|| '''Contents''' <
> <>|| Karmic Koala is coming, scheduled for release in October 2009. For every Ubuntu release we like to organise parties all over the world. At these parties everyone is welcome and we get together to celebrate, meet new friends and often introduce people new to Ubuntu to our community and our Operating System. Release parties are not only a great way to meet people but they are a lot of fun! [[http://houseparty.cx/|{{attachment:map.png}}]] ~+ Click on the map to add your party! +~ If you want to organise a release party: * Read [[BuildingCommunity/RunningReleaseParty|this guide]] to how to run a party. Many of the release parties are organised by [[LoCoTeams|Ubuntu LoCo Teams]]. Check with your [[LoCoTeamList|local team]] to see if you can work together on a party. * Join the ubuntu-event-planners mailing list (do this at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/Ubuntu-event-planners) where you can find other event organisers to get help and advise from. * Announce your party on the loco-contacts mailing list (do this at https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/loco-contacts) to spread the word! If you have a release party scheduled, be sure to: * Add it to this page. Ensure you add the name(s) of the organisers, preferably with email addresses. * Blog about it, advertise it, tell your friends, tell local media, tell podcasts and otherwise promote it. * Join the IRC channel #ubuntu-release-party on irc.freenode.net * If you post photos to Flickr, please tag them with "ubuntu", "release", "party", "2009" "9.10" and "Karmic". Jono Bacon the Ubuntu Community Manager is wanting to put together a collage of release party group photos, so take a group photo of your party people and email jono AT ubuntu DOT com with a link to the photo online and the subject "Karmic Release Party Photo" -- ensure that you specify which LoCo Team party it is at. CD labels templates with svg source , in case you don't have the official cds http://leogg.wordpress.com/2009/04/20/ubuntu-cd-labels [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseParties/es/|(Texto en español)]] == Confirmed Parties == Here is a list of all confirmed parties. Expect this list to grow as we get nearer to the Karmic release. === Africa === || '''Country''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || || Egypt / Alexandria || 29 October 09 || [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Alexandria,+Egypt&sll=32.8953,13.176126&sspn=0.033296,0.066175&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Alexandria,+Egypt&ll=31.201551,29.901352&spn=0.00424,0.008272&z=17|Ramel Station - In front of Saad Zaglool State.]] || [[http://www.linuxac.org/forum/linuxac2/thread31598.html|Linux Arab Community]] [[https://edge.launchpad.net/~egyptlocoteam|Ubuntu-EG]] || [[https://edge.launchpad.net/~engbahaa2002|Bahaa Al-Sayed]] [[https://edge.launchpad.net/~extend|Mohamed Zaian]] || || Libya / Tripoli || 30th Octobor 09 || [[http://maps.google.com/maps?q=zumit+hotel&oe=utf-8&client=firefox-a&ie=UTF8&hl=en&hq=zumit+hotel&hnear=&ll=32.896164,13.176126&spn=0.019242,0.045447&z=15|Zumit Hotel - Old City -Tripoli Libya]] || [[http://ubuntu.ly|Ubuntu-ly ]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~m-ayad/|Mohamed Ayad]] \Hiatham Ali \Monir || || South Africa / Cape Town || 7 November 09 || [[http://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Cape+Town,+South+Africa&ll=-33.956167,18.46106&spn=0.002434,0.0042&t=h&z=18|University of Cape Town]] || [[http://wiki.ubuntu-za.org/Karmic_Release_Party/Cape_Town|Party Page ]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~jonathan/|Jonathan Carter]]|| || South Africa/Stellenbosch || 30th October || http://www.brazenhead.co.za || [[http://ubuntu.sun.ac.za|First meet of Stellenbosch University group]] || Hilton Gibson || === Asia === || '''Country''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || || Iran (Tehran) || Nov. 12 || Ghoddosi Hall, Hoveize St., Shariati Ave. || http://wiki.ubuntu.ir/KarmicKoalaReleaseParty || [[http://ubuntu.ir | Ubuntu Iran]] || || Iran / Isfahan || 10th November 09 || Central Library - Bagh-e Goldasteh St - Darvazeh Dolat Sq || [[http://ubuntu-ir.org|Ubuntu-ir Isfahan Department]] || Roozbeh Shafiee \ IsfahanLUG || || Indonesia || November 09 || [[http://wiki.ubuntu-id.org/ReleaseParty|Indonesia]]|| ||[[http://www.ubuntu-id.org/|Ubuntu-ID LoCo Team]]|| || Thailand || Sat, Oct 31 ||[[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ThaiTeam/KarmicParty]]|| ||ThaiTeam|| || Vietnam (Ha Noi) || Sat, Oct 31 || Viện tin học Pháp ngữ, 42 Tạ Quang Bửu, Hà Nội || [[http://forum.ubuntu-vn.org/viewtopic.php?f=90&t=5422]] || [[http://www.ubuntu-vn.org/|Ubuntu-VN]] || || Vietnam (Sai Gon) || Sun, Nov 22 || Quang Trung Software City, District 12, Ho Chi Minh City || [[http://forum.ubuntu-vn.org/viewtopic.php?f=6&t=5494]] , Gnome Asia Summit 2009 || [[http://www.ubuntu-vn.org/|Ubuntu-VN]] || || Taiwan || 7th November 09 || Tainan, Taiwan, ROC || [[http://ln-s.ubuntu-tw.org/party2009|Part 1 of the Ubuntu Month activities]] || [[http://ubuntu-tw.org|Ubuntu-TW LoCo Team]] || || Taiwan || 14th November 09 || Taichung, Taiwan, ROC || [[http://ln-s.ubuntu-tw.org/party2009|Part 2 of the Ubuntu Month activities]] || [[http://ubuntu-tw.org|Ubuntu-TW LoCo Team]] || || Taiwan || 21th November 09 || Taipei, Taiwan, ROC || [[http://ln-s.ubuntu-tw.org/party2009|Part 3 of the Ubuntu Month activities]] || [[http://ubuntu-tw.org|Ubuntu-TW LoCo Team]] || === Australia === || '''Area''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organiser(s)''' (list people) || || Brisbane || 1st November 09 || The Beach House - Garden City - Upper Mt Gravatt || || AndrewGaydon || || Adelaide || Thu, Oct 29, From 6pm || '''Change of Venue''' (just up the road) Exeter Hotel, down the back in the 'beer' garden. 246 Rundle St, Adelaide SA 5000 || Look for Bill the Penguin. Grab a drink and help celebrate another release. || PaulSchulz || === Europe === || '''Country''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || || Asturies || 21th November 2009 || Uviéu ([[http://acurti.es/Ifa|El Llar Solidariu]]) || 9:00-14:00h & 15:00-21:00h. [[http://blogs.altuxa.com/tapaponga/taller-dinstalacion-nuvieu.html|More information]] || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AsturianTeam|Asturian LoCo Team]] || || Belarus || 31 октября 2009 || "Пицца Темпо" Ул. Я.Коласа, 37 (пересечение улиц Я.Коласа и Сурганова), в здании Молодежного центра «Айсберг» || [[https://edge.launchpad.net/~belarus]] || [[BelarusTeam]] || || Belgium || 1st November 09 || [[http://www.universiteitalgemeenbelang.be/|Universiteit voor het Algemeen Belang]], [[http://is.gd/40gCE|Volkstraat 50, 2000 Antwerpen]] || [[BelgianTeam/ReleaseParty/Karmic/Antwerp]] || [[http://www.indymedia.be/fr/node/35008|Indymedia]] || || Belgium || 21th October 09 || TBA, Ghent || [[BelgianTeam/ReleaseParty/Karmic/Ghent]] || [[BelgianTeam]] || || Belgium || 2nd November 09 || Salons Breugel, Zemstbaan 1, 2800 Mechelen || http://www.hcc-vl.be/cms/index.php?option=com_extcalendar&Itemid=57&extmode=view&extid=144 || [[http://www.hcc-vl.be/|HCC Vlaanderen]] || ||Catalan Countries ||7th November 2009|| [[http://iestorrevicens.xtec.cat/intraweb2/intranet/index.php/|IES Torre Vicens]] - [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=ca&geocode=&q=ies+torre+vicens+lleida&sll=41.84092,0.664673&sspn=1.874305,3.532104&g=lleida&ie=UTF8&ll=41.642644,0.630341&spn=0.058754,0.110378&z=13&iwloc=A | Lleida]] || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CatalanTeam/KarmicKoala|Karmic Release Party]] (in catalan) || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CatalanTeam|CatalanTeam]] || ||Denmark ||14/11 2009 ||M.P. Bruuns Gade 4, 8000 Århus C || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DanishTeam/Arrangementer/KarmicReleaseParty|| DanishTeam || || France (Bordeaux) || 7th November 2009 || [[http://giroll.org/spip.php?page=carte|ECM Saint-Pierre, Bordeaux]] || [[http://www.giroll.org/]] || [[http://www.giroll.org/spip.php?page=equipe|Giroll Team]] || || France (Paris) || 28 & 29-11-2009 || http://www.cite-sciences.fr/ || [[http://www.ubuntu-party.org/]] || [[https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-fr-party]] || || Germany || 30th Oktober 09 || [[http://www.c-base.org|c-base]], Rungestr. 20, U+S Station "Jannowitzbrücke" ([[https://wiki.c-base.org/coredump/AnfahrtsSkizze|where?]]) ||[[http://www.ubuntu-berlin.de/karmic-release-party]] || [[http://www.ubuntu-berlin.de|Ubuntu Berlin]] || || Greece (Thessaloniki)|| 01 November 09 || Thessaloniki "Soumela 16 Kalamaria" [[http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=6950]]||[[http://maps.google.com/maps?daddr=Sports+Cafe+Bundesliga+%4040.583738,22.951759&geocode=&dirflg=&saddr=&f=d&sll=40.585702,22.952456&sspn=0.004481,0.006974&ie=UTF8&z=16|Google map party location]] || [[http://www.ubuntu-gr.org/|Ubuntu-gr]] || || Greece (Athens)|| 01 November 09 || "Morfi" Irakleidon 40 Thisio 18:00 EEST [[http://forum.ubuntu-gr.org/viewtopic.php?f=34&t=7418]]||[[http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&msa=0&msid=105290891643863056333.0004762513a1f6d83ad77|Google map party location]] || [[http://www.ubuntu-gr.org/|Ubuntu-gr]] || || Hungary || October 31, 2009 || Szonáta Tea- és Kávéház (Budapest, XI. ker., Bartók Béla út 32.) || [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=budapest,+XI.+bart%C3%B3k+b%C3%A9la+%C3%BAt+32&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=35.957999,79.013672&ie=UTF8&t=h&hq=&hnear=Budapest,+XI.+District,+Bart%C3%B3k+B%C3%A9la+Way+32,+Hungary&z=16|Google Maps]] || [[http://ubuntu.hu/|Ubuntu-hu]] || || Ireland || 31-10-2009 || Dublin Jimmy Chungs @ 1:30pm and pub afterwards || || [[http://ubuntu-ie.org|Ubuntu-ie]] || || Latvia (Riga) || 29th October 09 || Latvijas Universitāte (University of Latvia), Raiņa bulvāris 19, Riga || [[http://linux.edu.lv/index.php?name=News&file=article&sid=750| Announcement (in Latvian)]] || [[http://ubuntudienasgramata.blogspot.com/| Pēteris Krišjānis]], Leo Truškāns || || Lithuania (Vilnius) || 30th October 09 || "Forto Dvaras", Pilies st. 16, Vilnius || [[http://www.ubuntu.lt/render/News;nid,491| Announcement and registration (in Lithuanian)]] || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Tomas%C5%BDeimys| Tomas Žeimys]] || || Lithuania (Kaunas) || 30th October 09 || "Bernelių užeiga", K. Donelaičio st. 11, Kaunas || [[http://www.ubuntu.lt/render/News;nid,491| Announcement and registration (in Lithuanian)]] || Povilas Balzaravičius || || Lithuania (Panevėžys) || 30th October 09 || TBA || [[http://www.ubuntu.lt/render/News;nid,491| Announcement and registration (in Lithuanian)]] || Nerijus Skaržauskas || || Lithuania (Šiauliai) || 30th October 09 || "Mambopizza" ("Saulės miestas"), Tilžės g. 109, Šiauliai || [[http://www.ubuntu.lt/render/News;nid,491| Announcement and registration (in Lithuanian)]] || Raigedas Radišauskas || || Netherlands (Ede)) || 31th October 09 || Reehorst, Ede || [[http://www.hcc-linux.nl]] || HCC & Ubuntu-nl || || Norway (Bergen) || 29th October 09 || Bergen LUG's Last-Thursday meeting, Auditorium PI, Matematisk institutt, Autogårdenunstarred kl 19 (vær presis!). Universitetet i Bergen || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NorwegianTeam/Arrangementer/KarmicReleaseParty#Fest%20i%20Bergen|Announcement and details (in Norwegian)]] || BLUG + Ubuntu-no || || Norway (Oslo) || 29th October 09 || Ubuntu Norge i samarbeid med FreeCode (pizza+cola) og med fasiliteter takket være Redpill-Linpro kl 17.00. 6. etasje i Vitaminveien 1A på Storo. || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NorwegianTeam/Arrangementer/KarmicReleaseParty#Fest%20i%20Oslo|Announcement and details (in Norwegian)]] || Ubuntu-no, FreeCode, Redpill-Linpro || || Norway (Trondheim) || 29th October 09 || Programvareverkstedet holder lanseringsfest for 9.10 hos PVV (rom 226/229 i Sentralbygg II) ved NTNU kl. 20.00 || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NorwegianTeam/Arrangementer/KarmicReleaseParty#Fest%20i%20Trondheim|Announcement and details (in Norwegian)]] || PVV + Ubuntu-no || || Norway (Tromsø) || 29th October 09 || Tromsø Dataklubb + TOSLUG møtes på 2. etasje på Driv kl 18.00. || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NorwegianTeam/Arrangementer/KarmicReleaseParty#Fest%20i%20Troms%C3%B8|Announcement and details (in Norwegian)]] || Tromsø dataklubb, TOSLUG og Ubuntu-no || || Slovenia || 29th October 09 || Kiberpipa, Kersnikova 6, Ljubljana || [[http://www.kiberpipa.org/sl/event/2009-oct-29/801/od-zacetka-do-koale/|Announcement]] || [[http://www.kiberpipa.org/|Kiberpipa]] || || Sweden || 29 oktober 2009 || 19 cities || [[http://ubuntu-se.org/wiki/Karmic_releasefester| Swedish parties (in Swedish)]] || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwedishTeam| Swedish Team]] || || Switzerland || TBA || most likely Bern || https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwissTeam/ReleasePartyKarmic || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SwissTeam| Swiss Team]] || || UK (Manchester) || 30th October 09 || Pitcher & Piano - Arches 9-10 Deansgate Locks, Manchester || Starts at 6pm || Gord Allott (gord.allott@canonical.com) - Lucy Bridges - Jon Spriggs || || UK (Hampshire) || 7th November 09 || The RAT (Hampshire, 1 hour train from Waterloo)|| [[KarmicRATParty|The Real Ale Train]] || Alan Bell || || UK (Oxfordshire) || 30th October 09 - 7:30pm till late || Ye Olde Reindeer, banbury, North Oxfordshire || http://www.yeoldereindeer.co.uk/ || Philip Taylor || || UK (London) || 29 October 09 || [[http://www.salvadorandamanda.com/ |Salvador and Amanda]] || from 7pm. Located between Leicester Square and Covent Garden - [[http://www.openstreetmap.org/?mlat=51.5120&mlon=-0.12770&zoom=16&layers=B000FTF | Map]] || Jane Silber (Canonical) || || UK (Hull) || 31st October 2009 1pm - (at least) 5pm || [[http://www.mypubheaven.com/oldgreymarehull/ |Old Grey Mare, Cottingham Road, Hull]] ||From 1pm till (at least) 5pm - The OGM is the pub directly opposite Hull University Campus || [[http://www.hulllug.org|Hull LUG]] || || UK (Southend on Sea) || 29th October 2009 8pm til late || [[TAP (Old Water Works), North Road, Southend on Sea Essex SS0 7AB]] || Nothing special some snacks perhaps, just a get together very laid back || [[http://wiki.soslug.org|Southend on Sea Linux User Group]] || || Ukraine || 6th November 2009 15:00-18:00 || Чернігів, Чернігівський Державний Технологічний Університет, 4-й корпус, аудитория 95 || [[http://forum.ulcc.stu.cn.ua/index.php?topic=35.0|CN.UA Linux Install Fest I]] (in Ukrainian) || [[http://ulcc.org.ua/|ChSTU University Linux competence center]] || || Romania (Arad)|| 30 October 2009 || Joy || Discuţii despre ce e nou în Ubuntu şi nu numai || [[http://www.arlug.ro/2009/10/beerfest-arlug-cu-ocazia-lansarii-ubuntu-9-10/|ArLug]] || || Romania (Targu Mures)|| TBA || TBD || || [[http://www.lug-mures.org|LUG Mures]] || || Russia (Saint Petersburg) || 28th October 2009 18 till 22 || [[http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=&q=Russian+Federation,+Saint+Petersburg,+10-ya+liniya,+33&sll=59.943384,30.283213&sspn=0.01251,0.035276&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Russian+Federation,+%D0%92%D0%B0%D1%81%D0%B8%D0%BB%D0%B5%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%B2%D1%81%D0%BA%D0%B8%D0%B9+%D0%90%D0%B4%D0%BC.+%D1%80%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BE%D0%BD,+St+Petersburg,+10-ya+liniya,+33&ll=59.942846,30.272913&spn=0.01251,0.035276&z=15&iwloc=A|Vasiljevskij irland, 10th line, 33/35]] || Ubuntu Install Party || [[RussianTeam/SPB/ReleaseParties/Karmic]] || === North America === ==== USA ==== || '''State''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || || California || Various || Various || See our [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CaliforniaTeam/Projects/KarmicRelease|project page]] for details (a number of events) || [[CaliforniaTeam|Ubuntu California]] || || California (Santa Monica)|| 29 October 2009 (12:00 noon) || 3rd Street Promenade, Santa Monica, CA || Our weekly open [[http://ThursdayLunch.com/ | ThursdayLunch on the Promenade]] will include a cheer for the Karmic launch since many of us use Ubuntu, especially on EC2 || [[LaunchpadHome:esh | Eric Hammond]] || || Colorado || TBD || Denver/Boulder, CO || TBD || [[LaunchpadHome:nerdynick]] || || Florida (Gainesville)|| 1 November 2009 || Gainesville, Fl || Will try to work with [[http://www.gatorlug.org | GatorLUG ]] like we have in the past || [[LaunchpadHome:dantrevino]] , [[LaunchpadHome:crashsystems]]|| || Florida (Lakeland) || 7 November 2009 || Lakeland, Fl || LoCo Birthday & Release Party! || [[LaunchpadHome:mhall119]], [[LaunchpadHome:itnet7]]|| || Florida (Orlando) || 29 October 2009 || [[http://tinyurl.com/yk7w8n9 | Fiddler's Green 544 W Fairbanks Ave, Winter Park, FL 32789]] || This is the 1st of 2 parties in Orlando [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/Projects/ReleaseParties/Karmic#Orlando|more details]] || [[LaunchpadHome:pak33m]], [[LaunchpadHome:chaynie]] || || Florida (Orlando) || tbd for November || Orlando, FL || This is the 2nd of 2 parties in Orlando [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FloridaTeam/Projects/ReleaseParties/Karmic#Orlando|more details]] || [[LaunchpadHome:pak33m]], [[LaunchpadHome:chaynie]] || || Florida (Tallahassee) || TBD || Tallahassee, Fl || Details are coming || [[LaunchpadHome:maxolasersquad]] || || Illinois (Chicago) || 14 November 2009 || Illinois Institute of Technology's Institute of Design 350 North La Salle Street 2nd Floor Chicago, Illinois 60654 || [[ChicagoTeam/KarmicReleaseParty|Additional Information]] || [[LaunchpadHome:nixternal]], [[LaunchpadHome:jwcampbell]], [[LaunchpadHome:nhandler]] || || Indiana (Castleton) || 7 November 2009 || TBD, Castleton/Indy, IN || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IndianaTeam/KarmicReleaseParty|Details forthcoming]] || [[MichaelSchultheiss|Michael Schultheiss]] || || Maryland (Columbia) || 31 October 2009 || [[http://fuddruckers.com/storepage.php?Store=353|Fuddrucker's Columbia, MD]] || [[MarylandTeam/Events/ReleaseParties/Karmic|Maryland Team Party Info]] || [[ChuckFrain|Chuck Frain]] || || Massachusetts (Boston) || 7 November || Globe Bar & Cafe 565 Boylston Street || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MassachusettsTeam/Events/ReleaseParties/9.10-KarmicKoala|Massachusetts Loco Release Party]] || [[jamespgray|James Gray]], [[MartinOwens|Martin Owens]] || || Minnesota (Duluth) ||<-2> See Wisconsin (Superior) || See http://ubuntu-minnesota.org/events || [[LaunchpadHome:anthonyhook]] || || Minnesota (St. Paul) || 31 October 2009 || TIES @ Snelling & Larpenteur || See http://ubuntu-minnesota.org/events || Brian Dolan-Goecke || || New Mexico (Albuquerque) || 07 November 2009 || [[http://giovannispizzaalbuquerque.com/|Giovanni's Pizzeria]] || 6pm - 10pm || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NewMexicoTeam|New Mexico LoCo]] || || New Mexico (Socorro) || 29 October 2009 || NM Tech, Cramer 213 || 7pm - 10pm || NM Tech Computer Science Department || || New York (Waterloo) || 8 November 2009 || -Tentative- Holiday Inn Waterloo, NY || 1-3 talks 3-5 party || AusImage || || North Carolina (Raleigh) || 29 October 09 || Flying Saucer, Raleigh, NC || 6pm-? || Sascha Guethling || || Ohio (Cleveland) || TBD || TBD || TBD || [[LaunchpadHome:paultag]], [[LaunchpadHome:andymathay]] || || Pennsylvania (Philadelphia) || 31 October 2009 || Manayunk Diner || Halloween, from 2-6PM, costumes! [[PennsylvaniaTeam/EventsTeam/PhillyKarmicRelease|More details]] || [[Jedijf|Jim Fisher]], [[lyz|Elizabeth Krumbach]] || || Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh) || 30 October 2009 || [[http://maps.google.com/maps?q=-&sll=40549915,-80020418&latlng=40549915,-80020418,7139722310897825880|The Fox & Hound]] || [[https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-us-pa/2009-October/000900.html|Details]] || Shimizu Kazuma || || Texas (Austin) || 29 Oct 2009 || [[http://www.aussiesbar.com/|Aussie's, 306 Barton Springs Road, Austin TX]] || 6pm-9pm, [[http://blog.dustinkirkland.com/2009/10/austins-karmic-release-party.html|Details are here!]] || [[LaunchpadHome:kirkland]] || || Texas (College Station) || TBD || TBD || TBD || [[LaunchpadHome:maker]] || || Utah (Salt Lake City) || 7 November 2009 || [[http://maps.google.com/maps/place?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&rls=com.ubuntu:en-US:official&hs=RWc&um=1&ie=UTF-8&q=maccools+salt+lake+city&fb=1&gl=us&hq=maccools&hnear=salt+lake+city&cid=12616539586673743987|Mac Cool's Public House, 1400 Foothill Dr, Salt Lake City, UT]] || Social Gathering || [[MikeBasinger|Mike Basinger]] || || Wisconsin (La Crosse) || 7 November 2009 ||219 South 7th Street La Crosse, WI 54601|| Hope to have a local repo server up to date || [[http://lclug.org:CyberCowboy]] || || Wisconsin (Superior) || 6 November 2009 || The Shack, 3301 Belknap St Superior, WI 54880 || Social Gathering || [[LaunchpadHome:anthonyhook]] || || Wisconsin (Ashland) || 29 October 2009 || Northland College: Mead Residence Hall|| Free Ubuntu Cupcakes! || [[LaunchpadHome:stillinbeta]] || || Washington, DC || 1 November 2009 || [[http://steamcafe-dc.com/|Steam Cafe]] || Noon-3pm || [[LaunchpadHome:nikolasco]] || <> ==== Canada ==== || '''City, Province''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || || Vancouver, BC || Friday, Oct 30th, 2009 || TBD - Central Vancouver || Details: http://www.meetup.com/ubuntuvancouver/calendar/10265150/ || Randall || || Kitchener-Waterloo, ON || Thursday, Oct 29 || [[http://kwartzlab.ca|Kwartzlab]] (283 Duke St W, Unit 106, Kitchener) || Details: http://kwartzlab.ca/karmic || [[LaunchpadHome:dscassel]], Ben || || Montreal, QC || Thursday Oct 29 || Bar St-Sulpice, Montreal, QC || See the [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QuebecTeam/KarmicParty/Invitation|Invitation]] || [[LaunchpadHome:magicfab|Fabian Rodriguez]] || || Quebec, QC || Thursday Oct 29 || MO tavern 810 boul. Charest E, Quebec, QC || Details at http://www.ubuntu-qc.org || [[LaunchpadHome:ict4ngo|David Tremblay]] || || Ottawa, ON || Thursday, Oct 29th, 7pm || UMI cafe, http://www.umicafe.org/ || 7pm onwards, later migrate to pub || [[LaunchpadHome:swfiua|John Gill]] || || Ottawa, ON || Saturday, Nov 14th Cancelled || Carleton University (4238 Mackenzie Building), http://ieee.carleton.ca/ || Canceled due to some problem ||[[LaunchpadHome:tanjir|Tanjir]] || || New Westminster, BC || Thursday, Oct 29 || [[http://artefactual.com/contact|Artefactual]] 260 550 6th St || Drop by between 9 and 5 for piece of Cakebuntu || [[http://artefactual.com/|Artefactual]] || ==== Mexico ==== || '''City, Province''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || === Central America === ==== El Salvador ==== || '''City''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || ==== Guatemala ==== || '''City''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || || Guatemala || Saturday, Oct 31th, 2009 || 18 avenida “B” 8-54, Vista Hermosa I, Zona 15 || http://ubuntu-guatemala.org ||Guatemalan Team || ==== Nicaragua ==== || '''City''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || || Managua || Thursday, Nov 12th, 2009 || Universidad Centroamericana (UCA) || http://www.linuxtour.org/Krp ||Nicaraguan Team || || Managua || Friday, Nov 20th, 2009 || Hotel Mansión Teodolinda || http://www.linuxtour.org/Pizza-Bash-XI ||Nicaraguan Team || ==== Honduras ==== || '''City''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || || San Pedro Sula || Saturday 31st, 2009 || Pizzeria Italia 1 Calle 8 & 7a Ave NO Centro, San Pedro Sula, Honduras || http://ubuntu-honduras.org/ || [[HondurasTeam]] || || '''Country''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || ==== Costa Rica ==== || '''City''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || || San José || Thursday, Oct 29th, 2009 || Bar Rayuela || http://www.softwarelibrecr.org/eventos/encuentros/2009/10/29/ubuntu_release_party || RCSL / Ubuntu Costa Rica Loco Team || === South America === ==== Argentina ==== || '''City''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || || Buenos Aires || 2009-10-29 || Dr. Mason - Aráoz 1199 (entre Av. Córdoba y Cabrera) || from 20:30hs until we get kicked out. 42 pesos each person, includes 2 beers and some snacks || Guillermo Lisi || || Cordoba || 2009-10-30 || La Comarca - Fragueiro 1580 - Alta Córdoba || from 20:30hs until we get kicked out. 20 pesos each person includes free pizza, no drinks included || Mariano Mara || ==== Brazil ==== || '''City''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people)|| || Recife || 7th November 09 || [[http://www.faculdadeguararapes.edu.br/site/complexo/fg2008/mapa.html|Faculdade dos Guararapes, Recife, PE]] || http://www.aprendaubuntu.com.br || [[LaunchpadHome:acacs|Augusto]], [[http://www.fuctura.com.br|Fuctura]] || || São Bernardo do Campo - SP || 29-31/out || Rua Marechal Deodoro, 330 – Centro || [[http://www.ubuntu-sp.org/2009/lancamento-do-karmic-koala-alteracao-na-grade-de-palestras/Ubuntu-br-sp team]] || Ubuntu-br-sp team || || Ilha Solteira - SP || 07-08/nov/2009 || Unesp Ilha Solteira - Fac. de Engenharia || [[http://www.ubuntu-sp.org/2009/ubuntu-day-e-install-fest-ilha-solteira-sp/]] || FEIS-UNESP & Ubuntu-br-sp team || ==== Chile ==== || '''City''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || ==== Colombia ==== || '''City''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || || Bogota || October 31 || Bogota ||'''Jornada de esparcimiento'''|| [[alarconj|Julián Alarcón]] [[AndresMujica|Andrés Mujica]] [[ingforigua|Diego Forigua]]|| || Barranquilla || Nov 7 || Barranquilla, carrera 46 # 53-34 piso 2 oficina 3 (AGAPE) || '''Charlas y Conferencias (Lo nuevo en Ubuntu Karmic)''' || [[https://wiki.ubuntu.com/juanmarquez|Juan Marquez Ruiz]]|| || Cúcuta || Oct 30 || Cúcuta || '''Charlas e Integración con Ubuntu-Ve''' || [[HollmanEnciso|Hollman Enciso]]|| ==== Ecuador ==== || '''City''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || || Quito || 30 de Octubre del 2009 || Camara de Comercio de Cuenca || Sera parte del Ubuntec 2009 || GUUL Ubuntu Ecuador - Sede Cuenca - Pedro Franco y Gina Brito || || Cayambe || 31 de Octubre del 2009 || Municipio de Cayambe || Colaboracion en Seminario de Software Libre || GUUL Ubuntu Ecuador - Sede Cayambe - Pedro Franco y Gina Brito || ==== Perú ==== || '''City''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || ==== Venezuela ==== || '''City''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || == Proposals/Discussion == If you're still in the process of organizing something and want a call for discussion, put that there. If you see something here in your area, you probably already have enough people for a meet-up so finalize it! === Africa === || '''Country''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || === Asia === || '''Country''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || || Kuala Lumpur,Malaysia || 29 October 2009 || http://www.outofafrica.com.my || Karmic Koala Release Party || [[LaunchpadHome:ubuntu-my]] || === Australia === || '''Area''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organiser(s)''' (list people) || === Europe === || '''Country''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || === North America === ==== USA ==== || '''State''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || <> ==== Canada ==== || '''Province''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || || Alberta || TBD || TBD || Hopefully we can set up events for Edmonton and Calgary || [[LaunchpadHome:ellipsis18]] || === Central American === ==== Honduras ==== || '''City''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || || Tegucigalpa || TBD || UNAH || TBD || [[HondurasTeam]] & [[http://www.gultgu.org/forum|GULTGU]] || || '''Country''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || === South America === || '''Country''' || '''Date''' || '''Address''' || '''Notes''' || '''Organizer(s)''' (list people) || CategoryLoCoTeams