#format wiki #language en == Joshua Chase == == My Contact Info == || '''Name:''' || Joshua Chase (aka jchase, tv-ma, linuxcrypt) || || '''Launchpad:''' || https://launchpad.net/~joshua-d-chase || || '''Email:''' || <> || || '''IRC:''' || linuxcrypt on irc.freenode.net || || '''Ubuntu Forums:''' || [http://ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=60581 ] || || '''Personal Site:''' || [[http://linuxcrypt.net|linuxcrypt.net]] || Email: <> ... == About Me == So this is where I get to talk about me, sweet. Ok, so I live in Atlanta, GA., originally from San Diego but I'm giggin it down here in the south so far. I currently work for Hewlett Packard as a Customer Business Lead. I wont get into the details of my exciting career, but essentially I manage costing, staffing, and transition new deals that get signed on with HP. I use a lot of HP-UX, and Sun Solaris in my day to day job. I have been using Linux since about 1999. My first exposure was to Red Hat, which I quickly fell in love with, and since then have used just about every distribution out there. I have been using Ubuntu since the 5.04 release and I have been extremely happy with my Ubuntu experience. My goal here is to help the GA Loco team to become a community where we can spread the word, host workshops, and help new users get on board with using Linux / Ubuntu. I have recently taken the Marketing Manager role with our loco community. I hope that I will add value with being able to reach out to more users and getting some exposure for Ubuntu. Please feel free to contact me if you have any great ideas! Thanks for listening :) ... == Marketing Team Contributions == {*} [[GeorgiaUSTeam/Marketing]] == Other Wiki Contributions == ---- CategoryHomepage