== EVENT == * Ubuntu Fest in Daejeon : Embedded events for developers * 1st - 2018. 6. 23 ([[loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ko/3772-ubuntu-fest/|Loco Potal]]) * CRON-a-thon : Meeting for offline friendship * 1st - 2018. 1. 13 ([[https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipPTKDOjC6O806PbSjYB9s2AbLUG1eXOuwNa1U5wAl3mIH5hbVQOMX_IyrkfZXz08g?key=ZGg5c2JMYWZMa2lHUmU2aEVfekR4T1R3Qk5kWllR|photo]]) * 2nd - 2018. 2. 10 * 3rd - 2018. 3. 10 * 4th - 2018. 4. 14 * 5th - 2018. 5. 12 * 6th - 2018. 6. 9 * study : Share knowledge, ask questions, and learn about Ubuntu * arm study - 2018. 5. 12 ([[https://wiki.ubuntu-kr.org/index.php/18년_대전_ARM_Study|wiki]]) * seminar : Seminar on similar topics * [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ko/3630-november-monthly-seminar-at-daejeon-city/|Embedded and IoT]] - 2017. 11. 4 ([[https://wiki.ubuntu-kr.org/index.php/정기_나눔_모임_PPT자료#11.EC.9B.94|wiki]]) * [[http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/ubuntu-ko/3730-ubuntu-1804-lts-release-party-daejeon/|Ubuntu 18.04 LTS Release PotLuck Party]] - 2018. 4. 29 ([[https://photos.app.goo.gl/kNiPSv1A8KAgPw1X7|photo]])