables firewall. It is not intended to be an advanced reference or a guide to all the capabilities of IPTables. It is merely a brief introduction to give an end user the knowledge to quickly secure their system.

It's worth noting that Ubuntu has no external services after an installation of the desktop system, and I'm not aware of any remote exploits for a default desktop installation that a firewall would prevent (no, a DoS doesn't count) so getting a full-blown firewall up isn't as critical for Ubuntu as for certain other commercial operating systems.

2.3. Stricter Defaults

The Stricter Defaults page gives a brief overview of certain default settings that could pose a potential security risk. Recommended changes to these settings are given, with the goal of maximizing security without sacrificing usability.

2.4. Strong Passwords

The Strong Passwords page provides directions on generating strong passwords. A method using a program is provided, as well as a method for manual generation.

3. Networking-related Pages

These pages deal primarily with networking and may or may not be specific to Ubuntu, or even Linux in general.

3.1. NetworkManager 0.6.x

Ubuntu has used NetworkManager since Dapper Drake (6.06), possibly earlier, up to Hardy Heron (8.04).

3.2. NetworkManager 0.7

Starting with Intrepid Ibex, Ubuntu uses NetworkManager 0.7.

4. Miscellaneous Pages

These pages simply don't fit nicely into any other category. The content I edit may or may not fall under my areas of interest.

4.1. Switching to Ubuntu From Windows

The unofficial directions for switching to Ubuntu from Windows provides Windows users with resources, directions, and tips for making the switch as simple as possible.

4.2. Tovid

Tovid is a collection of video disc authoring tools allowing users to create DVDs and other video discs from one or more video files.

4.3. Restore Nautilus Location Bar

By default, Nautilus displays the pathbar. Some users prefer to use the location bar. This page shows how to use the location bar for either one single window, or for all windows.

4.4. HP dv2622ca Laptop Test Page

JoelGoguen/EditedPages (last edited 2009-02-02 02:20:06 by CPE00226b519cb1-CM0014e8b576c2)