##(see the SpecSpec for an explanation) * '''Launchpad Entry''': [[https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu-doc/+spec/karmic-serverguide|karmic-serverguide]] * '''Created''': 04-09-2009 * '''Contributors''': Ubuntu Doc Team * '''Packages affected''': ubuntu-serverguide == Summary == Gather and confirm ideas on additions and updates for the Server Guide during the Ubuntu 9.10 release cycle. == Release Note == * New IRC section. * New Jabber section. * New Nagios section. * New Munin section. * New OpenVPN section. == Rationale == A significant amount of problems with any computer system can be solved with good documentation. To that end having relevant and up to date documentation for the Ubuntu Server Edition is a worthwhile venture. == Use Cases == Documentation shipped with Ubuntu Server Edition in the ubuntu-serverguide package. Also, the content is available on the help.ubuntu.com web site. == Assumptions == Server admins are reading the Server Guide. == Design == Currently the Ubuntu Server Guide is drafted in DocBook XML files. There are also corresponding pages in the Community Wiki related to topics in the guide. == Implementation == Confirm or add to the proposed list of ideas gathered on the ServerTeam/IdeaPool page. Then document the confirmed subjects in DocBook format. Also, updating any relevant pages in the community wiki. == Unresolved issues == == BoF agenda and discussion == * Server Monitoring * Nagios '''Done''' * Munin '''Needs Review''' * Chat Server * jabberd2 '''Needs Review''' * IRC server '''Needs Review''' * Clustering * Redhat Cluster Suite * Apache service cluster * Credential caching for LDAP and Kerberos client authentication. * OpenVPN '''Needs Review''' * Server perspective. * Document encrypted swap. * Tool to set up. * Power management * wakeonlan * pmsuspend * pmhibertnate * Dynamic DNS updates via DHCP. * Bug Fixes * Updates to custom developed apps. * ufw * vmbuilder * Section updates. * Mail Section * Better document the dovecot-postfix package. * Replace SMTPAUTH information. '''Needs Review''' * Merge Dovecot section with Postfix. * Improve Eucalyptus and OpenNebula sections. * Add section euca2tools for Eucalyptus and EC2. * Upgrading from an EOL release. * Virtualization. * Instructions for virtio disks. * http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=859982 ---- CategorySpec