
BCC: a powerful front end to extended Berkeley Packet Filters

The BPF Compiler Collection (BCC) is a toolkit for building kernel tracing tools that leverage the functionality provided by the Linux extended Berkeley Packet Filters (BPF).

BCC allows one to write BPF programs with front-ends in Python or Lua with kernel instrumentation written in C. The instrumentation code is built into sandboxed eBPF byte code and is executed in the kernel.

The BCC github project README file provides an excellent overview and description of BCC and the various available BCC tools. Building BCC from scratch can be a bit time consuming, however, the good news is that the BCC tools are now available as a snap and so BCC can be quickly and easily installed just using:

sudo snap install --devmode bcc

There are currently over 50 BCC tools in the snap:

bcc.argdist         bcc.cpuunclaimed    bcc.gethostlatency  bcc.slabratetop     bcc.tcpretrans
bcc.bashreadline    bcc.dcsnoop         bcc.hardirqs        bcc.softirqs        bcc.tcptop
bcc.biolatency      bcc.dcstat          bcc.killsnoop       bcc.sslsniff        bcc.trace
bcc.biosnoop        bcc.execsnoop       bcc.mdflush         bcc.stackcount      bcc.ttysnoop
bcc.biotop          bcc.ext4dist        bcc.memleak         bcc.stacksnoop      bcc.vfscount
bcc.bitesize        bcc.ext4slower      bcc.offcputime      bcc.statsnoop       bcc.vfsstat
bcc.btrfsdist       bcc.filelife        bcc.offwaketime     bcc.syncsnoop       bcc.wakeuptime
bcc.btrfsslower     bcc.fileslower      bcc.oomkill         bcc.tcpaccept       bcc.xfsdist
bcc.cachestat       bcc.filetop         bcc.opensnoop       bcc.tcpconnect      bcc.xfsslower
bcc.cachetop        bcc.funccount       bcc.pidpersec       bcc.tcpconnlat      bcc.zfsdist
bcc.cpudist         bcc.funclatency     bcc.runqlat         bcc.tcplife         bcc.zfsslower

Let's have a quick look at a few:


cachetop allows one to view the top page cache hit/miss statistics. To run this use:

sudo bcc.cachetop

23:11:26 Buffers MB: 123 / Cached MB: 1025 / Sort: HITS / Order: ascending
PID      UID      CMD              HITS     MISSES   DIRTIES  READ_HIT%  WRITE_HIT%
   10865 _apt     gpgv                    2        0        0     100.0%       0.0%
     373 root     jbd2/vda1-8             3        1        1      50.0%      25.0%
   10856 root     python                  4        0        0     100.0%       0.0%
    2190 messageb dbus-daemon             6        0        0     100.0%       0.0%
     421 root     systemd-journal         6        0        0     100.0%       0.0%
    2261 syslog   rs:main Q:Reg           7        0        2      71.4%       0.0%
   10857 root     sudo                   13        0        0     100.0%       0.0%
   10857 king     sudo                   14        0        0     100.0%       0.0%
   10862 _apt     http                   34        0        0     100.0%       0.0%
   10861 root     http                   48        0        0     100.0%       0.0%
   10862 root     http                   48        0        0     100.0%       0.0%
   10863 root     http                   48        0        0     100.0%       0.0%
   10865 root     gpgv                   48        0        0     100.0%       0.0%
   11092 root     store                  48        0        0     100.0%       0.0%
   10975 _apt     apt-key               150        0        0     100.0%       0.0%
   10977 _apt     apt-key               150        0        0     100.0%       0.0%
   10978 _apt     apt-key               150        0        0     100.0%       0.0%
   10987 _apt     apt-key               150        0        0     100.0%       0.0%
   10989 _apt     apt-key               150        0        0     100.0%       0.0%
   10990 _apt     apt-key               150        0        0     100.0%       0.0%
   10997 _apt     apt-key               150        0        0     100.0%       0.0%


The funccount tool allows one to count the number of times specific functions get called. For example, to see how many kernel functions with the name starting with "do_" get called per second one can use:

sudo bcc.funccount "do_*" -i 1
FUNC                                    COUNT
do_task_dead                                1
do_futex                                    1
do_exit                                     1
do_wp_page                                  1
do_writepages                               1
do_truncate                                 1
do_nanosleep                                2
do_flush_tlb_all                            3
do_get_write_access                         3
do_output_char                              3
do_select                                   5
do_sys_poll                                 6
do_sys_ftruncate.constprop.15              10
do_timerfd_settime                         15
do_IRQ                                     32
do_check                                  146
do_timer                                  150
do_mmap                                   201
do_dentry_open                            332
do_filp_open                              522
do_sys_open                               636
do_vfs_ioctl                              803
do_kernel_range_flush                    1004
do_syscall_64                            4236

To see how to use all the options in this tool, use the -h option:

sudo bcc.funccount -h

The funccount tool can be useful to check on kernel activity by checking on hits on specific function names.


The slabratetop tool is useful to see the active kernel SLAB/SLUB memory allocation rates:

sudo bcc.slabratetop
14:22:01 loadavg: 2.10 2.47 1.63 3/183 9955

CACHE                            ALLOCS      BYTES
TCP                                4986    9892224
sock_inode_cache                   4986    3191040
kmalloc-256                        7549    1932544
dentry                             4999     959808
request_sock_TCP                   2493     817704
tw_sock_TCP                        2493     678096
kmalloc-4096                         74     303104
kmalloc-64                         2493     159552
vm_area_struct                      120      24000
anon_vma_chain                      126       8064
shmem_inode_cache                    11       7656
anon_vma                             65       5200
mm_struct                             2       3968
cred_jar                             12       2304
sighand_cache                         1       2112
signal_cache                          1       1088
files_cache                           1        704
proc_inode_cache                      1        648
inode_cache                           1        592
buffer_head                           2        208


If you want to see which process is opening specific files, one can snoop on open system calls use the opensnoop tool:

sudo bcc.opensnoop -T
PID    COMM               FD ERR PATH
2433   irqbalance          3   0 /proc/interrupts
2433   irqbalance          3   0 /proc/stat
2433   irqbalance          3   0 /proc/interrupts
2433   irqbalance          3   0 /proc/stat
2433   irqbalance          3   0 /proc/interrupts
2433   irqbalance          3   0 /proc/stat
2433   irqbalance          3   0 /proc/interrupts
2433   irqbalance          3   0 /proc/stat
1      systemd            15   0 /proc/2223/cgroup
1      systemd            15   0 /proc/562/cgroup
1      systemd            15   0 /proc/2290/cgroup
2433   irqbalance          3   0 /proc/interrupts
2433   irqbalance          3   0 /proc/stat

Hopefully this will give you a taste of some of the useful tools that are available in BCC. The BCC snap is regularly updated to be in-sync with the bcc project, so it is worth regularly checking for new or updated bcc tools.

Kernel/Reference/bcc (last edited 2017-01-06 14:57:07 by colin-king)