{{http://en.gravatar.com/userimage/21366/2501f3aade5f088320a71ae8c22a4e12.jpg}} I like working with Translations and Localization Projects. * In my Spare Time, I try to Translate Gnome * and work with the Community More. What I'm going to do to do for Ubuntu: * Try getting people exited and involved with this über cool project I stay in Pretoria, South Africa. I Love My WIFE! I love Gnome and support 10x10. I love Music. I love Eating Out, Blogging, "Kuier"ing. Email: kmf|at|fischer.org.za Homepage: http://fischer.org.za FLOSS.pro Profile: http://floss.pro/kmf Jid: kmfischer|at|gmail.com ---- CategoryHomepage