
Differences between revisions 12 and 16 (spanning 4 versions)
Revision 12 as of 2009-10-22 19:45:23
Size: 11037
Editor: 224
Revision 16 as of 2009-10-29 01:36:53
Size: 18502
Editor: 121
Comment: added missing issues (not translated yet)
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== OEM "prepare for shipping" icon not shown in Kubuntu Netbook Edition ==

When using the OEM installation option on Kubuntu Netbook Edition, no "prepare for shipping" icon is placed on the desktop. Users who are doing OEM installations with Kubuntu Netbook Edition can instead run {{{oem-config-prepare}}} from the commandline. (Bug:386099)

= Upgrading =

Users of Ubuntu 9.04 can upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10 by a convenient automated process. Users of older Ubuntu releases need to upgrade to Ubuntu 9.04 first, and then to 9.10. Complete instructions may be found at

Kubuntu users can upgrade directly from Kubuntu 8.04 to Kubuntu 9.10. Users upgrading in this way are advised to also read the [[|release notes for Ubuntu 8.10]] and [[|for Ubuntu 9.04]], as the issues described there will in most cases also apply.

== Setting wireless regulatory domain via module option no longer supported ==

Ubuntu 9.10 enables the CRDA wireless regulatory framework for controlling which wireless channels are usable and visible in a particular location. If you previously had to use the module option similar to that below in /etc/modprobe.d/options to allow access to certain channels in your locality then you may find that wireless will not function at all:
== OEM "argitaratzeko prestatu" ikurra ez da agertzen 'Kubuntu Netbook Edition'-en ==

Kubuntu Netbook Edition-en OEM instalazio-modua erabiltzean, ez da "argitaratzeko prestatu" ikurrik agertzen mahaigainean. Kubuntu Netbook Edition-en OEM instalazioak burutzen ari diren erabiltzaileek {{{oem-config-prepare}}} exekutatu dezakete agindu-lerroan. (Bug:386099)

== UNR install confirmation dialog may be hidden ==

In some cases, the confirmation dialog at the end of a successful Ubuntu Netbook Remix installation will be hidden. To reach the popup window prompting for reboot, you may click on it in the list of windows in the top panel or press Alt-Tab until you switch to it. (Bug:462178)

== Wubi using persistent storage on a USB disk ==

Users who wish to run Wubi from a USB disk that has persistent storage enabled will need to run it with the {{{--force-wubi}}} option from the Windows command line. (Bug:461566)

== No installer shortcut in Ubuntu Moblin Remix developer preview ==

The installer is not available as a shortcut on the welcome screen in the Ubuntu Moblin Remix developer preview. To start the installation from a live session, open "Install Ubuntu" under Applications > Settings. (Bug:439656)

= Eguneratzen =

Ubuntu 9.04 darabilten erabiltzaileak prozesu automatiko eta erraz baten bidez eguneratu daitezke Ubuntu 9.10era. Ubuntu-bertsio zaharragoa darabilten erabiltzaileak Ubuntu 9.04ra eguneratu beharko dira lehenik, eta ondore 9.10era. Azalpen zehatzak topatu ditzakezu hemen:

Kubuntu darabilten erabiltzaileak zuzenean eguneratu daitezke Kubuntu 8.04tik Kubuntu 9.10era. Honela eguneratzen diren erabiltzaileentzako gomendagarria da [[|Ubuntu 8.10en]] eta [[|Ubuntu 9.04ren argitaratze-oharrak]] irakurtzea, bertan zehaztutako arazoen berri ere izan dezaten.

== Modulu-aukera bidez haririk gabeko domeinu erregulatzailea ezartzea jada ez dago jasana ==

Ubuntu 9.10ek CRDA haririk gabeko ingurune erregulatzailea gaitzen du kokaleku jakin batean erabilgarri eta ikusgarri dauden haririk gabeko kanalak kontrolatzeko. Zure kokalekuko kanal batzuetarako sarrera ahalbidetzeko azpiko modulu-aukeraren antzekoa erabili behar bazenuen /etc/modprobe.d/options fitxategian, agian haririk gabeko konexioak ez dizu funtzionatuko:
Line 44: Line 56:
You should remove this kernel module option on upgrade to Ubuntu 9.10 and use the {{{iw reg}}} command instead.

(This change was made in Ubuntu 9.04.)

== Upgrade from beta must be triggered manually ==

A bug in the apt package included in the Ubuntu 9.10 Beta prevents automatic notification of available package updates. Users who have installed or upgraded to Ubuntu 9.10 prior to the Release Candidate should ensure that updates are being made available by running {{{update-manager}}} manually, clicking {{{Check}}}, and installing the presented updates. (Bug:449535)

== X server crashes when using a wacom tablet ==

The wacom driver in Ubuntu 9.10 supports automatic configuration, but it conflicts with manual device entries for wacom tablets in {{{/etc/X11/xorg.conf}}}, causing the X server to crash either on startup or shutdown. Please comment out or remove the entries from {{{xorg.conf}}} to get rid of the crashes. (Bug:358643)

== Kubuntu may keep unneeded guidance power package ==

The kubuntu upgrade may leave the no longer needed packages "kde-guidance-powermanager" or "guidance-power-manager" installed. Those can be removed.

== Ctrl-Alt-Backspace disabled by default in Xorg, configured via XKB ==

Since Ubuntu 9.04, the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace key combination to force a restart of X is now disabled by default, to eliminate the problem of accidentally triggering the key combination. In addition, the Ctrl-Alt-Backspace option is now configured as an X keymap (XKB) option, replacing the X server "DontZap" option and allowing per-user configuration of this setting.

As a result, enabling or disabling the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace shortcut can now be done easily from the desktop.

=== Enabling Ctrl-Alt-Backspace for Ubuntu ===

 * Select "System"->"Preferences"->"Keyboard"
 * Select the "Layouts" tab and click on the "Layout Options" button.
 * Select "Key sequence to kill the X server" and enable "Control + Alt + Backspace".

=== Enabling Ctrl-Alt-Backspace for Kubuntu ===

 * Click on the Application launcher and select "System Settings"
 * Click on "Regional & Language".
 * Select "Keyboard Layout".
 * Click on "Enable keyboard layouts" (in the Layout tab).
 * Select the "Advanced" tab. Then select "Key sequence to kill the X server" and enable "Control + Alt + Backspace".

For further information, see:

== Change in notifications of available updates ==

Ubuntu 9.10 launches {{{update-manager}}} directly to handle package updates, instead of displaying a notification icon in the GNOME panel. Users are notified of security updates on a daily basis, but for updates that are not security-related, users will only be prompted once a week.

Users who wish to continue receiving update notifications in the previous manner can restore the earlier behavior using the following command:
Ubuntu 9.10era eguneratzea kernelaren modulu-aukera hau kendu eta {{{iw reg}}} agindua erabili beharko zenuke.

(Aldaketa hau Ubuntu 9.04en egin zen.)

== Eskuz gaitu behar da beta bertsiotiko eguneraketa ==

Ubuntu 9.10en gaitutako apt paketeko akats batek pakete-eguneraketa eskuragarrien jakinarazpen automatikoa ekiditen du. RCaren aurretik Ubuntu 9.10era eguneratu ziren (edo instalatu zuten) erabiltzaileek eguneraketak eskuragarri dituztela egiaztatu beharko lukete {{{eguneraketa-kudeatzailea}}} eskuz exekutatzen, {{{Egiaztatu}}} sakatzen, eta aurkeztutako eguneraketak instalatzen. (Bug:449535)

== X zerbitzaria kraskatu egiten da wacom tablet bat erabiltzean ==

Konfigurazio automatikoa jasaten du Ubuntu 9.10eko wacom kontrolatzaileak, baina gatazka sor dezake wacom tablet-entzako {{{/etc/X11/xorg.conf}}} fitxategian eskuz idatzitako sarrerekin, X zerbitzaria kraskatuaraziz abiaraztean edo itzaltzean. Mesedez, {{{xorg.conf}}} fitxategiko sarrerak ezabatu itzazu kraskatze hauek ekiditeko. (Bug:358643)

== Ubuntu Netbook Remix missing shutdown applet after upgrade ==

After upgrading Ubuntu Netbook Remix, the shutdown applet may be absent from the top panel. As a workaround, move the current applets to make some available space on the panel, then right-click in the freed space to add the "Indicator Applet Session" applet manually. See Bug:461115 for detailed instructions.

== Kubuntuk beharrezkoa ez den "guidance power" paketea mantendu dezake ==

Kubuntu-eguneraketan posible da jadanik beharrezkoak ez diren "kde-guidance-powermanager" edo "guidance-power-manager" paketeak instalatuta geratzea. Beldurrik gabe kendu daitezke.

== Ctrl-Alt-Ezabatu ezgaituta dago Xorg-en, XKB bidez konfiguratuta ==

Ubuntu 9.04etik, ezgaituta dago X berrabiarazten duen Ctrl-Alt-Ezabatu tekla-konbinazioa, konturatu gabe konbinazioa sakatzean arazorik ez dadin egon. Ordea, X tekla-mapako (XKB) aukera bat bezala dago konfiguratuta Ctrl-Alt-Ezabatu, X zerbitzariaren "DontZap" aukera ordezkatzen eta erabiltzailearen eskutan uzteko ezarpen honen konfigurazioa.

Beraz, erraz asko gaitu edo ezgaitu daiteke Ctrl+Alt+Ezabatu konbinazioa mahaigainetik bertatik..

=== Ctrl-Alt-Ezabatu gaitzea Ubuntun ===

 * "Sistema"->"Hobespenak"->"Teklatua" hautatu
 * "Diseinuak" fitxa hautatu eta "Diseinu-aukerak" botoia sakatu ezazu.
 * "X zerbitzaria hiltzeko tekla-sekuentzia" hautatu eta "Control + Alt + Ezabatu" hautatu ezazu.

=== Ctrl-Alt-Ezabatu gaitzea Kubuntun ===

 * Aplikazio-abiarazlean klik egizu eta "Sistemaren Ezarpenak" hautatu ezazu.
 * "Eskualdea eta Hizkuntza" hautatu.
 * "Teklatuaren Diseinua" hautatu.
 * "Teklatu-diseinuak gaitu" sakatu ezazu (Diseinua fitxan).
 * "Aurreratuak" fitxa hautatu ezazu. "X zerbitzaria hiltzeko tekla-sekuentzia" hautatu eta "Control + Alt + Ezabatu" gaitu ezazu.

Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko, ikusi:

== Aldaketak eguneraketa eskuragarrien jakinarazpenean ==

Ubuntu 9.10ek automatikoki abiarazten du {{{eguneraketa-kudeatzailea}}} pakete-eguneraketak kudeatzeko, GNOMEren panelean jakinarazpen-ikur bat erakutsi ordez. Egunero jakinarazten zaizkie erabiltzaileei segurtasun-eguneraketak, baina beste eguneraketak astean behin bakarrik jakinaraziko dira.

Jakinarazpenak lehen bezala jasotzen jarraitu nahi duten erabiltzaileek agindu hau erabili dezakete:
Line 92: Line 108:
(This change was made in Ubuntu 9.04.)

== MySQL upgrade ==

In Ubuntu 9.10 MySQL 5.1 has been promoted as the default MySQL server. MySQL 5.0 is still available from the universe repository though. Performing an upgrade via update-manager will correctly handle the transition from MySQL 5.0 to MySQL 5.1. However using a dist-upgrade will not: mysql-server-5.0 will be upgraded instead of being replaced by mysql-server-5.1. If MySQL 5.0 needs to be kept the '''mysql-server''' and '''mysql-client''' packages should be removed before the upgrade is started.

=== MySQL Cluster setup ===

If MySQL has been setup to use the MySQL Cluster engine (NDB engine) upgrade to MySQL 5.1 will '''not''' work since the mysql-dfsg-5.1 packages don't support MySQL Cluster. Instead '''mysql-server''' and '''mysql-client''' should be removed before upgrade and mysql-server-5.0 should be kept. update-manager will automatically take care of this situation. Note that MySQL 5.0 is in universe and thus won't have have the same maintenance coverage as MySQL 5.1 (which is in main).

= Other known issues =

== Switching to ext4 requires manually updating grub ==

If you choose to upgrade your `/` or `/boot` filesystem in place from ext2 or ext3 to ext4 (as documented on the [[|ext4 wiki]]), then you ''must'' also use the `grub-install` command after upgrading to Ubuntu 9.04 to reinstall your boot loader. If you do not do this, then the version of GRUB installed in your boot sector will not be able to read the kernel from the ext4 filesystem and your system will fail to boot.

== Upstart jobs cannot be run in a chroot ==

Upstart jobs cannot be started in a chroot because upstart acts as a service supervisor, and processes within the chroot are unable to communicate with the upstart running outside of the chroot (Bug:430224). This will cause some packages that have been converted to use upstart jobs instead of init scripts to fail to upgrade within a chroot. Users are advised to configure their chroots with /sbin/initctl pointing to /bin/true, with the following commands run within the chroot:
(Aldaketa hau Ubuntu 9.04en egin zen.)

== MySQL eguneraketa ==

Ubuntu 9.10en MySQL 5.1 ezarri da lehenetsitako MySQL-zerbitzari modura. Hala ere, universe errepositorioan izango duzu eskuragarri MySQL 5.0 oraindik. Eguneraketa-kudeatzailea erabiliz gero eguneratzeko, bera arduratuko MySQL 5.0etik MySQL 5.1erako trantsizioa burutzeaz. Ordea, dist-upgrade erabiliz gero hau ez da hala izango: mysql-server-5.0 mantentuko da, mysql-server-5.1era eguneratu ordez. Beharrezkoa bada MySQL 5.0 mantentzea, '''mysql-server''' eta '''mysql-client''' paketeak kendu beharko dituzu eguneraketa abiarazi aurretik.

=== MySQL Cluster konfigurazioa ===

MySQL Cluster motorea (NDB motorea) erabiltzeko konfiguratu bada MySQL, MySQL 5.1era eguneratzeak '''ez''' du funtzionatuko, mysql-dfsg-5.1 paketeak ez du-eta MySQL Cluster jasaten. Ordea, '''mysql-server''' eta '''mysql-client''' kendu beharko zenituzke eguneraketaren aurretik eta mysql-server-5.0 mantendu beharko zenuke. Automatikoki hartuko du kontutan egoera hau eguneraketa-kudeatzaileak. Kontutan hartu ezazu MySQL 5.0 universe errepositorioan dagoela, eta beraz, ez duela MySQL 5.1ek (nagusia dena) duen mantenimendu bera izango.

== Syslog upgrade ==

The `sysklogd` package has been replaced with `rsyslog`. Configurations in `/etc/syslog.conf` will be automatically converted to `/etc/rsyslog.d/50-default`. If you modified the log rotation settings in `/etc/cron.daily/sysklogd` or `/etc/cron.weekly/sysklogd`, you will need to change the new configurations in `/etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog`. Also note that the prior rotation configurations used `.0` as the first rotated file extension, and now via logrotate it will be `.1`.

= Beste arazo ezagun batzuk =

== ext4-ra aldatuz gero, eskuz eguneratu behar da grub ==

Zure `/` edo `/boot` fitxategi-sistemak ext2 edo ext3-tik ext4era eguneratuko badituzu ([[|ext4 wikian]] deskribatzen den modura), `grub-install` agindua erabili ''beharko'' duzu Ubuntu 9.04era eguneratu ondoren zure abio-kargatzailea berrinstalatzeko. Hau egiten ez baduzu, instalatuta duzun GRUB bertsioak ezingo du ext4 fitxategi.sistemako kernela irakurri eta ezingo duzu sistema abiarazi.

== Ezin dira upstart-lanak exekutatu chroot batean ==

Ezingo dituzu upstart-lanak chroot batean exekutatu, zerbitzu-gainbegiratzaile modura funtzionatzen duelako upstart-ek, eta chroot barruko prozesuek ezin dutelako chroot kanpoan exekutatzen ari den upstart-ekin komunikatu (Bug:430224). Honen ondorioz, upstart-lanak erabiltzeko eraldatuak izan diren pakete batzuek ezingo dira chroot baten barruan eguneratu. Erabiltzaileentzat gomendagarria da bere chroot-ak /sbin/initctl eta /bin/true estekatuz konfiguratzea, chroot-eko agindu hau erabiliz:
Line 117: Line 137:
== Avahi will not start if a .local domain is present ==

The {{{avahi-daemon}}} package, which implements the mDNS "zeroconf" standard, includes a check to avoid running when a conflicting {{{.local}}} DNS domain is present. It is reported that some ISPs advertise such a {{{.local}}} domain on their networks, which will leave Ubuntu 9.10 hosts unable to see names advertised on the local network (Bug:327362).

To force the use of mDNS on a network configured this way, users can run the commands:
== Login screen presented before optional filesystems are mounted ==

With the new {{{upstart}}}-based boot process in Ubuntu 9.10, the X server will be started, and the login screen launched, as soon as the core filesystems are available. This means that optional filesystems, mounted at locations not required for the system to boot, may not be mounted yet at login time, and may even fail to mount in the case of a filesystem check error.

Users who prefer the previous behavior of waiting for all filesystems to be mounted before launching the login screen can add the {{{bootwait}}} option to these filesystems in {{{/etc/fstab}}}. (Bug:439604)

== Avahi ez da abiaraziko .local domeinurik badago ==

{{{avahi-daemon}}} paketeak, mDNS "zeroconf" estandarra inplementatzen duenak, {{{.local}}} DNS domeinu gatazkatsu bat dagoenean abiaraztea ekidingo duen direktiba bat dauka. Jakina da ISP batzuek euren sareetan halako {{{.local}}} domeinu bat iragartzen dutela, Ubuntu 9.10i sare lokaletan iragarritako izenak ikustea ekidinez (Bug:327362).

Horrela konfiguratutako sare batean mDNS erabiltzera behartzeko, erabiltzaileek agindu hauek exekutatu ditzakete:
Line 128: Line 154:
== Kubuntu GUI package manager does not warn about installing from unsigned package repositories ==

The {{{kpackagekit}}} package manager used in Kubuntu 9.10 does not notify users if the packages they are installing come from repositories that are not secured with PGP. Users who have unsigned package repositories in their {{{/etc/apt/sources.list}}} configuration and wish to be informed of any packages installed from these sources should use the {{{apt-get}}} commandline tool as a workaround. (Bug:256245)

== Amarok will not offer to download additional codecs when running Kubuntu from the live CD ==

When started from the live session, Amarok will not offer to download additional media codecs when needed, so, for example, it will be unable to play MP3 files. This will work normally after the system is installed to the hard disk. (Bug:362538)

== Sparc not supported by Ubuntu 9.10 ==

The upstart init system in Ubuntu 9.10 fails to work on the sparc architecture due to an undiagnosed SIGBUS error. Users of Ubuntu on sparc are advised to remain on Ubuntu 9.04 instead of upgrading to 9.10. Assistance in resolving this architecture-specific bug for Ubuntu 10.04 is welcome. (Bug:436758)
== Disabling Ralink rt2860 wifi on EeePC with Fn+F2 hotkey causes a kernel crash ==

Using the Fn+F2 hotkey to disable the wireless antenna on an EeePC that uses a Ralink rt2860 chip (EeePC 900 and 1000 series) results in a kernel panic that will hang the system. A fix for this issue is expected to be provided in a post-release update immediately after the Ubuntu 9.10 release. (Bug:404626)

== bison webcam in MSI Wind netbook causes USB errors if not disabled ==

An error in the {{{uvcvideo}}} driver used for the bison webcam in certain MSI Wind and related netbooks causes USB support to fail, resulting in an inability to use USB devices or suspend/resume the netbook. As a workaround, users can disable the camera before boot using the Fn+F6 hotkey. (Bug:435352)

== Kubunturen pakete-kudeatzaile grafikoak ez du sinadura gabeko errepositorioetatik instalatzean ohartarazten ==

Kubuntu 9.10eko {{{kpackagekit}}} pakete-kudeatzaileak ez ditu erabiltzaileak ohartarazten PGPrekin segurtatuak ez dauden errepositorioetatik zerbait instalatzen ari direnean. Bere {{{/etc/apt/sources.list}}} konifgurazioan sinatu gabeko erepositorioak dituzten eta ohartarazpen horiek jaso nahi dituzten erabiltzaileek {{{apt-get}}} agindu-lerroko tresna erabili beharko lukete. (Bug:256245)

== Amarok-ek ez du codec gehigarririk instalatzea eskaintzen CD batetik exekutatzean Kubuntu ==

CDko saio batean hasiaraztean, Amarok-ek ez du multimedia-codec gehigarririk instalatzea eskaintzen, beraz, adibidez, ezingo dira MP3 fitxategiak erreproduzitu. Honek arazorik gabe funtzionatuko du sistema disko gogorrean instalatu ondoren. (Bug:362538)

== Evince PDF viewer does not work for nonstandard home directories ==

Evince, the GNOME document viewer, now ships with an enforcing AppArmor profile. This greatly increases security by protecting users against flaws in the historically problematic PDF and image libraries. Users who use a non-standard location for their home directory will need to adjust the home tunable in /etc/apparmor.d/tunables/home. See for details.

== No Xv support for Intel 82852/855GM video chips with KMS ==

When using the default kernel-mode-setting (KMS) option in Ubuntu 9.10, users with Intel 82852/855GM cards will find that they are unable to use the Xv extension for playing videos. This may show up as high CPU usage or stuttering during video playback, or a failure to play videos at all with some applications. As a workaround, users can add the option {{{nomodeset}}} to the kernel boot options in the grub config (for GRUB 2: edit `/etc/default/grub` and add `nomodeset` to `GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX`, then run `sudo update-grub`; for GRUB 1: edit `/boot/grub/menu.lst` and add `nomodeset` to the line beginning with `# kopt=`, then run `sudo update-grub`), to disable the use of KMS. (Bug:395932)

== UEC may refuse to serve the first requests received after startup ==

On startup a UEC system may not process requests correctly, for instance returning "403 Forbidden" errors in response to some client requests. This is caused by a database deadlock condition which is automatically cleared after some retries. To workaround this issue you can restart eucalyptus on the cluster controller by running "sudo restart eucalyptus" after boot. (Bug:444352)

== Confirmation emails for new UEC users not sent ==

When a new user is created in the UEC admin interface, an email is sent to the user to confirm the registration. A bug in the smtp configuration of UEC prevents the Cloud Controller from accepting and forwarding the confirmation email to the end user. As a workaround, edit the postfix configuration file {{{/etc/postfix/}}} on the Cloud Controller to comment out the {{{mynetworks}}} option and add a {{{mynetworks_style}}} option set to {{{host}}} instead:

  #mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128
  mynetworks_style = host

Then reload postfix with {{{sudo service postfix reload}}}. (Bug:459101)

== UEC user-data not usable by guest instances ==

When user data is passed to an instance started with {{{euca-run-instances}}} (using either the {{{-d}}}, {{{--user-data}}} option or the {{{-f}}}, {{{--user-data-file}}} option), the data returned at {{{}}} will be base64-encoded. {{{ec2-init}}} is unable make use of this user data because it must be decoded before use. A fix for this issue is expected to be provided in a post-release update immediately after the Ubuntu 9.10 release. (Bug:461156)

== Ubuntu 8.04 LTS crashes as a KVM guest when using virtio networking ==

Ubuntu 8.04 LTS using virtio networking as a KVM guest may crash when running on an Ubuntu 9.10 host. As a workaround, such guests should use either e1000 or rtl839 as the networking model. A fix for the bug is currently in progress and will be included in an update to the qemu-kvm package in Karmic. (Bug:458521)

== Windows 7 domain member fails to authenticate to Ubuntu 9.10 Samba domain controller ==

After upgrading a Samba domain controller to Ubuntu 9.10, Windows 7 domain members will not be able to authenticate to it even if their registry settings were modified as outlined in [[]] prior to joining the Samba domain. A fix for this issue will be provided in a post-release update immediately after the Ubuntu 9.10 release. (Bug:541411)

== Sparc ez dago jasana Ubuntu 9.10en ==

Ubuntu 9.10eko upstart abio-sistemak ez du sparc arkitekturekin funtzionatzen, SIGBUS-errore ezezagun baten ondorioz. Sparc arkitektura duten Ubuntu-erabiltzaileek hobe dute Ubuntu 9.04ekin jarraitzea 9.10era eguneratzea baino. Arkitektura honekin dagoen arazo hau konpontzeko edozein laguntza ongietorria izango da. (Bug:436758)


  1. Sistemaren Beharrizanak
  2. Instalazioa
    1. Gomendatutako paketeak modu lehenetsiz instalatuak
    2. Posible da Hibernazioa ezin erabili ahal izatea partizionatze-automatikoan
    3. Ez dira beste Sistema Eragile batzuk abio-menuan agertzen Ubuntu 9.10 RC instalatu ondoren
    4. OEM "argitaratzeko prestatu" ikurra ez da agertzen 'Kubuntu Netbook Edition'-en
    5. UNR install confirmation dialog may be hidden
    6. Wubi using persistent storage on a USB disk
    7. No installer shortcut in Ubuntu Moblin Remix developer preview
  3. Eguneratzen
    1. Modulu-aukera bidez haririk gabeko domeinu erregulatzailea ezartzea jada ez dago jasana
    2. Eskuz gaitu behar da beta bertsiotiko eguneraketa
    3. X zerbitzaria kraskatu egiten da wacom tablet bat erabiltzean
    4. Ubuntu Netbook Remix missing shutdown applet after upgrade
    5. Kubuntuk beharrezkoa ez den "guidance power" paketea mantendu dezake
    6. Ctrl-Alt-Ezabatu ezgaituta dago Xorg-en, XKB bidez konfiguratuta
      1. Ctrl-Alt-Ezabatu gaitzea Ubuntun
      2. Ctrl-Alt-Ezabatu gaitzea Kubuntun
    7. Aldaketak eguneraketa eskuragarrien jakinarazpenean
    8. MySQL eguneraketa
      1. MySQL Cluster konfigurazioa
    9. Syslog upgrade
  4. Beste arazo ezagun batzuk
    1. ext4-ra aldatuz gero, eskuz eguneratu behar da grub
    2. Ezin dira upstart-lanak exekutatu chroot batean
    3. Login screen presented before optional filesystems are mounted
    4. Avahi ez da abiaraziko .local domeinurik badago
    5. Disabling Ralink rt2860 wifi on EeePC with Fn+F2 hotkey causes a kernel crash
    6. bison webcam in MSI Wind netbook causes USB errors if not disabled
    7. Kubunturen pakete-kudeatzaile grafikoak ez du sinadura gabeko errepositorioetatik instalatzean ohartarazten
    8. Amarok-ek ez du codec gehigarririk instalatzea eskaintzen CD batetik exekutatzean Kubuntu
    9. Evince PDF viewer does not work for nonstandard home directories
    10. No Xv support for Intel 82852/855GM video chips with KMS
    11. UEC may refuse to serve the first requests received after startup
    12. Confirmation emails for new UEC users not sent
    13. UEC user-data not usable by guest instances
    14. Ubuntu 8.04 LTS crashes as a KVM guest when using virtio networking
    15. Windows 7 domain member fails to authenticate to Ubuntu 9.10 Samba domain controller
    16. Sparc ez dago jasana Ubuntu 9.10en

Argitaratze-ohar hauetan, Ubuntu 9.10 eta bere eratorrietan dauden arazoen berri emango dizugu.

Sistemaren Beharrizanak

Ubuntu 9.10 erabiltzeko 256 MBeko memoria behar da gutxienez. Kontutan hartu ezazu zure sistemaren memoriaren zati bat okupatuta egon daitekeela jada, grafiko-txartelak badarabil. Memoria-tamaina minimoa badu zure ordenagailuak, normalean baino luzeago hartuko du instalazio-prozesuak, baina arrakastaz burutuko da eta sistemak egokiro funtzionatuko du instalatu ondoren.

Memoria gutxiago duten sistemek abioko menuan "Ubuntu Instalatu" hautatu beharko dute, mahaigain osoa kargatu ordez, edo instalazio-CD alternatiboa erabili ahalko dute.


Gomendatutako paketeak modu lehenetsiz instalatuak

Debianen Politika-Gidaliburuak dioen bezala ("ezohiko instalazioetan izan ezik, beste guztietan honekin batera aurkitu beharko liratekeen paketeak zerrendatuko dira 'Gomendatuak' eremuan"), 'Gomendatuak' eremuko paketeak eta 'Menpekotasuna' eremuko paketeak instalatzen ditu orain pakete-kudeatzaileak. Pakete zehatz hauek baztertu nahi badituzu, apt-get --no-install-recommends erabili ezazu; aukera hau betirako ezarri nahi baduzu, APT::Install-Recommends "false"; jarri ezazu /etc/apt/apt.conf fitxategian. Kontutan izan ezazu hala eginez gero, agian programa batzuen ezaugarri batzuk faltako zaizkizula.

(Aldaketa hau Ubuntu 8.10en egin zen.)

Posible da Hibernazioa ezin erabili ahal izatea partizionatze-automatikoan

Posible da instalatzailearen partizionatze-modu lehenetsiaren ondorioz, sistemaren memoria fisikoa baino txikiagoa den swap partizio bat esleitzea. Honek hibernazioaren erabilera eragotziko du (suspend-to-disk), sistemaren irudia ez da-eta swap partizioan kabituko. Zure sisteman hibernazioa erabiltzeko intentziorik baduzu, zure swap partizioa zure sistemaren RAM fisikoa baino handiagoa izan behar da. (354126)

Ez dira beste Sistema Eragile batzuk abio-menuan agertzen Ubuntu 9.10 RC instalatu ondoren

Ubuntu 9.10 RC instalatu ondoren, beste sistema eragileak ez dira ongi erakusten abio-menuan. Hau konpontzeko, erabiltzaileek sudo update-grub exekutatu beharko lukete instalatutako Ubuntu sistemaren agindu-lerroan. (456776)

OEM "argitaratzeko prestatu" ikurra ez da agertzen 'Kubuntu Netbook Edition'-en

Kubuntu Netbook Edition-en OEM instalazio-modua erabiltzean, ez da "argitaratzeko prestatu" ikurrik agertzen mahaigainean. Kubuntu Netbook Edition-en OEM instalazioak burutzen ari diren erabiltzaileek oem-config-prepare exekutatu dezakete agindu-lerroan. (386099)

UNR install confirmation dialog may be hidden

In some cases, the confirmation dialog at the end of a successful Ubuntu Netbook Remix installation will be hidden. To reach the popup window prompting for reboot, you may click on it in the list of windows in the top panel or press Alt-Tab until you switch to it. (462178)

Wubi using persistent storage on a USB disk

Users who wish to run Wubi from a USB disk that has persistent storage enabled will need to run it with the --force-wubi option from the Windows command line. (461566)

No installer shortcut in Ubuntu Moblin Remix developer preview

The installer is not available as a shortcut on the welcome screen in the Ubuntu Moblin Remix developer preview. To start the installation from a live session, open "Install Ubuntu" under Applications > Settings. (439656)


Ubuntu 9.04 darabilten erabiltzaileak prozesu automatiko eta erraz baten bidez eguneratu daitezke Ubuntu 9.10era. Ubuntu-bertsio zaharragoa darabilten erabiltzaileak Ubuntu 9.04ra eguneratu beharko dira lehenik, eta ondore 9.10era. Azalpen zehatzak topatu ditzakezu hemen:

Kubuntu darabilten erabiltzaileak zuzenean eguneratu daitezke Kubuntu 8.04tik Kubuntu 9.10era. Honela eguneratzen diren erabiltzaileentzako gomendagarria da Ubuntu 8.10en eta Ubuntu 9.04ren argitaratze-oharrak irakurtzea, bertan zehaztutako arazoen berri ere izan dezaten.

Modulu-aukera bidez haririk gabeko domeinu erregulatzailea ezartzea jada ez dago jasana

Ubuntu 9.10ek CRDA haririk gabeko ingurune erregulatzailea gaitzen du kokaleku jakin batean erabilgarri eta ikusgarri dauden haririk gabeko kanalak kontrolatzeko. Zure kokalekuko kanal batzuetarako sarrera ahalbidetzeko azpiko modulu-aukeraren antzekoa erabili behar bazenuen /etc/modprobe.d/options fitxategian, agian haririk gabeko konexioak ez dizu funtzionatuko:

  • options cfg80211 ieee80211_regdom=EU

Ubuntu 9.10era eguneratzea kernelaren modulu-aukera hau kendu eta iw reg agindua erabili beharko zenuke.

(Aldaketa hau Ubuntu 9.04en egin zen.)

Eskuz gaitu behar da beta bertsiotiko eguneraketa

Ubuntu 9.10en gaitutako apt paketeko akats batek pakete-eguneraketa eskuragarrien jakinarazpen automatikoa ekiditen du. RCaren aurretik Ubuntu 9.10era eguneratu ziren (edo instalatu zuten) erabiltzaileek eguneraketak eskuragarri dituztela egiaztatu beharko lukete eguneraketa-kudeatzailea eskuz exekutatzen, Egiaztatu sakatzen, eta aurkeztutako eguneraketak instalatzen. (449535)

X zerbitzaria kraskatu egiten da wacom tablet bat erabiltzean

Konfigurazio automatikoa jasaten du Ubuntu 9.10eko wacom kontrolatzaileak, baina gatazka sor dezake wacom tablet-entzako /etc/X11/xorg.conf fitxategian eskuz idatzitako sarrerekin, X zerbitzaria kraskatuaraziz abiaraztean edo itzaltzean. Mesedez, xorg.conf fitxategiko sarrerak ezabatu itzazu kraskatze hauek ekiditeko. (358643)

Ubuntu Netbook Remix missing shutdown applet after upgrade

After upgrading Ubuntu Netbook Remix, the shutdown applet may be absent from the top panel. As a workaround, move the current applets to make some available space on the panel, then right-click in the freed space to add the "Indicator Applet Session" applet manually. See 461115 for detailed instructions.

Kubuntuk beharrezkoa ez den "guidance power" paketea mantendu dezake

Kubuntu-eguneraketan posible da jadanik beharrezkoak ez diren "kde-guidance-powermanager" edo "guidance-power-manager" paketeak instalatuta geratzea. Beldurrik gabe kendu daitezke.

Ctrl-Alt-Ezabatu ezgaituta dago Xorg-en, XKB bidez konfiguratuta

Ubuntu 9.04etik, ezgaituta dago X berrabiarazten duen Ctrl-Alt-Ezabatu tekla-konbinazioa, konturatu gabe konbinazioa sakatzean arazorik ez dadin egon. Ordea, X tekla-mapako (XKB) aukera bat bezala dago konfiguratuta Ctrl-Alt-Ezabatu, X zerbitzariaren "DontZap" aukera ordezkatzen eta erabiltzailearen eskutan uzteko ezarpen honen konfigurazioa.

Beraz, erraz asko gaitu edo ezgaitu daiteke Ctrl+Alt+Ezabatu konbinazioa mahaigainetik bertatik..

Ctrl-Alt-Ezabatu gaitzea Ubuntun

  • "Sistema"->"Hobespenak"->"Teklatua" hautatu

  • "Diseinuak" fitxa hautatu eta "Diseinu-aukerak" botoia sakatu ezazu.
  • "X zerbitzaria hiltzeko tekla-sekuentzia" hautatu eta "Control + Alt + Ezabatu" hautatu ezazu.

Ctrl-Alt-Ezabatu gaitzea Kubuntun

  • Aplikazio-abiarazlean klik egizu eta "Sistemaren Ezarpenak" hautatu ezazu.
  • "Eskualdea eta Hizkuntza" hautatu.
  • "Teklatuaren Diseinua" hautatu.
  • "Teklatu-diseinuak gaitu" sakatu ezazu (Diseinua fitxan).
  • "Aurreratuak" fitxa hautatu ezazu. "X zerbitzaria hiltzeko tekla-sekuentzia" hautatu eta "Control + Alt + Ezabatu" gaitu ezazu.

Informazio gehiago eskuratzeko, ikusi:

Aldaketak eguneraketa eskuragarrien jakinarazpenean

Ubuntu 9.10ek automatikoki abiarazten du eguneraketa-kudeatzailea pakete-eguneraketak kudeatzeko, GNOMEren panelean jakinarazpen-ikur bat erakutsi ordez. Egunero jakinarazten zaizkie erabiltzaileei segurtasun-eguneraketak, baina beste eguneraketak astean behin bakarrik jakinaraziko dira.

Jakinarazpenak lehen bezala jasotzen jarraitu nahi duten erabiltzaileek agindu hau erabili dezakete:

gconftool -s --type bool /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch false

(Aldaketa hau Ubuntu 9.04en egin zen.)

MySQL eguneraketa

Ubuntu 9.10en MySQL 5.1 ezarri da lehenetsitako MySQL-zerbitzari modura. Hala ere, universe errepositorioan izango duzu eskuragarri MySQL 5.0 oraindik. Eguneraketa-kudeatzailea erabiliz gero eguneratzeko, bera arduratuko MySQL 5.0etik MySQL 5.1erako trantsizioa burutzeaz. Ordea, dist-upgrade erabiliz gero hau ez da hala izango: mysql-server-5.0 mantentuko da, mysql-server-5.1era eguneratu ordez. Beharrezkoa bada MySQL 5.0 mantentzea, mysql-server eta mysql-client paketeak kendu beharko dituzu eguneraketa abiarazi aurretik.

MySQL Cluster konfigurazioa

MySQL Cluster motorea (NDB motorea) erabiltzeko konfiguratu bada MySQL, MySQL 5.1era eguneratzeak ez du funtzionatuko, mysql-dfsg-5.1 paketeak ez du-eta MySQL Cluster jasaten. Ordea, mysql-server eta mysql-client kendu beharko zenituzke eguneraketaren aurretik eta mysql-server-5.0 mantendu beharko zenuke. Automatikoki hartuko du kontutan egoera hau eguneraketa-kudeatzaileak. Kontutan hartu ezazu MySQL 5.0 universe errepositorioan dagoela, eta beraz, ez duela MySQL 5.1ek (nagusia dena) duen mantenimendu bera izango.

Syslog upgrade

The sysklogd package has been replaced with rsyslog. Configurations in /etc/syslog.conf will be automatically converted to /etc/rsyslog.d/50-default. If you modified the log rotation settings in /etc/cron.daily/sysklogd or /etc/cron.weekly/sysklogd, you will need to change the new configurations in /etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog. Also note that the prior rotation configurations used .0 as the first rotated file extension, and now via logrotate it will be .1.

Beste arazo ezagun batzuk

ext4-ra aldatuz gero, eskuz eguneratu behar da grub

Zure / edo /boot fitxategi-sistemak ext2 edo ext3-tik ext4era eguneratuko badituzu (ext4 wikian deskribatzen den modura), grub-install agindua erabili beharko duzu Ubuntu 9.04era eguneratu ondoren zure abio-kargatzailea berrinstalatzeko. Hau egiten ez baduzu, instalatuta duzun GRUB bertsioak ezingo du ext4 fitxategi.sistemako kernela irakurri eta ezingo duzu sistema abiarazi.

Ezin dira upstart-lanak exekutatu chroot batean

Ezingo dituzu upstart-lanak chroot batean exekutatu, zerbitzu-gainbegiratzaile modura funtzionatzen duelako upstart-ek, eta chroot barruko prozesuek ezin dutelako chroot kanpoan exekutatzen ari den upstart-ekin komunikatu (430224). Honen ondorioz, upstart-lanak erabiltzeko eraldatuak izan diren pakete batzuek ezingo dira chroot baten barruan eguneratu. Erabiltzaileentzat gomendagarria da bere chroot-ak /sbin/initctl eta /bin/true estekatuz konfiguratzea, chroot-eko agindu hau erabiliz:

dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl
ln -s /bin/true /sbin/initctl

Login screen presented before optional filesystems are mounted

With the new upstart-based boot process in Ubuntu 9.10, the X server will be started, and the login screen launched, as soon as the core filesystems are available. This means that optional filesystems, mounted at locations not required for the system to boot, may not be mounted yet at login time, and may even fail to mount in the case of a filesystem check error.

Users who prefer the previous behavior of waiting for all filesystems to be mounted before launching the login screen can add the bootwait option to these filesystems in /etc/fstab. (439604)

Avahi ez da abiaraziko .local domeinurik badago

avahi-daemon paketeak, mDNS "zeroconf" estandarra inplementatzen duenak, .local DNS domeinu gatazkatsu bat dagoenean abiaraztea ekidingo duen direktiba bat dauka. Jakina da ISP batzuek euren sareetan halako .local domeinu bat iragartzen dutela, Ubuntu 9.10i sare lokaletan iragarritako izenak ikustea ekidinez (327362).

Horrela konfiguratutako sare batean mDNS erabiltzera behartzeko, erabiltzaileek agindu hauek exekutatu ditzakete:

sudo sed -i -e'/AVAHI_DAEMON_DETECT_LOCAL/s/1/0/' /etc/default/avahi-daemon
sudo service avahi-daemon start

Using the Fn+F2 hotkey to disable the wireless antenna on an EeePC that uses a Ralink rt2860 chip (EeePC 900 and 1000 series) results in a kernel panic that will hang the system. A fix for this issue is expected to be provided in a post-release update immediately after the Ubuntu 9.10 release. (404626)

bison webcam in MSI Wind netbook causes USB errors if not disabled

An error in the uvcvideo driver used for the bison webcam in certain MSI Wind and related netbooks causes USB support to fail, resulting in an inability to use USB devices or suspend/resume the netbook. As a workaround, users can disable the camera before boot using the Fn+F6 hotkey. (435352)

Kubunturen pakete-kudeatzaile grafikoak ez du sinadura gabeko errepositorioetatik instalatzean ohartarazten

Kubuntu 9.10eko kpackagekit pakete-kudeatzaileak ez ditu erabiltzaileak ohartarazten PGPrekin segurtatuak ez dauden errepositorioetatik zerbait instalatzen ari direnean. Bere /etc/apt/sources.list konifgurazioan sinatu gabeko erepositorioak dituzten eta ohartarazpen horiek jaso nahi dituzten erabiltzaileek apt-get agindu-lerroko tresna erabili beharko lukete. (256245)

Amarok-ek ez du codec gehigarririk instalatzea eskaintzen CD batetik exekutatzean Kubuntu

CDko saio batean hasiaraztean, Amarok-ek ez du multimedia-codec gehigarririk instalatzea eskaintzen, beraz, adibidez, ezingo dira MP3 fitxategiak erreproduzitu. Honek arazorik gabe funtzionatuko du sistema disko gogorrean instalatu ondoren. (362538)

Evince PDF viewer does not work for nonstandard home directories

Evince, the GNOME document viewer, now ships with an enforcing AppArmor profile. This greatly increases security by protecting users against flaws in the historically problematic PDF and image libraries. Users who use a non-standard location for their home directory will need to adjust the home tunable in /etc/apparmor.d/tunables/home. See for details.

No Xv support for Intel 82852/855GM video chips with KMS

When using the default kernel-mode-setting (KMS) option in Ubuntu 9.10, users with Intel 82852/855GM cards will find that they are unable to use the Xv extension for playing videos. This may show up as high CPU usage or stuttering during video playback, or a failure to play videos at all with some applications. As a workaround, users can add the option nomodeset to the kernel boot options in the grub config (for GRUB 2: edit /etc/default/grub and add nomodeset to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX, then run sudo update-grub; for GRUB 1: edit /boot/grub/menu.lst and add nomodeset to the line beginning with # kopt=, then run sudo update-grub), to disable the use of KMS. (395932)

UEC may refuse to serve the first requests received after startup

On startup a UEC system may not process requests correctly, for instance returning "403 Forbidden" errors in response to some client requests. This is caused by a database deadlock condition which is automatically cleared after some retries. To workaround this issue you can restart eucalyptus on the cluster controller by running "sudo restart eucalyptus" after boot. (444352)

Confirmation emails for new UEC users not sent

When a new user is created in the UEC admin interface, an email is sent to the user to confirm the registration. A bug in the smtp configuration of UEC prevents the Cloud Controller from accepting and forwarding the confirmation email to the end user. As a workaround, edit the postfix configuration file /etc/postfix/ on the Cloud Controller to comment out the mynetworks option and add a mynetworks_style option set to host instead:

  #mynetworks = [::ffff:]/104 [::1]/128
  mynetworks_style = host

Then reload postfix with sudo service postfix reload. (459101)

UEC user-data not usable by guest instances

When user data is passed to an instance started with euca-run-instances (using either the -d, --user-data option or the -f, --user-data-file option), the data returned at will be base64-encoded. ec2-init is unable make use of this user data because it must be decoded before use. A fix for this issue is expected to be provided in a post-release update immediately after the Ubuntu 9.10 release. (461156)

Ubuntu 8.04 LTS crashes as a KVM guest when using virtio networking

Ubuntu 8.04 LTS using virtio networking as a KVM guest may crash when running on an Ubuntu 9.10 host. As a workaround, such guests should use either e1000 or rtl839 as the networking model. A fix for the bug is currently in progress and will be included in an update to the qemu-kvm package in Karmic. (458521)

Windows 7 domain member fails to authenticate to Ubuntu 9.10 Samba domain controller

After upgrading a Samba domain controller to Ubuntu 9.10, Windows 7 domain members will not be able to authenticate to it even if their registry settings were modified as outlined in prior to joining the Samba domain. A fix for this issue will be provided in a post-release update immediately after the Ubuntu 9.10 release. (541411)

Sparc ez dago jasana Ubuntu 9.10en

Ubuntu 9.10eko upstart abio-sistemak ez du sparc arkitekturekin funtzionatzen, SIGBUS-errore ezezagun baten ondorioz. Sparc arkitektura duten Ubuntu-erabiltzaileek hobe dute Ubuntu 9.04ekin jarraitzea 9.10era eguneratzea baino. Arkitektura honekin dagoen arazo hau konpontzeko edozein laguntza ongietorria izango da. (436758)

KarmicKoala/ReleaseNotes/eu (last edited 2009-10-29 02:48:05 by 121)