## page was renamed from KubuntuTutorialsDay/KarmicIntro {{{ [20:03] first up is Roderick Greening with "The next six months with Kubuntu" [20:03] Hello all :) [20:04] Excellent. [20:04] Wow, what a great turn out [20:04] Welcome to Kubuntu Tutorials Day! - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuTutorialsDay [20:04] I'll begin with a short intoduction.. [20:05] For those that do not already know me, my name is Roderick Greening [20:05] I am here to talk about: "The next six months with Kubuntu - What's coming in Karmic and how you can help" [20:05] Here is a brief summary of what I am about to cover: [20:05] ** Bio ** - a little bit about myself and what I do [20:05] ** About Kubuntu ** - a brief overview of the Kubuntu Cummunity Project [20:05] ** Developer Roles ** - breakdown of the contributer roles in the Kubuntu Community [20:05] ** Past/Present/Future ** - review of Jaunty, Karmic and on-going work and how you can help [20:05] ** Q & A ** - "I'll take 'Letters of the Alphabet' for $500 Alex" [20:05] Please note: I would ask that you hold off questions until the end, unless absolutely necessary. Thank-you. [20:06] The agenda is also pasted here: Agenda: http://paste.ubuntu.com/206474/ [20:06] "Are you sitting comfortably? Then we'll begin.", (c) P.B. 1984 ;) [20:06] ** Bio ** [20:07] - I am turning 38 July 4th (woo-hoo!) and reside in St. John, NL (that's in Canada - big island on atlantic coastline - 47.55/52.67) [20:07] - I work in the telecommunications industry, managing the regional headquarters [20:08] - Started using Linux in 1993 (I like to say I'm "Windows Free Since '93" - it's catchy - pass it on) [20:08] - Prior to work in Kubuntu, I help develop and provide packages fro KDE in Gentoo via a private overlay (specializing in qy-copy patches, and other enhancements) [20:08] - I became an offical Kubuntu Member (developer/packager) in October 2008 and a MOTU in March of 2009 [20:08] - Currently I help Kubuntu though packaging, patching, and helping write some small applications [20:08] - Contact info: check out my wiki page for further details - http://wiki.kubuntu.org/rgreening [20:09] So, are we good thus far? [20:09] :P [20:09] Ok.. onto next topic [20:09] ** About Kubuntu (koo-BOON-too) ** [20:09] - Kubuntu is a Community driven project, and an official project of Ubuntu [20:09] - It uses the same "under the hood" system as Ubuntu, but we switch out the body (GTK/Gnome) and replace it with a new one (KDE) [20:10] - The first version was released in 2005 (5.04 - Hoary) and the latest earlier this year (9.04 - Jaunty) [20:10] - It is one of the top KDE based distro's, and prides itself on keeping as close to a "stock" KDE install as possible [20:10] - We have a small, but very tight-knit community of dedicated contributers who are fun to work with [20:10] - Currently, it is primarily KDE4 based, with some KDE3 apps (K3B for example), but for Karmic we will be totally KDE4 [20:11] * rgreening say to give a round of applause for that last one [20:11] :) [20:12] - Enhancements are added each release, to improve Ubuntu feature parity and improve user experience, but also new problems, bugs, etc to resolve... [20:12] - This is where you come in, we need new contributers, developers, packagers, etc.. [20:12] Next topic... [20:13] ** Developer Roles ** [20:13] - There are many roles available to you, no matter your level of experience! [20:13] - I will break down the jobs/roles, in order of easiest to the hardest (requiring a bit more experience/effort). [20:13] - Our developers mailing list - https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-devel [20:13] - Please subscribe, if you intend to help out, and you may use this to communicate and work with our developers [20:14] - NOTE: this list is NOT for general user support [20:14] remind me at the end... questions later :) [20:14] BluesKaj: ^ [20:14] - Roles: Advocacy, Support, Bug Triage, Documentation, Packaging, and Coding [20:15] I'll now briefly go over each role... [20:15] = Advocacy (Marketing) = [20:15] - Advocacy helps in the development of Kubuntu, by spreading awareness. [20:15] - It is about getting Kubuntu known and used! [20:15] - Putting it in the hands of other people who will use the system. [20:15] - How can you be a Kubuntu advocate? [20:16] first, can I get a show of harnds for those who are advocates? [20:16] * rgreening raises his hand [20:16] * Riddell is [20:16] o/ [20:16] * arvid is [20:16] * ulysses__ raises his hand also [20:16] \o/ [20:16] i started a LUG in my college...so yeah... [20:16] * shadeslayer raises his had [20:16] <-wants to be anyway [20:16] *hand [20:16] Yessir [20:16] :D [20:17] advocates? [20:17] * rgreening thinks that's awesome [20:17] I'm not an advocate [20:17] *linux advocate, convertor of masses* [20:17] o/ [20:17] i switched 5 people to kubuntu :) [20:17] * YenTheFirst should be, but isn't yet [20:17] oh, I am, I sure am [20:17] I am [20:17] sure [20:17] excellent to see so many advocating Kubunto [20:17] i'm began the learning about linux with Kubuntu :D [20:18] Ok, so, getting back to how you can advocate (or for those who do, maybe some additional avenues to explore): [20:18] * Join a Ubuntu LoCo team [or create one for your area (if none exists)] or even join a general LUG (Linux Users Group) [20:18] * Talk about it face-to-face with friends, family, colleagues, people you meet at the computing section at a local bookstore... [20:18] * Give talks at events, school, college, university, etc... [20:18] * Work at the Kubuntu booth at an event [20:19] wow, lot's of ways to help advocate, huh! [20:19] I'm sure there are plenty of others too. Rock on for those already doing this. [20:20] Next... [20:20] = User Support = [20:20] - How does User support help you as a contributer/developer? [20:20] * Builds a sense of pride when you help others [20:21] * Develop a healthy respect for the project, its users, the developers, and yourself [20:21] * Helps build repor within the community (Kubuntu and more generally in Ubuntu) [20:21] * Report to developers on things that could be changed to help improve user experience [20:21] - YOUR help in this area is a tremendous aid to our developers. [20:21] because.... [20:21] * You help free up time for the main developers [20:22] * You get to take what you learn from common issues and learn communicate that effectively [20:22] * You will provide developers with better information on how to make Kubuntu better [20:22] - Where can you provide user support: [20:23] Lets hear from the crowd on this... [20:23] shout out some suggestions [20:23] irc, forums [20:23] excellent [20:23] where else [20:23] mailing lists, wikis [20:23] face-to-face [20:23] launchpad questions [20:24] on Linux/FLOSS events often people come to the booths and ask for help, too [20:24] kde's userbase [20:23] rock on [20:23] :) [20:23] ok... here are some locations and links: [20:24] * IRC - #kubuntu on Freenode - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [20:24] * Forums - http://ubuntuforums.org, http://www.kubuntuforums.net [20:24] * Mailing List - https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/kubuntu-users [20:24] * At your local LUG or LoCo events [20:25] I'm glad to see so much help and participation from everyone here [20:25] Ok, next... [20:25] micmord: good ones as well [20:25] = Bug Triage =\ [20:25] - Bug triage is a very important part of the development process. [20:26] two things you can do here: [20:26] a) Go through existing bug reports and test to see if you can reproduce the issue and then confirm the bug [20:26] - It is a big part on ensuring it gets fixed. [20:26] - When bugs sit in New or Incomplete, their chances of getting looked at in depth are lower than a confirmed bug. [20:26] b) Fixing a bug by patching the software in question. [20:26] - Refer to https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuTutorialsDay/Beasties for a past discussion on this [20:27] we need bug triagers and fixers.... :) [20:28] if you are interested, just speak to one of the devs after tutorial day for some guidance :P [20:28] we also need help with... [20:28] = Documentation = [20:28] - Documentation is a very large and important task. [20:28] - As it stands, there are only a few of us who work on the Kubuntu documentation (nixternal and jjesse to point out two of them) [20:28] - For further information on documentation please see either of the following: [20:28] * Ubuntu Documentation Project wiki - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/DocumentationTeam [20:29] * Ubuntu Documentation Project mailing list - https://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-doc [20:29] * IRC - #ubuntu-doc on Freenode - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat [20:29] * Ask the Kubuntu doc experts (nixternal or jjesse for expample) [20:29] Next role... [20:30] = Packaging = [20:30] What should you know if you are thinking about packaging? [20:30] * Familiarity with the command line [20:30] * Ability to download, extract, configure, build, and install a tarball (file.tar.gz and such) [20:30] * Familiarity with Debian based packaging scripts and utilities (pbuilder, dh_make, dh_install, and more) [20:31] * ls, cd, mv, mkdir, rm, man, info, dget, wget, tar and a few more... [20:31] * dh_make, debdiff, lintian, pbuilder, dh_install, debuild, dput, and more... [20:31] More information on packaging can be located at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU [20:32] Final Role... [20:32] = Coding = [20:32] C++ and Python are our 2 main languages here at Kubuntu and if you have any experience we should have something for you. [20:32] really just *any* experience? [20:33] yea then check out the todo page and see if something interesting is there ( https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo) [20:33] Monika|K: yep. we can help with the missing bits [20:33] Have a pkg in mind... If so, then come to one of our regularly scheduled developer meetings and place your ideas on the agenda for that meeting. [20:33] https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Meetings [20:34] almost all the development looks assigned. [20:34] python 3 or previous version? [20:34] pan_de_: 2.6 or 3 [20:35] david_edmundson: assisgned, but we can always use additional help (like USB creator needs some bug investigation and fixing - hint hint) [20:35] ok. I'll help on that (in fact I started the KDE version of that. ) [20:35] Anyone here interested in helping with bug triaging, packagin, docs, coding? [20:35] me [20:35] rgreening: what about relationships with upstream kde.org? [20:35] rgreening: yes [20:35] o/ ;) [20:36] rgreening: me.... [20:36] awesome [20:36] yes [20:36] I'd like to help to some of that [20:36] me [20:36] me too [20:36] * Kabal458 doesn't know where to start [20:36] * Monika|K wants to code ... something [20:37] Kabal458: me too [20:37] ok, thats great. Anyone who wishes to help, you may contact me or one of the devs if you need some guidance/direction or mentoring. we'd love to help. [20:37] khaije|amalt: we can take that offline... [20:37] ok, so onto the meat... [20:38] ** Past/Present/Future ** [20:38] - So with Jaunty: [20:38] * we further solidified the desktop with KDE4.2 and edged ever closer to being able to completely remove KDE3 from the CD/DVD. [20:38] * We introduced some new default applications (like Quassel for IRC) and made some improvements to existing ones (like KPackageKit, Amarok...) and better media codec detection. [20:38] * Fixed many bugs [20:38] * See the release notes for more info - http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-release [20:38] - What are we doing for Karmic: [20:38] * At UDS we have many ideas and discussions. [20:39] * Here are the specifications for what we covered: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicSpecs [20:39] 1) Packaging - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicPackaging [20:39] Karmic will ship with KDE 4.3 [20:39] Kaffine - Kde4 version (replace Dragon as default) [20:39] K3B - Kde4 version [20:39] Koffice 2 to stay in Universe (OpenOffice to remain as default Office Suite) [20:39] Arora Web Browser on CD/DVD [20:39] Build everything with Qt Phonon (instead of KDE Phonon) [20:39] Yay!!! [20:40] no more Konqueror? [20:40] 2) Development - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicDevelopment [20:40] Monika|K: Konq will be there still [20:40] just not default [20:40] 2) Development - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicDevelopment [20:40] Now fully KDE4 - Drop KDE3 libs and deps [20:40] * rgreening cheers [20:40] OpenOffice - KDE4 integration (file picker/dialogs, oxygen icons) [20:41] KPackageKit - Use built-in notifications again [20:41] what about koffice 2? [20:41] ralf_: Questions in a few min... [20:41] KPackageKit - Use built-in notifications again [20:41] system-config-printer - finish it (finally) [20:41] 3) Ubiquity - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicUbiquity [20:41] Bling - add some Qt CSS to style it (look like Air theme) [20:41] Parity - ensure we follow Ubuntu version [20:42] 4) Kubuntu Community - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicCommunity [20:42] Council - We had two people stand down, and nominations for new members were proposed [20:43] but not until tomorrow, takes 12 hours to start apparantly [20:43] 5) Kubuntu QA - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicQA [20:43] Update install/testing procedues is needed [20:43] Need to package/provide alternative network backends (for the just in case it fails) [20:43] Beta test site/applet for collecting information [20:43] Better conflict checking support for Kubuntu (KDE) packages [20:44] 6) Social from the Start - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicSocialFromtheStart [20:44] OpenDesktop widget on default desktop - show nearby interesting info [20:44] MicroBlogging widget on default desktop - Kubuntu identia feed [20:44] Choqok in main and on DVD [20:44] Kopete facebook plugin on CD/DVD [20:44] I think this is a great specification :P [20:45] 7) Apport - http://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicApport [20:45] Continue to use apport crash handler for KDE applications [20:45] Update apport with KDE look/feel and maintain feature parity w/ ubuntu [20:45] 8) Website - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicWebsite [20:45] ryanakca is doing some fantastic stuff here... [20:46] Completely refactor web site/wiki [20:46] New theme [20:46] Re-organize to make it easier to navigate [20:46] And now something near and dear to us all... [20:46] 9) Netbook - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicNetbook [20:46] Upstream is working on a set of plasma widgets and default settings for Netbooks, MID, etc [20:46] We will integrate those and make a Netbook version of Kubuntu [20:46] Require new default settings, seed, desktop-netbook, and USB Creator [20:47] Yay! we finally will have a Netbook version :P [20:47] 3 cheers for that one :) [20:47] lol [20:47] ok, next.. [20:47] 10) Webbrowser - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicWebbrowser [20:47] Need better Web 2.0 support [20:48] Konqueror has issues with many sites [20:48] Arora uses WebKit and handles things better [20:48] Arora lacks some features [20:48] alot of featers [20:48] Work with upstream to address and make Arora default web browser for better user exp. [20:48] what's the status on Konqueror with WebKit? [20:48] Konq will still be available for users who with to use it instead [20:49] KDE WebKit is horrible... Dhraakellian :) it needz lots of love [20:49] 11) IRC - https://wiki.kubuntu.org/KubuntuKarmicIrc [20:49] Quassel to remain on CD/DVD [20:49] Work with upstream to fix shortcomings (like DCC) and some ui issues [20:49] Konversation is now available, and may be ready to be a default again [20:49] what abou kaffeine? [20:50] jscurtu: yeah, it's in again (yay - and will be default) [20:50] is konversation favored to be default? [20:50] khaije|amalt: TBD [20:50] ive started to like quassel [20:50] 12) USB Creator - see Netbook spec [20:50] This one is my baby [20:50] :) [20:51] I have been working hard to port the existing PyGtk creator to KDE. And mostly done. [20:51] Beta preview available in my PPA [20:51] link... [20:52] https://launchpad.net/~roderick-greening [20:52] only for Karmic [20:52] :P your wait is ovah [20:52] final one... [20:52] 13) SMB Sharing [20:52] File sharing is broken, and needs rework. [20:52] Implement simple file sharing in appropriate places [20:53] Tonio_ is working on this. YAY! [20:53] * As you can see, there is plenty of work to go around [20:53] * How can you help out specifically for Karmic development? [20:53] see - TODO List: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo [20:53] LOTS to do [20:53] ** Q & A ** [20:54] So, fire away... [20:54] 20:35 < micmord> rgreening: what about relationships with upstream kde.org? [20:54] Any improvement in the network manager plasmoid? [20:54] rgreening: do we need to have coding skills in order to triage bugs?? [20:54] rgreening: what about koffice 2? [20:54] Well, I think we handle those pretty well. In fact, I should have meantioned we have some upstream devs here [20:54] There is also Rekonq, wouldn't it be an option too? [20:54] ralf_: rekonq is sweet [20:55] Riddell for one... JontheEchidna for another... [20:55] what would one need coding skills for for triaging bugs, shadeslayer? [20:55] shadeslayer: nope. [20:55] ulysses__: it'll be in Universe [20:55] ulysses__: afaik does upstream not want distros to make it default [20:55] is it now possible to split konqeror 2 into more than 3 or 4 windows, this is very tricky with the new versions [20:55] Monika|K: ok then what does one need to triage bugs? [20:55] * Dhraakellian has a Kubuntu 9.04 LiveCD now [20:55] rafiii: network manager plasmoid is an ongoing job, it's been pretty slow though and there's still lots to shake out unfortunately [20:55] Spittel1: never tested that [20:55] when you mentioned contribution i don't recall any artwork and artists wanted ? Don't we need little personal touch on def KDE? [20:55] ulysses__: koffice 2 devs say they don't want it in main so it'll be in universe until 2.1 [20:56] shadeslayer install the same program, try to reproduce the bug, and under which circumstances it happens or does not happen [20:56] thank you ;) [20:56] Riddell: neversfelde thanks the answer [20:56] in 8.04 i have by default 6 windows, very used to it ;) [20:56] ralf_: rekonq is an option and we have packages but upstream says he's still got major re-writing of it to do and it's not a good time to pick it up as a default browser [20:56] MirzaD_: I think we need some artwork, see Todo list on wiki [20:56] Riddell: thanks... :P [20:56] ah.. [20:56] webkitkde has improved recently, but it still isn't solid enough to replace KHTML for konq [20:56] rgreening Riddell: i know this is more of an 'ubuntu-one' question, but do you know when they intend to fully support u1 in kde? [20:57] MirzaD_: yeah, we can always use help wit hArtwork. [20:57] what happend to QtFirefox [20:57] that would be a question for the ubuntu-one folks really [20:57] dantalizing: they talked about a client, but not a target timeline. IIRC [20:57] * Quintasan wonder is QtFirefox still alive [20:57] dantalizing: no concrete timetable but they are looking for a developer to contract or hire I believe so hopefully that'll get moving [20:57] rgreening: what about Moblin and their Broadband integration of UMTS and eq. - will this find its way to KNetworkmanager ? [20:57] jscurtu: wasn't pursued [20:57] rgreening: Riddell thx [20:57] it is as broken as it was months ago ;-) [20:57] jscurtu: which attempt? it seems to be something that's done every year or two and then allowed to languish [20:58] * dantalizing owes rgreening a pastry [20:58] jscurtu: Qt Firefox hasn't seen much change since the inital port, I hope Nokia will pick it up again [20:58] Tscheesy: not sure on that one. [20:58] is qtcurve still here for gtk apps? [20:58] 20:13 < BluesKaj> rgreening, is the packagekit gonna be dumped or improved ?.it's awfully flaky and unstable [20:58] Riddell: how serious is that hope? [20:58] Quintasan: highly doubt it...highly [20:58] BluesKaj: right. KPackaKit is here to stay.,. but vastly improved [20:58] shtylman: oh hi :) how's going with OO.o? :3 [20:58] BluesKaj: there's plenty more work to be done on packagekit for sure, but the nice thing is we're not maintaining it on our own (unlike deb specific package managers) so there's plenty of people who want to work on it [20:59] Dhraakellian: my hope is serious, I've no idea of nokia's internal plans though [20:59] rafiii: QtCurve should be the default for GTK apps for a long while unless something better appears [20:59] Ok, I think my time is up... [20:59] Quintasan: it goes...no recent work on it cause I have been out of town...but mostly it is in a happy place and really just waiting for initial packaging [20:59] * Quintasan proposed using Shaman but it seems it won't be ready till karmic+1 [20:59] thanks rgreening! [20:59] I'd like to thank everyone for coming }}}