## blueprint_list == Team Blueprints == ## team_blueprint_list_raw 1. [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-bug-handling|hardware-kernel-n-bug-handling]] (jeremyfoshee) 1. [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-config-review|hardware-kernel-n-config-review]] (apw) 1. [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-firmware-test-suite-enhancements|hardware-kernel-n-firmware-test-suite-enhancements]] (colin-king) 1. [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-frankenkernel-maintenance|hardware-kernel-n-stable-frankenkernel-maintenance]] (stefan-bader-canonical) 1. [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review|hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review]] (sconklin) 1. [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-ubuntu-delta-review|hardware-kernel-n-ubuntu-delta-review]] (apw) 1. [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-version-and-flavours|hardware-kernel-n-version-and-flavours]] (apw) 1. [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-desktop-n-audio-apport-symptom|multimedia-desktop-n-audio-apport-symptom]] (diwic) 1. [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/none-kernel-n-misc|none-kernel-n-misc]] (apw) 1. [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/performance-dx-n-gesture-tuning|performance-dx-n-gesture-tuning]] (chasedouglas) ## team_blueprint_list_raw_end == Foreign Blueprints == ## foreign_blueprint_list_raw 1. [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/cloud-server-n-ec2-cluster-compute|cloud-server-n-ec2-cluster-compute]] 1. [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-desktop-n-xorg-general-planning|multimedia-desktop-n-xorg-general-planning]] (raof) 1. [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-platform-n-pro-audio-secured|multimedia-platform-n-pro-audio-secured]] 1. [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-n-security-apparmor|other-n-security-apparmor]] (jdstrand) 1. [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/packageselection-foundations-n-grub2-boot-framebuffer|packageselection-foundations-n-grub2-boot-framebuffer]] (cjwatson) ## foreign_blueprint_list_raw_end ## blueprint_list_end ## activity_tables == Activity Status == ||<20%> '''Blueprint/Activity''' || '''Overview''' ||<10%> '''Assignee''' ||<10%> '''Status''' || || [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-bug-handling|hardware-kernel-n-bug-handling]] (8/4/12) || A prototype of the 'key bugs' list is in development, currently showing release, support, and HWE bugs; work is ongoing to include the remaining tag defined lists. || jeremyfoshee || Complete || || [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-config-review|hardware-kernel-n-config-review]] (10/1/11) || PV on HVM support (XEN_PCI_PLATFORMDEV) testing is mow complete. The only other remaining action here currently is to report on the final config at beta time, this is waiting on the final kernel version. || apw || Complete || || [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-firmware-test-suite-enhancements|hardware-kernel-n-firmware-test-suite-enhancements]] (8/0/11) || Working on auto tagging with LP || colin-king || Todo || || [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-frankenkernel-maintenance|hardware-kernel-n-stable-frankenkernel-maintenance]] (5/0/5) || All actions completed. || stefan-bader-canonical || Complete || || [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review|hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review]] (12/0/12) || Documentation updates are complete. The testing parts of the process are now in place and producing results. We have run the process twice through to release successfully. Testing blueprint is now made and other items are tracked there. || sconklin || Complete || || [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-ubuntu-delta-review|hardware-kernel-n-ubuntu-delta-review]] (34/1/35) || All 19 of the 19 personal patch reviews are now done, and all of the outcomes applied. Some work remains on compcache which is now superceeded by zram in staging, but some userspace work is required to switch to it. || apw || Complete || || [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-version-and-flavours|hardware-kernel-n-version-and-flavours]] (10/0/11) || Master kernels are now at v2.6.37 and remain stable. OMAP3 kernels now switched over to the distro master branch and being used in ARM images. ti-omap4 is a little behind the curve and being investigated. || apw || Todo || || [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-desktop-n-audio-apport-symptom|multimedia-desktop-n-audio-apport-symptom]] (0/0/2) || Making "ubuntu-bug audio" symptom based - the user will be asked in more detail of the problem, and the apport symptom will analyse and submit the right logs. Perhaps also add Intel-HDA specific features? || diwic || In Progress || || [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/none-kernel-n-misc|none-kernel-n-misc]] (0/2/3) || Work is ongoing on some long standing ecryptfs bugs, prototypes of patches to fix the ecryptfs long filename issue are almost complete. || apw || In Progress || || [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/performance-dx-n-gesture-tuning|performance-dx-n-gesture-tuning]] (1/0/3) || By UDS, people will have had a chance to work with our gesture engine. What's going well? What should we do more of? What's broken? What needs fine-tuning? In particular, we want to focus on these two areas: * how well are gestures being recognized and parsed by the engine? * how are users finding the actual physical gestures defined for Maverick? Note that some issues will be hardware/firmware problems, kernel driver problems; how can we mitigate these? how can we get folks clued into tools such as the N-trig calibrator for Linux that Rafi wrote? One example, from Henrik: "...the two-finger pinch. At first, we wanted to use a focus point for propagation, such that a point in between was were the events would go. Then we learned that it might be better to use the common visible branch of windows, which often means coming down to the root window. But I realize that when placing one finger first, in a window, and putting a second down to zoom, it does not matter where that [second] finger is." Tags: hci-n, hci, touch, multi-touch, multitouch, gestures, algorithms. optimization || chasedouglas || In Progress || || [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/cloud-server-n-ec2-cluster-compute|cloud-server-n-ec2-cluster-compute]] (1/0/1) || Amazon announced a new instance type called "cluster compute", which utilises xen hvm. There have been many requests for Ubuntu images that would run on this instance type. || None || Complete || || [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-desktop-n-xorg-general-planning|multimedia-desktop-n-xorg-general-planning]] (0/1/1) || Discussion of general X / mesa / libdrm plans for Natty. General decisions to make: * What release of X to target? * What release of mesa to target? * What release of -intel, -ati, -nouveau to target? * How do we decide when to install nouveau 3D by default? Natty-specifics queries: * What to do about r300c / r300g mesa DRI drivers * Will we need to do anything about r600c / r600g? || raof || Postponed || || [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-platform-n-pro-audio-secured|multimedia-platform-n-pro-audio-secured]] (2/1/3) || What do we need to bridge the gap between the Pro audio's need for reliably low latency, and Ubuntu's secure and just-works standard? E g: FFADO udev rules, jack and rtkit integration, adding memlock features to rtkit, make PA a jack client when jack starts, add a jack engine whenever a FW soundcard is plugged in, etc? Perhaps we can't or shouldn't do all of these for Natty, but having some of them would be nice. || None || Complete || || [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-n-security-apparmor|other-n-security-apparmor]] (2/30/32) || Discussion of AppArmor plans during the Natty cycle. || jdstrand || Complete || || [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/packageselection-foundations-n-grub2-boot-framebuffer|packageselection-foundations-n-grub2-boot-framebuffer]] (3/2/6) || GRUB2 supports programming a VBE mode in the boot loader and telling the kernel about it, causing the kernel to use a framebuffer at boot. With Linux 2.6.34, vesafb/efifb can hand over smoothly to a KMS driver, allowing us to assemble all of this into something very close to a flicker-free boot splash process. || cjwatson || Todo || == Activity Task Status (Team) == ||<20%> '''Blueprint/Activity''' || '''Task''' ||<10%> '''Assignee''' ||<10%> '''Milestone''' ||<10%> '''Status''' || ||<(^ |12 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-bug-handling|hardware-kernel-n-bug-handling]] (8/4/12) || ensure we have documentation/scripting(?) for git bisect'ing an issue || sconklin || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || look at arsenal flow and document || jeremyfoshee || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || look at documentation for kernel testing (installation etc), test and update || jeremyfoshee || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || produce summary report with the priority bugs from each stakeholder || jeremyfoshee || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || schedule a stackexchange session with Jorge to discuss how to better utilize it || pgraner || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || to clean up / merge kernel wiki docs about how to change a grub entry; "Kernel boot params for newbies" || kamal || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || update apport-hooks verbage || brad-figg || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || work with QA team and community to review the kernel team's debugging documentation in the ubuntu wiki || brian-murray || natty-alpha-3 || Complete || || look at kerneloops reports to better detect duplicates || jeremyfoshee || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || look at primary arsenal message for applicability to flavour (not appropriate for arm) || jeremyfoshee || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || to develop process for handling, validation & closure, and document in the wiki || jeremyfoshee || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || to drive existing bugs with patches list to zero and keep it there || jeremyfoshee || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || ||<(^ |11 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-config-review|hardware-kernel-n-config-review]] (10/1/11) || LP: Bug:592039 : Please enable vmware-balloon driver in kernel config (linux) || apw || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || LP: Bug:675453 : serial/8250: Increase number of serial ports detected to 32 (linux) || apw || natty-alpha-3 || Complete || || Add CONFIG_IMA to enforcer || apw || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || Add CONFIG_IPV6 to enforcer || apw || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || Final kernel content and configuration report to ubuntu-devel || leannogasawara || ubuntu-11.04-beta-1 || Complete || || PV on HVM support (XEN_PCI_PLATFORMDEV) turned on for all, requires testing || jjohansen || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || fix up above CONFIG options per notes || apw || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || investigate CONFIG_INTEL_IDLE and verify if we want this inconsistent on virtual || jjohansen || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || investigate building in CONFIG_AGP drivers (intel, amd, nvidia, via) || apw || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || investigate various settings of CONFIG_HZ (eg 100, 250, 500, and 1000 and report back || colin-king || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || Bug Bug:632327: Powertop suggests CONFIG_PM_ADVANCED_DEBUG kernel option || apw || ubuntu-11.04-beta-2 || Postponed || ||<(^ |11 rowbgcolor="#00cc00" bgcolor="#00cc00"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-firmware-test-suite-enhancements|hardware-kernel-n-firmware-test-suite-enhancements]] (8/0/11) || Create a basic BIOS tracking working/broken features against vendor, version || colin-king || ubuntu-11.04 || Todo || || Identify ACPI errors in the kernel log and report them via apport || colin-king || ubuntu-11.04 || Todo || || Identify and push extra diagnostics patches for s/r to mainline + ubuntu kernel 'BIOS testing PPA' as appropriate || colin-king || ubuntu-11.04 || Todo || || Change -p option so that it is obvious that tests are being executed || colin-king || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || Change Logging format || colin-king || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || Change the kernel log test from a table to a text file to allow for better maintenance || colin-king || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || Deeper checking of ACPI tables, data+config settings || colin-king || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || Deeper semantic analysis of ACPI tables, AML code || colin-king || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || Expand Syntax check to add diagnosis/workaround || colin-king || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || Generate LaunchPad tags based on severity and type of error || colin-king || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || Investigate uEFI tests || colin-king || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || ||<(^ |5 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-frankenkernel-maintenance|hardware-kernel-n-stable-frankenkernel-maintenance]] (5/0/5) || Create scripts to send out notifications for patches added and new releases of drm33 || stefan-bader-canonical || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || contact gregkh to see if we can use stable-review (NO) || stefan-bader-canonical || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || document the why for each version deviant driver || stefan-bader-canonical || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || document within the source tree a debian/deviant.versions type information || stefan-bader-canonical || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || stable tool to detect when a directory of patches are touching a deviant piece || stefan-bader-canonical || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || ||<(^ |12 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review|hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review]] (12/0/12) || HW Cert team - provide a description of what testing they provide, and an idea of the number of hours required to run those || vtuson || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || QA team - define a mechanism to assign the proposed upload tracking bug to them and track results || jibel || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || blueprint for cert-team || vtuson || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || boiler plate text for bug closure on failure to verify || sconklin || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || ensure verification bug update indicates that unverified patches are going to be pulled || pitti || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || look at arsenal scripts to nag bug owners to validate their fixes or lose them || brad-figg || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || make sure that the bugs that we are sending for this are on the dashboard || jeremyfoshee || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || process to add the bug to the changelog manually during release process || sconklin || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || provide a document that describes the process, bug tracking, and which tests are being performed, etc || sconklin || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || provide info from HWDB http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/hwdb/system-stats-popular-20101019.html || leannogasawara || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || to investigate which systems are "common" for cert testing || vtuson || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || workout the sru schedule with respect linaro and platform || kate.stewart || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || ||<(^ |35 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-ubuntu-delta-review|hardware-kernel-n-ubuntu-delta-review]] (34/1/35) || Add action items for specific owners to review their patches which should go upstream || apw || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || Add back AppArmor compatability patch (http://kernel.org/pub/linux/security/apparmor/apparmor-2.6.36-patches.tgz) || timg-tpi || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || After everyone's updated the wiki with comments regarding the patches which they own, clean up the git tree to match (eg drop or keep patches) || apw || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || LIRC -- drop || apw || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || Review Arjan's ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || jk-ozlabs || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || Review Mainline ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || apw || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || Review and report back to platform if there are any specific OEM patches or drivers which we need to carry || jk-ozlabs || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || apw || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || brad-figg || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || colin-king || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || diwic || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || eric.y.miao || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || jjohansen || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || kees || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || lag || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || leannogasawara || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || lool || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || manjo || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || mathieu.poirier || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || raof || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || scott || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || stefan-bader-canonical || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || timg-tpi || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches upstreaming and update Spec || amitk || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || Review the dropped.txt patches || apw || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || dm-raid4-5: software raid support -- update to latest version || apw || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || fsam7400 -- update to latest version || apw || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || iscsitarget: internet connected disk connectivity support -- update to latest version || apw || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || ndiswrapper: windows network driver support -- update to latest version || apw || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || omnibook -- update to latest version || apw || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || rtl8192se: realtek network controller -- update to latest version || apw || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || talk to server team if we still need to maintain iscsitarget as ubuntu driver or can we drop it and just use the DKMS package (KEEP) || stefan-bader-canonical || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || update AUFS2 to the latest version || apw || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || various rfkill drivers -- update to latest version || apw || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || compcache: compressed memory swap support -- confirm if this is needed or update to latest version || apw || ubuntu-11.04-beta-1 || Postponed || ||<(^ |11 rowbgcolor="#00cc00" bgcolor="#00cc00"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-version-and-flavours|hardware-kernel-n-version-and-flavours]] (10/0/11) || document how to build a new derivative flavour/branch || apw || ubuntu-11.04 || Todo || || acertain which ARM branches will be supported for Natty and their source, and document https://wiki.canonical.com/KernelTeam/StableSupportMatrix || apw || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || determine Linaro arm kernel suitability for distro use (UBUNTU sauce, config, drivers et al) || cooloney || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || determine if we really need 3 powerpc flavours (powerpc, powerpc-smp, powerpc64-smp) || jk-ozlabs || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || document officially supported flavours on a per release basis and who is responsible for those (eg ti etc) https://wiki.canonical.com/KernelTeam/StableSupportMatrix || sconklin || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || follow up on omap3 discussion and record actual commitment from linaro || apw || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || look at QEMU and determine if the versatile flavour is needed (yes) || apw || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || publicise final kernel version || leannogasawara || ubuntu-11.04-beta-1 || Complete || || pull back in ports meta package into our main kernel infrastructure to simplify maintenance || apw || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || to swap in a Linaro kernel into an existing CD image confirm feature set || canonical-arm || natty-alpha-2 || Complete || || write a skeleton document for outside consumers to reference for migrating from older versions/flavours || apw || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || ||<(^ |2 rowbgcolor="#00ff00" bgcolor="#00ff00"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-desktop-n-audio-apport-symptom|multimedia-desktop-n-audio-apport-symptom]] (0/0/2) || lead development for this blueprint || diwic || ubuntu-11.04-beta-1 || In Progress || || investigate whether it is possible to add a "troubleshooting" tab to gnome-volume-control with a button to trigger the apport symptom || cjcurran || ubuntu-11.04-beta-1 || Todo || ||<(^ |3 rowbgcolor="#00ff00" bgcolor="#00ff00"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/none-kernel-n-misc|none-kernel-n-misc]] (0/2/3) || LP: Bug:610597 : ecryptfs can orphan mounts after host file system is removed (linux) || jjohansen || later || In Progress || || LP: Bug:344878 : file name too long when creating new file (ecryptfs_lookup: lookup_one_len() returned [-36] on lower_dentry) (ecryptfs-utils) || apw || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || LP: Bug:344878 : file name too long when creating new file (ecryptfs_lookup: lookup_one_len() returned [-36] on lower_dentry) (linux) || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || ||<(^ |3 rowbgcolor="#00ff00" bgcolor="#00ff00"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/performance-dx-n-gesture-tuning|performance-dx-n-gesture-tuning]] (1/0/3) || switch from a tap primitive to a touch primitive presents an opportunity to further reduce the number of parameters || rydberg || ubuntu-11.04-beta-1 || In Progress || || Look into glue times per touch-up/down and number of fingers, to overcome typical false positives as a multi-finger gesture ends || rydberg || ubuntu-11.04-beta-1 || Todo || || specific tasks for tuning in Natty || rydberg || ubuntu-11.04-beta-1 || Complete || || Total (88/8/105) 91%|| == Activity Task Status (Foreign) == ||<20%> '''Blueprint/Activity''' || '''Task''' ||<10%> '''Assignee''' ||<10%> '''Milestone''' ||<10%> '''Status''' || ||<(^ |1 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/cloud-server-n-ec2-cluster-compute|cloud-server-n-ec2-cluster-compute]] (1/0/1) || get pv-on-hvm drivers into Ubuntu kernel (bug Bug:676156) || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04-beta-1 || Complete || ||<(^ |1 rowbgcolor="#999999" bgcolor="#999999"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-desktop-n-xorg-general-planning|multimedia-desktop-n-xorg-general-planning]] (0/1/1) || Investigate input-redirection patches (not needed for Natty) || chasedouglas || natty-alpha-2 || Postponed || ||<(^ |3 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-platform-n-pro-audio-secured|multimedia-platform-n-pro-audio-secured]] (2/1/3) || to investigate implementing pulse module that adds pulse sinks and sources whenever jack is started (perhaps via jack announcing its availability?) || diwic || natty-alpha-3 || Complete || || to maintain upstream contacts and investigate the status for moving FFADO into ALSA/kernel || diwic || natty-alpha-3 || Complete || || to investigate (with Ubuntu security team; jackd2 upstream; Lennart, Colin G) whether RtKit could be enhanced to hand out memlock permissions || diwic || natty-alpha-3 || Postponed || ||<(^ |32 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-n-security-apparmor|other-n-security-apparmor]] (2/30/32) || Merge in parser cleanups || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || Reduce dfa creation memory use || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Complete || || Finish dfa dominance for exec rules || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || IPC introspection interface to be used by dbus || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || Kernel side IPC for use with dbus || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || abstraction analysis tool || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || alias snapshot perm to ioctl control for btrfs snapshot mediation || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || base ioctl control for control of btrfs snapshots || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || conditional rule based on fstype for btrfs snapshot mediation || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || dynamic kernel vars (proc, tid, pid) || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || expose extend conditionals to policy || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || expose kill rules to policy || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || extended permissions || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || flag inidicating profile is dynamic || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || kernel learning interface that doesn't spam logs to ease crowdsourcing || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || negative alternation matching {*^foo,bar} || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || parser config file to allow controlling default parser flags || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || parser control for forcing dfa type generated || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || parser v3 policy compat on v2 kernel || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || reintroduce exec time revalidation and evaluate exec overhead || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || start upstream discussion on standard kernel interface for snapshots || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || update compatibility patches for 2.6.38 version of AppArmor || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || update kernel for v3 dfa format || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || update parser for v3 dfa format || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || update parser to allow for a profile to have multiple attachment specifications || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || update parser to allow for profile name separate from attachment specification || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || update/add networking unit tests (upstream) || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || upstream new kernel introspection interface || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || upstream updated level 1 networking (socket labeling and rules) || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || upstream updated level 2 networking (basic packet labeling via secmark + manual iptables) || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || userspace dfa execution engine, that can be used in regression tests || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || || userspace dfa unpack and verification engine || jjohansen || ubuntu-11.04 || Postponed || ||<(^ |6 rowbgcolor="#00cc00" bgcolor="#00cc00"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/packageselection-foundations-n-grub2-boot-framebuffer|packageselection-foundations-n-grub2-boot-framebuffer]] (3/2/6) || general bug triage work item || jeremyfoshee || ubuntu-11.04 || Todo || || confirm patches survived the natty rebases || apw || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || give graphics upstreams a heads-up about impending bug reports || apw || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || tag bugs 605614, 608429, 612626 and other similar bugs and monitor for new || jeremyfoshee || natty-alpha-1 || Complete || || investigate meego framebuffer patches || apw || ubuntu-11.04-beta-2 || Postponed || || start upstream discussions || apw || ubuntu-11.04-beta-2 || Postponed || || Total (8/34/43) 97%|| == Milestone natty-alpha-1 (2010-12-02) == ||<20%> '''Blueprint/Activity''' || '''Task''' ||<10%> '''Assignee''' ||<10%> '''Status''' || ||<(^ |6 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-config-review|hardware-kernel-n-config-review]] (6/0/6) || Add CONFIG_IMA to enforcer || apw || Complete || || Add CONFIG_IPV6 to enforcer || apw || Complete || || fix up above CONFIG options per notes || apw || Complete || || investigate CONFIG_INTEL_IDLE and verify if we want this inconsistent on virtual || jjohansen || Complete || || investigate building in CONFIG_AGP drivers (intel, amd, nvidia, via) || apw || Complete || || investigate various settings of CONFIG_HZ (eg 100, 250, 500, and 1000 and report back || colin-king || Complete || ||<(^ |8 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review|hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review]] (8/0/8) || QA team - define a mechanism to assign the proposed upload tracking bug to them and track results || jibel || Complete || || boiler plate text for bug closure on failure to verify || sconklin || Complete || || ensure verification bug update indicates that unverified patches are going to be pulled || pitti || Complete || || make sure that the bugs that we are sending for this are on the dashboard || jeremyfoshee || Complete || || process to add the bug to the changelog manually during release process || sconklin || Complete || || provide a document that describes the process, bug tracking, and which tests are being performed, etc || sconklin || Complete || || provide info from HWDB http://reports.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/ogasawara/hwdb/system-stats-popular-20101019.html || leannogasawara || Complete || || workout the sru schedule with respect linaro and platform || kate.stewart || Complete || ||<(^ |16 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-ubuntu-delta-review|hardware-kernel-n-ubuntu-delta-review]] (16/0/16) || Add action items for specific owners to review their patches which should go upstream || apw || Complete || || Review Mainline ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || apw || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || apw || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || brad-figg || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || colin-king || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || diwic || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || kees || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || leannogasawara || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || lool || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || mathieu.poirier || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || raof || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || scott || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || stefan-bader-canonical || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || timg-tpi || Complete || || Review the dropped.txt patches || apw || Complete || || update AUFS2 to the latest version || apw || Complete || ||<(^ |3 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-version-and-flavours|hardware-kernel-n-version-and-flavours]] (3/0/3) || determine Linaro arm kernel suitability for distro use (UBUNTU sauce, config, drivers et al) || cooloney || Complete || || pull back in ports meta package into our main kernel infrastructure to simplify maintenance || apw || Complete || || write a skeleton document for outside consumers to reference for migrating from older versions/flavours || apw || Complete || ||<(^ |3 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/packageselection-foundations-n-grub2-boot-framebuffer|packageselection-foundations-n-grub2-boot-framebuffer]] (3/0/3) || confirm patches survived the natty rebases || apw || Complete || || give graphics upstreams a heads-up about impending bug reports || apw || Complete || || tag bugs 605614, 608429, 612626 and other similar bugs and monitor for new || jeremyfoshee || Complete || || Total (36/0/36) 100%|| == Milestone natty-alpha-2 (2011-02-03) == ||<20%> '''Blueprint/Activity''' || '''Task''' ||<10%> '''Assignee''' ||<10%> '''Status''' || ||<(^ |2 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-config-review|hardware-kernel-n-config-review]] (2/0/2) || LP: Bug:592039 : Please enable vmware-balloon driver in kernel config (linux) || apw || Complete || || PV on HVM support (XEN_PCI_PLATFORMDEV) turned on for all, requires testing || jjohansen || Complete || ||<(^ |4 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review|hardware-kernel-n-stable-process-review]] (4/0/4) || HW Cert team - provide a description of what testing they provide, and an idea of the number of hours required to run those || vtuson || Complete || || blueprint for cert-team || vtuson || Complete || || look at arsenal scripts to nag bug owners to validate their fixes or lose them || brad-figg || Complete || || to investigate which systems are "common" for cert testing || vtuson || Complete || ||<(^ |18 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-ubuntu-delta-review|hardware-kernel-n-ubuntu-delta-review]] (18/0/18) || Add back AppArmor compatability patch (http://kernel.org/pub/linux/security/apparmor/apparmor-2.6.36-patches.tgz) || timg-tpi || Complete || || After everyone's updated the wiki with comments regarding the patches which they own, clean up the git tree to match (eg drop or keep patches) || apw || Complete || || LIRC -- drop || apw || Complete || || Review Arjan's ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || jk-ozlabs || Complete || || Review and report back to platform if there are any specific OEM patches or drivers which we need to carry || jk-ozlabs || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || eric.y.miao || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || jjohansen || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || lag || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches for upstreaming and update Spec || manjo || Complete || || Review personal ubuntu patches upstreaming and update Spec || amitk || Complete || || dm-raid4-5: software raid support -- update to latest version || apw || Complete || || fsam7400 -- update to latest version || apw || Complete || || iscsitarget: internet connected disk connectivity support -- update to latest version || apw || Complete || || ndiswrapper: windows network driver support -- update to latest version || apw || Complete || || omnibook -- update to latest version || apw || Complete || || rtl8192se: realtek network controller -- update to latest version || apw || Complete || || talk to server team if we still need to maintain iscsitarget as ubuntu driver or can we drop it and just use the DKMS package (KEEP) || stefan-bader-canonical || Complete || || various rfkill drivers -- update to latest version || apw || Complete || ||<(^ |6 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-version-and-flavours|hardware-kernel-n-version-and-flavours]] (6/0/6) || acertain which ARM branches will be supported for Natty and their source, and document https://wiki.canonical.com/KernelTeam/StableSupportMatrix || apw || Complete || || determine if we really need 3 powerpc flavours (powerpc, powerpc-smp, powerpc64-smp) || jk-ozlabs || Complete || || document officially supported flavours on a per release basis and who is responsible for those (eg ti etc) https://wiki.canonical.com/KernelTeam/StableSupportMatrix || sconklin || Complete || || follow up on omap3 discussion and record actual commitment from linaro || apw || Complete || || look at QEMU and determine if the versatile flavour is needed (yes) || apw || Complete || || to swap in a Linaro kernel into an existing CD image confirm feature set || canonical-arm || Complete || ||<(^ |1 rowbgcolor="#999999" bgcolor="#999999"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-desktop-n-xorg-general-planning|multimedia-desktop-n-xorg-general-planning]] (0/1/1) || Investigate input-redirection patches (not needed for Natty) || chasedouglas || Postponed || || Total (30/1/31) 100%|| == Milestone natty-alpha-3 (2011-03-03) == ||<20%> '''Blueprint/Activity''' || '''Task''' ||<10%> '''Assignee''' ||<10%> '''Status''' || ||<(^ |1 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-bug-handling|hardware-kernel-n-bug-handling]] (1/0/1) || work with QA team and community to review the kernel team's debugging documentation in the ubuntu wiki || brian-murray || Complete || ||<(^ |1 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-config-review|hardware-kernel-n-config-review]] (1/0/1) || LP: Bug:675453 : serial/8250: Increase number of serial ports detected to 32 (linux) || apw || Complete || ||<(^ |3 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-platform-n-pro-audio-secured|multimedia-platform-n-pro-audio-secured]] (2/1/3) || to investigate implementing pulse module that adds pulse sinks and sources whenever jack is started (perhaps via jack announcing its availability?) || diwic || Complete || || to maintain upstream contacts and investigate the status for moving FFADO into ALSA/kernel || diwic || Complete || || to investigate (with Ubuntu security team; jackd2 upstream; Lennart, Colin G) whether RtKit could be enhanced to hand out memlock permissions || diwic || Postponed || || Total (4/1/5) 100%|| == Milestone ubuntu-11.04-beta-1 (2011-03-31) == ||<20%> '''Blueprint/Activity''' || '''Task''' ||<10%> '''Assignee''' ||<10%> '''Status''' || ||<(^ |1 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/cloud-server-n-ec2-cluster-compute|cloud-server-n-ec2-cluster-compute]] (1/0/1) || get pv-on-hvm drivers into Ubuntu kernel (bug Bug:676156) || jjohansen || Complete || ||<(^ |1 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-config-review|hardware-kernel-n-config-review]] (1/0/1) || Final kernel content and configuration report to ubuntu-devel || leannogasawara || Complete || ||<(^ |1 rowbgcolor="#999999" bgcolor="#999999"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-ubuntu-delta-review|hardware-kernel-n-ubuntu-delta-review]] (0/1/1) || compcache: compressed memory swap support -- confirm if this is needed or update to latest version || apw || Postponed || ||<(^ |1 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-version-and-flavours|hardware-kernel-n-version-and-flavours]] (1/0/1) || publicise final kernel version || leannogasawara || Complete || ||<(^ |2 rowbgcolor="#00ff00" bgcolor="#00ff00"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/multimedia-desktop-n-audio-apport-symptom|multimedia-desktop-n-audio-apport-symptom]] (0/0/2) || lead development for this blueprint || diwic || In Progress || || investigate whether it is possible to add a "troubleshooting" tab to gnome-volume-control with a button to trigger the apport symptom || cjcurran || Todo || ||<(^ |3 rowbgcolor="#00ff00" bgcolor="#00ff00"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/performance-dx-n-gesture-tuning|performance-dx-n-gesture-tuning]] (1/0/3) || switch from a tap primitive to a touch primitive presents an opportunity to further reduce the number of parameters || rydberg || In Progress || || Look into glue times per touch-up/down and number of fingers, to overcome typical false positives as a multi-finger gesture ends || rydberg || Todo || || specific tasks for tuning in Natty || rydberg || Complete || || Total (4/1/9) 55%|| == Milestone ubuntu-11.04-beta-2 (2011-04-14) == ||<20%> '''Blueprint/Activity''' || '''Task''' ||<10%> '''Assignee''' ||<10%> '''Status''' || ||<(^ |1 rowbgcolor="#999999" bgcolor="#999999"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-config-review|hardware-kernel-n-config-review]] (0/1/1) || Bug Bug:632327: Powertop suggests CONFIG_PM_ADVANCED_DEBUG kernel option || apw || Postponed || ||<(^ |2 rowbgcolor="#999999" bgcolor="#999999"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/packageselection-foundations-n-grub2-boot-framebuffer|packageselection-foundations-n-grub2-boot-framebuffer]] (0/2/2) || investigate meego framebuffer patches || apw || Postponed || || start upstream discussions || apw || Postponed || || Total (0/3/3) 100%|| == Milestone ubuntu-11.04 (2011-04-28) == ||<20%> '''Blueprint/Activity''' || '''Task''' ||<10%> '''Assignee''' ||<10%> '''Status''' || ||<(^ |11 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-bug-handling|hardware-kernel-n-bug-handling]] (7/4/11) || ensure we have documentation/scripting(?) for git bisect'ing an issue || sconklin || Complete || || look at arsenal flow and document || jeremyfoshee || Complete || || look at documentation for kernel testing (installation etc), test and update || jeremyfoshee || Complete || || produce summary report with the priority bugs from each stakeholder || jeremyfoshee || Complete || || schedule a stackexchange session with Jorge to discuss how to better utilize it || pgraner || Complete || || to clean up / merge kernel wiki docs about how to change a grub entry; "Kernel boot params for newbies" || kamal || Complete || || update apport-hooks verbage || brad-figg || Complete || || look at kerneloops reports to better detect duplicates || jeremyfoshee || Postponed || || look at primary arsenal message for applicability to flavour (not appropriate for arm) || jeremyfoshee || Postponed || || to develop process for handling, validation & closure, and document in the wiki || jeremyfoshee || Postponed || || to drive existing bugs with patches list to zero and keep it there || jeremyfoshee || Postponed || ||<(^ |11 rowbgcolor="#00cc00" bgcolor="#00cc00"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-firmware-test-suite-enhancements|hardware-kernel-n-firmware-test-suite-enhancements]] (8/0/11) || Create a basic BIOS tracking working/broken features against vendor, version || colin-king || Todo || || Identify ACPI errors in the kernel log and report them via apport || colin-king || Todo || || Identify and push extra diagnostics patches for s/r to mainline + ubuntu kernel 'BIOS testing PPA' as appropriate || colin-king || Todo || || Change -p option so that it is obvious that tests are being executed || colin-king || Complete || || Change Logging format || colin-king || Complete || || Change the kernel log test from a table to a text file to allow for better maintenance || colin-king || Complete || || Deeper checking of ACPI tables, data+config settings || colin-king || Complete || || Deeper semantic analysis of ACPI tables, AML code || colin-king || Complete || || Expand Syntax check to add diagnosis/workaround || colin-king || Complete || || Generate LaunchPad tags based on severity and type of error || colin-king || Complete || || Investigate uEFI tests || colin-king || Complete || ||<(^ |5 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-stable-frankenkernel-maintenance|hardware-kernel-n-stable-frankenkernel-maintenance]] (5/0/5) || Create scripts to send out notifications for patches added and new releases of drm33 || stefan-bader-canonical || Complete || || contact gregkh to see if we can use stable-review (NO) || stefan-bader-canonical || Complete || || document the why for each version deviant driver || stefan-bader-canonical || Complete || || document within the source tree a debian/deviant.versions type information || stefan-bader-canonical || Complete || || stable tool to detect when a directory of patches are touching a deviant piece || stefan-bader-canonical || Complete || ||<(^ |1 rowbgcolor="#00cc00" bgcolor="#00cc00"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/hardware-kernel-n-version-and-flavours|hardware-kernel-n-version-and-flavours]] (0/0/1) || document how to build a new derivative flavour/branch || apw || Todo || ||<(^ |2 rowbgcolor="#999999" bgcolor="#999999"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/none-kernel-n-misc|none-kernel-n-misc]] (0/2/2) || LP: Bug:344878 : file name too long when creating new file (ecryptfs_lookup: lookup_one_len() returned [-36] on lower_dentry) (ecryptfs-utils) || apw || Postponed || || LP: Bug:344878 : file name too long when creating new file (ecryptfs_lookup: lookup_one_len() returned [-36] on lower_dentry) (linux) || jjohansen || Postponed || ||<(^ |32 rowbgcolor="lightblue" bgcolor="lightblue"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/other-n-security-apparmor|other-n-security-apparmor]] (2/30/32) || Merge in parser cleanups || jjohansen || Complete || || Reduce dfa creation memory use || jjohansen || Complete || || Finish dfa dominance for exec rules || jjohansen || Postponed || || IPC introspection interface to be used by dbus || jjohansen || Postponed || || Kernel side IPC for use with dbus || jjohansen || Postponed || || abstraction analysis tool || jjohansen || Postponed || || alias snapshot perm to ioctl control for btrfs snapshot mediation || jjohansen || Postponed || || base ioctl control for control of btrfs snapshots || jjohansen || Postponed || || conditional rule based on fstype for btrfs snapshot mediation || jjohansen || Postponed || || dynamic kernel vars (proc, tid, pid) || jjohansen || Postponed || || expose extend conditionals to policy || jjohansen || Postponed || || expose kill rules to policy || jjohansen || Postponed || || extended permissions || jjohansen || Postponed || || flag inidicating profile is dynamic || jjohansen || Postponed || || kernel learning interface that doesn't spam logs to ease crowdsourcing || jjohansen || Postponed || || negative alternation matching {*^foo,bar} || jjohansen || Postponed || || parser config file to allow controlling default parser flags || jjohansen || Postponed || || parser control for forcing dfa type generated || jjohansen || Postponed || || parser v3 policy compat on v2 kernel || jjohansen || Postponed || || reintroduce exec time revalidation and evaluate exec overhead || jjohansen || Postponed || || start upstream discussion on standard kernel interface for snapshots || jjohansen || Postponed || || update compatibility patches for 2.6.38 version of AppArmor || jjohansen || Postponed || || update kernel for v3 dfa format || jjohansen || Postponed || || update parser for v3 dfa format || jjohansen || Postponed || || update parser to allow for a profile to have multiple attachment specifications || jjohansen || Postponed || || update parser to allow for profile name separate from attachment specification || jjohansen || Postponed || || update/add networking unit tests (upstream) || jjohansen || Postponed || || upstream new kernel introspection interface || jjohansen || Postponed || || upstream updated level 1 networking (socket labeling and rules) || jjohansen || Postponed || || upstream updated level 2 networking (basic packet labeling via secmark + manual iptables) || jjohansen || Postponed || || userspace dfa execution engine, that can be used in regression tests || jjohansen || Postponed || || userspace dfa unpack and verification engine || jjohansen || Postponed || ||<(^ |1 rowbgcolor="#00cc00" bgcolor="#00cc00"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/packageselection-foundations-n-grub2-boot-framebuffer|packageselection-foundations-n-grub2-boot-framebuffer]] (0/0/1) || general bug triage work item || jeremyfoshee || Todo || || Total (22/36/63) 92%|| == Milestone later == ||<20%> '''Blueprint/Activity''' || '''Task''' ||<10%> '''Assignee''' ||<10%> '''Status''' || ||<(^ |1 rowbgcolor="#00ff00" bgcolor="#00ff00"> [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/none-kernel-n-misc|none-kernel-n-misc]] (0/0/1) || LP: Bug:610597 : ecryptfs can orphan mounts after host file system is removed (linux) || jjohansen || In Progress || || Total (0/0/1) 0%|| ## activity_tables_end