About me
- 18 years old, American. (Birthday 08-21-1991)
- High school senior
- Using Linux for 3 years, started off with Fedora off and on (switching between that and windows) before quickly moving on to Kubuntu full-time. New to Linux on the desktop (04/2006), been using Kubuntu since Feisty.
- Actually, my dad started me off with Linux as a youngin', starting at Red Hat 5 or 6. I have fond memories of playing XBill and XBoing on our 486 in the basement.
- Genetics.
- Computers.
email echidnaman(at)kubuntu(dot)org
irc JontheEchidna on freenode #kubuntu #kubuntu-devel #konversation #amarok #plasma
Ubuntu activity
New packages activity (outdated)
Name & URL |
Description |
Version |
Distribution |
Comments |
KWin effects toggling plasmoid |
0.1-0ubuntu1 |
Intrepid |
Approved |
Wifi signal strength plasmoid |
0.5-0ubuntu1 |
Intrepid |
Approved |
Media controller plasmoid |
0.5-0ubuntu1 |
Intrepid |
Approved |
Weather display plasmoid |
0.4-0ubuntu1 |
Intrepid |
Approved |
File previewer plasmoid |
0.1-0ubuntu1 |
Intrepid |
Approved |
Quick file access plasmoid |
0.5.2-0ubuntu1 |
Intrepid |
Approved |
Display interesting photos on flickr |
0.1-0ubuntu1 |
Intrepid |
Approved |
Alternative application launcher menu for KDE4 |
1.0.3~svn860641-0ubuntu2 |
Intrepid |
Approved |
kio-bookmarks |
KIO slave for displaying/navigating bookmarks |
0.2.1-0ubuntu1 |
Intrepid |
Approved |
- Helped package KDE 4.1 RC1. (~ half of the language packs, plus skanlite)
- Backported kdewebdev-kde4 4.0.98 to the Kubuntu-members-kde4 ppa.
- Backported konq-plugins-kde4 4.0.98 to the Kubuntu-members-kde4 ppa.
Worked on this for Intrepid: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuIntrepidDesktopDefaults
- Packaged 3 of the 4.1 final packages for Intrepid
- Backported 11 of the KDE 4.1 final packages to the Hardy PPA (apachelogger can vouch for all this)
- Various miscellaneous packaging-related bugfixes.
- Heavy involvement in almost every KDE release since 4.1. (Ask any of my sponsors/companion developers)
- Heavy involvement in the general development of Kubuntu 9.04, 9.10, and 10.04, focusing on packaging in both universe and main as well as bug control.
Ported jockey-kde from PyQt4 -> PyKDE4 for Intrepid.
Ported software-properties-kde from PyQt4 -> PyKDE4 for Intrepid.
- Contributed various bugfix/polishing patches for Adept.
- Lead developer of the upcoming kubuntu-notification-helper notification daemon.
- C++ port of the kubuntu-firefox-installer, which was able to knock off 3MB of ruby dependencies off the Kubuntu live CD while remaining total feature parity with the ruby version.
Bug triaging
- I have been actively triaging KDE bugs for over a year as of November 2009
I resolved ~15% of the bugs in kdebase for the kde3 -> kde4 transition. (yuriy can vouch for this)
User support
- I have lurked in #kubuntu-kde4 since around the middle of April, 2008 giving support. (Moved to #kubuntu when Intrepid was released)
- Package moar plasmoids
- Become MOTU, dominate universe (done)
- Package KDE each release (ongoing)
- Hone C++ skills, become more involved in KDE development.