About Me
I am a recent graduate (August 2007) from the University of Georgia with a major in Management Information Systems (MIS). While living in Athens I was an active member of Classic Hackers UGA Linux User Group (CHUGALUG), and a member of the Primary Staff at Free IT Athens. I now live in Atlanta and work as a Technology Risk Consultant with Protiviti.
I have been using Ubuntu since June of 2006. I may not be an expert on Linux, but computers have always been one of my hobbies. I think Ubuntu is a great all around operating system that anyone can use.
Georgia LoCo
I am the founder and a Council Member of the GeorgiaUSTeam.
Please visit our wiki to learn more about us!
Email: johnvonhollen -at- gmail.com
Forums: http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=80516
Web Site: http://www.JohnVonHollen.com
IRC: jsvh on FreeNode