||<>|| = Canonical Kernel Team Bug Day = The focus of today's bug day will be bugs that were marked as Incomplete but have since received a response. Each developer has a list of 20 bugs to focus on. The goal for the day is to determine if the bug can be moved out of the Incomplete state or if additional information is still needed. There is also a community section for anyone else wanting to help out. The community section is also composed of bugs that were marked Incomplete bug have since received a response. These too will share the same goal of trying to determine if the bug can be moved out of the Incomplete state or if additional information is still needed. Feel free to drop into the #ubuntu-kernel IRC channel on FreeNode if you have any questions. == Developer and Community Sections: Incomplete Bugs == 1. If the requested information has been provided: 1. Verify the bug has been confirmed against the latest Karmic 9.10 Alpha release: 1. If not, ask them to test Karmic and if possible also test the latest mainline kernel build. (see Stock Reply) * Status remains '''Incomplete''' 1. If so, set status to '''Triaged''', set the bug's Importance. 1. If the requested info has not been provided: 1. If the bug has been in an Incomplete state for more than 6 weeks: 1. Close the bug as '''Won't Fix''' and post a comment to confirm the issue exists against the latest karmic 9.10 Alpha release and to also remember to provide the requested information. (see Stock Reply) 1. If the response is that this bug is no longer an issue, close the bug: * Examples. . . * Set the bug to '''Fix Released''' if this was resolved with an update or newer release * Set the bug to '''Invalid''' if they no longer have the hardware = Tools = Here are references to some useful tools that may help you more efficiently process the list of bugs. == greasemonkey == [[https://edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-gm-scripts|Launchpad Greasemonkey Scripts]] modify the look and feel of Launchpad to help one efficiently and effectively triage bugs. The [[https://edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-gm-scripts|Launchpad Greasemonkey Scripts]] were recently packaged into a Firefox extension and made available from a PPA: https://launchpad.net/~gm-dev-launchpad/+archive/ppa Enable the gm-dev-launchpad PPA (see instructions in link above) and install the firefox-lp-improvements package. For the purpose of Bug Day's, the [[http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Egm-dev-launchpad/launchpad-gm-scripts/master/annotate/head%3A/lp_stockreplies.user.js|stockreplies gm-script]] will be the most useful. The stockreplies script allows you to save custom comments to insert into bug reports and additionally set the status and importance of a bug at the same time. {{{ NOTE: You can point your lp_stockreplies.user.js to http://people.ubuntu.com/~andres.mujica/greasemonkey/kernel-replies.xml where the Kernel standard replies are available. (Also a kernel-tags.xml is available) }}} == launchpadlib == https://help.launchpad.net/API/launchpadlib The launchpadlib library depends on wadllib, another open-source library released by the Launchpad team. Get a copy of the launchpadlib and wadllib source with bzr and install it. {{{ $ bzr branch lp:wadllib $ cd wadllib $ sudo ./setup.py install }}} Then do the same for launchpadlib. {{{ $ bzr branch lp:launchpadlib $ cd launchpadlib $ sudo ./setup.py install }}} After installation you can write custom scripts to manipulate bug reports. This is useful for dealing with a list of bugs which all require the same type of actions/comment. For example, here is a [[http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/lplib/stock-reply.py|stock-reply.py]] script which reads a list of bugs from a "stock.txt" file, posts a standard comment to each bug, transitions the status to Incomplete, and subscribes oneself to the bug report. It's quicker to use a launchpadlib script for this rather than having to do a page load per bug in order to use the greasemonkey stockreplies. {{{ NOTE: In Karmic, python-launchpadlib and python-wadllib are available from main. In Jaunty you can install them with sudo apt-get install python-launchpadlib python-wadllib. Some minor changes are available at bzr but for most use cases it would work this way. If you want to grab the latest version from bzr be aware of Bug 400170 - https://launchpad.net/bugs/400170 }}} == Arsenal Scripts == If you intend to use the Arsenal Scripts (Use them with caution, and take into account that at some point in time some of those would run automatically) follow the Readme file available at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~arsenal-devel/arsenal/master/annotate/head%3A/README You can grab them like this: {{{ $ bzr branch lp:~arsenal-devel/arsenal/master }}} Also for the Template-Python dependency be sure to use: {{{ $ svn co svn://svn.tt2.org/tt/Template-Python/trunk Template-Python }}} = Stock Replies = Here's some common stock replies that may apply to some of the bugs. Feel free to modify or combine stock replies below to best fit each bug: == Test Karmic and Upstream == {{{ Can you also confirm this issue exists with the most recent Karmic Koala 9.10 Alpha release? ISO CD images are available at http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/ . If the issue remains with Karmic it would be great to then also test the latest upstream mainline kernel available. This will allow additional upstream developers to examine this issue. Refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelMainlineBuilds . Thanks in advance. }}} * Set status to Incomplete == Close due to lack of info == {{{ This bug report was marked as Incomplete a while ago and has not had any feedback to provide the requested information. As a result this bug is being closed. Please reopen if this is still an issue in the latest Karmic 9.10 Alpha release http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/karmic/ . Also, please be sure to provide any requested information that may have been missing. To reopen the bug, click on the current status under the Status column and change the status back to "New". Thanks. }}} * Set status to Won't Fix = Bug List = Please refer to the following for the list of bugs to focus on for this bug day: http://qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/kernel-bugday/20090901.html