
About me

My name is Jorge Solórzano, I'm from Managua, Nicaragua. 23 years old, Computer Engineer, passionated about free-software and who promotes Ubuntu and free-formats, I prefer Ogg Vorbis and Ogg Theora instead MP3/AAC/h264.

Contact information

My involvement in Ubuntu

I'm an official member and former CC member of the Nicaraguan Ubuntu LoCo Team.

I'm an Ubuntu user since Feisty, I started after I went to the first FLISOL in Nicaragua (when the community had just a few months) and began contributing to the community in September 2007, just after the SFD07.

My first meeting with the community was in the release party of Ubuntu Gutsy and my first talk was in the first Barcamp about free-formats (when I first know the meaning of Bar in Barcamp XD).

I joined the community in September 2007, in December 8 of that year I become part of the webmasters of, and just 5 days latter I become an official Ubuntu-ni Member, and just a few months latter I become part of a select group called the CC, the Community Council of Ubuntu Nicaragua... so yes with a little hard work you can become part of this great community. Smile :-)

I was hired (with another CC member) in a government institution to do a massive migration of computers to Ubuntu Linux, the project is moving slowly but forward with around 400 computers migrated... so yes you can have a job doing the things you like. Big Grin :)




JorSol (last edited 2011-06-23 14:54:28 by 139)