#format wiki #language en == Justin Hayes == Email: <> Hi, My name is Justin Hayes, but you probably know me better as WildTangent on the forums and IRC channels. I most often hang out in the Community Chat forum, and the #Ubuntuforums channel. A little about me: I was born, grew up, and currently live in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I am 16 years of age (birthday is June 30 if you want to email me a birthday greeting ;) ). I work in a small computer shop as a technician. I mostly fix and build computers, but I also find and remove viruses, perform software installation, etc. I guess you could say I'm a jack of all trades. I have been using Ubuntu since about February, 2004, and been a member of the forums ever since. There have been times where I've found myself slipping back into Windows, but I always seem to come back to Ubuntu. I recently signed the Code of Conduct, so I am now an Ubuntero. You can view my Launchpad profile here: https://launchpad.net/people/wildtangent And my forum profile here: http://www.ubuntuforums.org/member.php?u=18170 ---- CategoryHomepage