== The Real Ale Train == The [[http://www.watercressonline.co.uk/|Watercress Line]] is a small steam powered railway line in Hampshire. It runs [[http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?hl=en&doflg=ptm&ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=110924223913592625250.00046e455bc83c71d5867&z=12|from Alton Station to Alresford]]. Alton is the end of the line for scheduled services from Waterloo. Every month or so they run an evening special, the Real Ale Train, or RAT. {{http://www.watercressonline.co.uk/shopimages/banners/ratfront.jpg}} Basically the train turns into a very very long bar for the evening. There are several converted bar carriages and plenty of seating (comfy old seating in groups of 4). There is a RAT train on the 7th of November, a week after the launch of Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic Koala. Steam, Beer and Software Freedom seems an irresistible combination so we are making this one a [[KarmicReleaseParties|Karmic Release Party]]. You need to [[http://www.watercressonline.co.uk/section.php?xSec=191|book your ticket]] before arriving (and fairly soon, they sell out several months in advance), tickets can be booked online and cost £10 each. This includes a voucher for your first pint. Beer is not "Free as in Beer", but it is just £2/pint. '''Sorry. The Tickets are now sold out (As of 18/07/09)''' Beards are strictly optional - it may sound like a male dominated event (and to be fair, it is) but it has a very friendly atmosphere and all are welcome. Other alcoholic and soft drinks as well as snacks are on sale at the on-board buffet. Hot food can be purchased on board the train with vegetarian alternatives available. You have to be 18+ to buy beer, but there is no age limit (at either end of the scale) for joining in. The RAT starts at Alton and tootles gently up and down the line a couple of times, returning to Alton in time for the 22:44 train back to Waterloo. (This is a connecting service, if the RAT is late, the mainline train will wait for it) Dress - something Ubuntu related.