Kernel security and update policy for post-release trees

This document describes the process and criteria for post-release kernel updates. The kernel is a very complex source package, and it is fundamentally different than other packages in the archive. The described process and criteria are built on the normal StableReleaseUpdates document, and where these documents conflict, this document takes precedence.

What sort of updates are allowed for post-release kernels?

In addition to the generic SRU requirements, we will accept patches which fall into any of the following categories:

  1. It fixes a critical issue (data-loss, OOPs, crashes) or is security related. Security related issues might be covered by security releases which are special in handling and publication.
  2. Simple, obvious and short fixes or hardware enablement patches. If there is a related upstream stable tree open (see below) this class of patches is required to come through the upstream process. Patches sent upstream for that reason must include their BugLink reference.

  3. The patch is included in a corresponding upstream stable or extended stable release. For the lifetime of both LTS and non-LTS releases we will be pulling upstream stable updates from the corresponding series. There will be one tracking bug report for each stable update but additional references to existing bugs will be added to the contained patches (on best can do base).
  4. Fixes to drivers which are not upstream are accepted directly if they fall into the first two categories.

How does the process work?

How will updates be provided in the archive?

KernelTeam/KernelUpdates (last edited 2020-10-22 12:03:42 by anthonywong)