#format wiki #language en #title Jonathan Davies || '''Launchpad ID''': || [[https://launchpad.net/~jpds|JonathanDavies]] || || '''IRC''': || '''jpds''' on ''irc.freenode.net'' || || '''Email''': || <> || || '''GnuPG key''' || [[http://pgp.surfnet.nl:11371/pks/lookup?op=get&search=0x5AA3DF71|0x5AA3DF71]] || == Activities == * MOTU since ~2006, [[MOTU/Council|MOTU Council member]], mentor and developer of the [[https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-dev/ubuntu-dev-tools/trunk|ubuntu-dev-tools]] package. * [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mirror-admins|Ubuntu mirror administrator]]. * [[https://launchpad.net/~revu-admins|REVU administrator]]. * Ubuntu [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-irc|IRC operator]] on Freenode. * [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-backporters|Ubuntu backporter]]. * Ticket triager at the [[https://rt.ubuntu.com|Ubuntu Request Tracker]]. * Ubuntu LoCo [[http://www.ubuntu-eu.org/?page_id=5|DNS master]]. * Maintainer of the ubot2 and ubot4 IRC bots (See: UbuntuBots). I also do other various things to help the community out. == Past activies == * Kubuntu Forums administrator. * Kubuntu-es.org administrator. * Former maintainer of the Spanish IRC bot. * Administrator of an [[http://www.ubuntu-uk.org|Ubuntu-UK]] [[http://podcast.ubuntu-uk.org|podcast]] mirror and I wrote some documentation on how to [[UKTeam/PodcastMirroring|set up a new mirror for that]].